Robotnik Empire AU

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Universe 0021

An alternate universe where Sonic never appeared to stop the evil doctor, resulting in Robotnik taking over the world and establishing himself as the supreme leader.

(No one knows what happened to Sonic. Some saying Robotnik got rid of him before he even started invading.)

The only parts left that aren't under his control are the United Federation and the Forbidden Valley, and even their numbers are weakening every month.

Miles "Tails" Prower and Amy Rose serve the Robotnik Empire, with Miles being Robotnik's assistant and top scientist and Amy serving on the field as a general/commander.

Rouge serves as Robotnik's spy as well as the one responsible for getting him the Chaos Emeralds, in exchange for jewels and not being turned into a robot. (As well as provide other "services" for him.)

Shadow is Robotnik's top fighter and weapon, being sent out on missions for the doctor, his motivation for doing this being revenge for humanity killing Maria and Gerald.

Chaos is also with Shadow for vengeance, but more so for how cruelly the world treated Chao.

Infinite is deployed from time to time to help crush descent or rebellion.

Dr Starline serves Robotnik and often tries to earn his respect, but Miles always manages to do better than him, the platypus being second to the "golden child":

Knuckles remains a mind controlled slave for Robotnik, his will being taken away as quickly as the doctor taking the Master Emerald from Angel Island.

The Chaotix, Big and Deadly Six are among others mind controlled or robotized in this world.

There are some small resistance cells among remaining Mobians against him, but they've all been nearly wiped out that freedom seems like a dream at this point.

Whisper is the last of her squad as usual, with the traitor Mimic being for hire by Robotnik to infiltrate locations in disguise.

Sally and the Knothole Freedom Fighters are all in hiding, being forced to flee not only Mobotropolis and the woods, but all of the Acorn Kingdom as well.

Omega rebelled against his creator, but his body was badly destroyed and is inactive, buried in rubble and forgotten.

There are some sides neutral to the conflict, either unsure to get involved or no one knowing whoever they're working for.

Team Hooligan did help Robotnik with a few missions, though they left for now with no set date to come back and help yet, likely scared Robotnik won't have need of them anymore and turn them into robots.

While the Chaotix are mostly robotized, Espio isn't and is uncertain if him joining in the fight would make a difference, and smaller members like Julie-Su and Saffron are missing.

Surge and Kit rebelled against Dr Starline, as well as Robotnik, and went off to do their own thing, likely not caring to join either side.

Cream and her mother live off the grid far away from where they previously lived, the young rabbit trying to make the most of the world that wasn't affected by Robotnik yet.

Can someone save this world? Maybe you?


Traveler Scenario

You arrive through a portal to find this world's version of the zone you landed in is completely different from your home dimension.

Machine is everywhere as the entire place is almost metallic, almost as if the place was a blend of nature and pollution.

Among the new tall buildings added to the place were large banners with the logo of the empire that rules the land now.

You now know Eggman rules this world!

Before you can think of what to do next, you hear a robotic voice call out at you.

"Halt! Submit to the Robotnik Empire, and you will not be harmed!"

What do you do?


United Federation Faction (Home)

1) You are a soldier that leads a squad of elite troopers. Your commander, Abraham Towers, calls you forward to address the mission you and your squad will be going on. Are you tough enough for it?

2) You're Chris Thorndyke's godparent, now having to protect and raise the boy after his parents died in a Robotnik raid. Can you keep him safe in a world filled with robots?

3) You're a spy for the government, being the best one in service and the only one who can break into high level facilities owned by Robotnik. One day, you received evidence of a secret mole in Robotnik's ranks, and the person is contacting you to meet with them somewhere so they can give intelligence to you. Do you take the risk?


Robotnik Empire Faction (Home)

1) You were either brainwashed, blackmailed or coerced to serve Robotnik as either one of his military leaders, mechanics or scientists, though Robotnik has slowly started to give you high rewards for your impressive work. Do you stay on his side? Or will you eventually get free and rebel against him?

2) You were hired by Robotnik as either a spy or bounty hunter, partnered up with Rouge or Fang, depending on your occupation. Will you impress your boss?

3) You are a robot or a biological creation made by Robotnik as a weapon to serve him and work alongside those like Shadow and Infinite, but he has no idea you are starting to develop a personality and identity of your own. Do you have the will to disobey your creator?


Other Factions and Neutral (Home)

1) You are either a ninja, samurai or martial artist that has been trained by the Fuji Clan to protect the Forbidden Valley and it's people. A scouting party of robots have been sent to find the valley. Are you ready to protect the last peaceful people of the world?

2) You are the child of one of the clan brides of the Dragon Kingdom, though your mother has fallen to the Robotnik Empire. The Fuji Clan have taken you in for now, but will you avenge your mother?

3) You are one of the Knothole Freedom Fighters that fled the kingdom once it was taken over and Knothole was discovered. Just when hope seems find a Mobian trapped in ice. What now?

4) You are Cream's other parent figure who helps Vanilla raise her in this harsh world. One day, you rested for a bit....only to hear Cream screaming and running as she's fleeing from something.

5) You're just a regular guy that fled and hid somewhere when Robotnik took over. You had a good place to hide and thought you were alone....until you find an unconscious blue hedgehog in the water near your house. Will you help him?



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