Plotting Revenge

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Mephiles pov

After that foolish commander left the room with me unchecked I figured it would make sense to begin my escape, with the facility pretty much empty this will be the easiest thing in the world.

I see why the commander didn't seem worried about leaving me in here however, the material that this tube is made out of honestly seems harder than anything in the present time so for most things it would be impossible to escape this cylinder prison, I of course am not most things however, I could simply just break the tube open however I don't want to trigger any possible alarms that would most certainly be a very bad predicament.

Instead I simply just began to faze through the tube as my body leaked out to the other side dropping to the floor below making small splashes. When I fully make it out of the tube I revert back to my physical form and look around the room, for a place that was built for secret projects it most certainly seems quite baron so I decided to walk deeper inside, I'd imagine that there will be something useful around here.

I begin walking along tilting my head from side to side, there's clearly loads of experiments here, seems to me like humans are once again just trying to play God like they have for years and years, believing that the world belongs to them and them alone, they must have gigantic egos, a race at their level being dominant? Ha! How pathetic.

As I searched around I found something very... Interesting, it was a door with a sign which stated artificial chaos emeralds it seems that the humans are trying to create their own version of chaos energy how interesting. I walked to the door and opened it, inside were 5 artificial chaos emeralds, I couldn't help but be a bit impressed "I presume the weapons those agents from earlier were using were created by using this artificial chaos energy" I thought to myself.

The emeralds were covered by a see through metal case, it seems to me that they tried to make it seem unprotected so if someone tried to steal it the alarms would go off, a good attempt but it was painfully obvious. I raised my hand out above the case and I began to absorb the energy, they were not perfected yet but the energy felt stupendous as it swept through my body.

Once I absorbed all the energy they looked nothing more than grey lifeless rocks, this would be noticed soon, however by the time it is I'll have already begone and my plan would have begun. As I exited the room I continued my search through the facility until I found some interesting files on Silver the hedgehog that naive fool that I manipulated with ease, once I opened the files I found something that I never expected, GUN is studying Silver, their hero, in order to create a mechanical copy! Again I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised, after all humans want to see themselves as the dominant species, while mobians without even trying and trying to keep piece put humans in second place.

I grinned just having an incredible idea with this piece of information so I decided to bring these files with me, they could become very useful. After that I was done my search and I heald my hand into the air as purple energy came out of my hand and wrapping itself around me until I disappeared.

Time for a blast to the past

The next day

Silvers pov

I was flying over the city looking to make sure that there wasn't any danger, sure that was GUN's job but just cause they were around didn't mean I was going to slack off, besides I don't really trust them too well, not to mention they always need my help once Eggman Nega steps in to try something or pretty much any other powerful adversary that we come across, not to mention I've never been too big of a fan of GUN they have too many secrets around them, I'm normally very uneasy when around some of their agents, but we do fight for the same cause so I won't go against them.

After my patrol above the city I get a phone call from.. Commander Gerald? I wonder what could've happened this time? I answered the call "hello?" I said as I heard commander Gerald breathing heavily on the other side of the line, he seemed very concerned "silver!! get to the GUN base quick! We have a situation!!" He hung up before I could ask what was wrong but whatever it was it must be serious if the commander is calling me directly and asking me to come to the base, he's never even done that when Eggman Nega attacked, so I flew off in the direction of the base and Burstead through the door.

The commander was standing there at the entrance, he seemed surprised on how fast I got their, he was still putting his phone away after our call "great you are here, this way quick!" with that he walked off and I followed him till we went to a room that he stated was for secret projects he showed me 5 grey rocks with a diamond cut on them and an empty containment tube "you see Silver we found a strange energy reading yesterday, it was coming from some sort of black and purple liquid, however now it's gone! It was in our strongest containment tube and yet it just got out! The things not even broken and you can't open it from the inside! We also found these artificial chaos emeralds that w-"" wait! Artificial chaos emeralds?! Are you insane Gerald?!" I shouted cutting him off, this is why I don't trust GUN they take these huge risks just for power, it is something that I really despise about them.

"silver please let me finish! The energy from them is completely gone! Whatever we found Yesterday got out and took power from the emeralds!" he then pointed to some strange black mark on the ground, we also found this here, there was nothing destroyed so we assume that he used some kind of teleportation and got out that way" I pondered what the commander was saying for a bit, then I began to look around the room, whatever was here it had to of left something behind, some kind of clue, maybe even a calling card.

As I searched I looked at one of the door nobs and noticed claw like scratches on it, well from that I doubt that this thing stayed as a liquid for very long, so some kind of a shape-shifter maybe, this for some reason gave me a weird and almost familiar feeling, it could even be possible that this thing wanted to be brought here so it must be intelligent, an intelligent shape-shifter that can somehow faze through objects and has claw like hands, the description again seemed familiar to me, but why?!

Suddenly an image popped into my head, it was sonic! Surrounded by fire and destruction!! Oh no, this could mean that whatever this thing is has travelled to the past and is going after sonic!! I flew off as fast as I could pretty much forgetting about the Commander still standing there.

I need to get to Sonic as fast as possible

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