The Counterparts

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(Taken to the idea of watching Yugioh Arc V :3)

You blinked in surprise at the people who sat at the dining table. Is it just you or are you seeing... Four copies of Neos?

You were planning to visit him after the dimensional war was over. It was... Quite a mess you've been through but thanks to Neos, everything was back to normal. Or at least, that's what you think.

You examined the four closely. There's Neos, the kind, carefree and lovable first articially created son of Saphira, born from Arceus' DNA, The one next to him is rather serious looking, calm, and quiet type that has black fur, gray hair, and red eyes , which Giratina comes in your mind. He has Silver's gold bracelets, which you assume that he was from the Future Soleanna dimension. The one at the opposite side of Neos has the Personality nearly identical to Sonic, with light purple fur, light gray hair and red eyes as well, making you think of Lunala. He wore goggles and has a moon styled Extreme gear next to him, which signified that he is at the Riders dimension. The last one looked... Slightly mysterious and creepy at the same time. He has olive green fur, dark purple hair and red eyes, reminding you Of Rayquaza, shiny or not. You saw the signa of the Krystalis, which were from the Anti dimension. Looking at them clustered together made you think of them as... Quadralupe brothers.

Finally, Neos looked up at you and smiled sheepishly.

"You're shocked, aren't you?"

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