Gone tiny gone

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Shadow the hedgehog: Home? "Home" doesn't exist anymore because of you! *Charges towards sonic and punches him in the face*

Sonic: What do you mean I destroyed home? that's ridiculous!

Shadow the hedgehog: When you smashed the paradox prism, it faded into nothing!!

Tiny: WHAT?! W- wait wait! STOP! STOP!! I SAID STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Shadow and sonic stop fighting and look at tiny*

Tiny: Shadow...home really is gone?

Shadow the hedgehog: I'm afraid it is little one...all because of your idiot brother

*Tiny looked at sonic with tears in her eyes*

Sonic: No- no! tiny don't believe him, home is still out there!

Tiny: You destroyed home...all of our friends...amy, rouge, tails and knuckles...are gone because of you...

Sonic: Tiny please I didn't-

Sonic: You know I never meant to-

Tiny: I can't believe you! I trusted you! my OWN brother! And look what you did! you destroyed our home! it's your fault our home doesn't exist anymore!

Sonic: Well, I'm doing the best I can!

Tiny: Then if you're doing the best you can do, then why aren't we home yet?! HUH?! or better yet we'd already be home if you weren't constantly stepping on my tail!!

Sonic: You're wrong tiny, I have to be there for you!

Tiny: No! No sonic! That's just what you do, okay? You say you love me, you say you'll be there forever and then eggman shows up and you beat him up, barely spending enough time with me! and then one day you destroy the paradox prism, leaving your universe and your friends, then nine packs up all his stuff and moves away to the grim universe and now I DISCOVER FROM SHADOW THAT THE ONLY FAMILY I HAVE LEFT DESTROYS MY HOME!!

Sonic: *tears fill his eyes* Tiny...I- I didn't mean to-


*Tiny runs away*

Sonic: TINY NO! come back...

*Tiny continued running away, farther and farther*

*Suddenly she ran into a white crystal shard sending her to a place where everything is just a white background with a white floor*

Tiny: What the- Where am I?

???: What the heck was that?

??? (2): It sounded like talking

??? (3): Yeah no duh

Tiny: Okay seriously who is that?

*Something peeks behind a bush and sees tiny*

???: Oh my god, it's another us! and he's like half the size of us

??? (2): Oh my god you're right!

???: We could practically jump him!

??? (3): Don't

???: Why?

??? (3): He looks like he can take us down even though he's smaller than us

???:...I'm doing it anyway

*Something zips behind a bush that was behind tiny*

Tiny: *looks at the bush that was behind her nervously*

*Then a different version of sonic known as "Movie Sonic" stepped out from behinds the bush*

Movie Sonic: Hey there!

Tiny: YOU?!?! *grabs a log and tries smacking Movie sonic with it*

Movie Sonic (trying to dodge the log): Whoa! hey! calm down!

*Movie sonic somehow latches onto the log*

Movie Sonic: Wow you gotta take a chill pill man

*Tiny whacks the end of the log movie sonic was on repeatedly against the ground*

Movie Sonic (While getting hit): Stop! doing! that!

*Tiny finally managed to get movie sonic off the log as he laid on the ground*

Movie Sonic (dizzily):...*groans in pain as he stood up dizzily* Okay, which ever universe you came from, they really went all out *facepalms onto the ground*

Tiny (freaked out): Wh- wh- what the actual- *slips and falls backwards* Ah! *lands on her back*

*Then another version of sonic known as "X sonic" looked down at her*

X Sonic: Hey are you alright?

Tiny: AH! *throws X sonic to where Cinematic Sonic was*

X Sonic: Ah! My back!!...Nah I'm playing I'm not hurt

X Sonic: Anyway, Sonic you realize what you did right?

Movie Sonic: Yeah I pounced him, so what?

X Sonic: You could have traumatized him!

Movie Sonic: No I didn't!

*Then another version of sonic known as "Boom sonic" looked at Tiny*

Boom Sonic: Uhh I dunno, she actually looks kind of freaked out

Tiny: Oh my god...tell me this isn't real...*starts backing away from the sonics* Please tell me I had a nervous breakdown at the shatterverse and now I'm in a mental hospital on medication that's giving me hallucination

Movie Sonic: Uhh no this is real life

Tiny: Who the frick even are you guys?

X Sonic: Ah-...right-right, we should've introduced ourselves first, so first off, I'm X sonic, the sonic with the brown scarf is "Boom sonic" and the one with the seperated eyes...is Cinematic Sonic

Tiny: What?

Movie Sonic: What he means is, he and boom sonic are from the TV shows "Sonic X" and "Sonic Boom" While I'm the sonic from a studio known as...oh i dunno "Paramount Pictures"

Tiny:...Wouldn't it make more sense to just call you Movie Sonic?

Movie Sonic:...Yeah It actually does

Boom Sonic: Anyway who are you kid?

Tiny: Tiny

Movie Sonic: No no we- we mean like your sonic name. Like, what do people say when they see you comin'? Ya know, like, "Oh look! Here comes...!"


X Sonic: Really that's your name?

Movie Sonic:...Wait you're a girl?

Tiny: Yes?

Movie Sonic: Anyway, who's your brother?

Tiny: Sonic

Boom Sonic: Your brother is a sonic?

Movie Sonic: Ohh it makes sense, because you look a little like your brother, oh I can totally see the resemblance now!

Tiny: Well, I don't wanna see him...

X Sonic: Why? what did he do?

Tiny: Well...

*One explanation later*

Tiny: And that's what happened...

Movie Sonic:...HE destroyed your universe?

X sonic: Yeesh, and all from shattering something called the Paradox Prism?


Boom Sonic: Dude- we heard you the first time

Movie Sonic: Oh okay

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