Emerald Hill Zone: Act 2 (part 2)

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"Where are we now?" Tails asked.

"We're still in the same act! Let's just finish this and move on." Sonic walked off.

"Uhh, wait for me!" Tails followed.

"Why do you always have to follow me?"

"Because I'm your sidekick! I have to follow you. And Dr. Robotnic should appear any moment now..."

"How do you know all this stuff?"

"There was a book about it, and I read it, and memorized-"

"Less talking, more preparing to kick Dr. Robotnic's butt!"


"Because he is putting innocent flickies in robots and we have to stop him!" Sonic sped up. Tails followed closely behind him.

"See? He should be here any minute.... There!" Tails pointed upwards at Dr. Robotnic, who was in a helicopter mobile.

"So, we meet again, I see? Well, prepare to be destroyed, Sonic the hedgehog! Wait, who's the orange guy?" Dr. Robotnic scratched his head.

"I'm Miles Prower, but everyone calls me Tails, cause I have two tails! Also, it's you who should prepare to be destroyed, Dr. Robotnic!"

"How do you know who I am?"

"I read a book about you and Sonic in Sonic 1. You were doing pretty well untill Sonic kicked-"

"Will you shut up already!?" Sonic yelled.


"Anyway, I'll win as always, so let's get this over with."

30 seconds later...

"That was weak. Why don't you use flamethrowers, or arrows, or water machines, or-"

"That's enough, Tails. Look, there's the flickie container. How about you go and open it?" Sonic offered.

"Yay! Thanks, Sonic!" Tails ran over to the container and opened it, freeing the flickies. "You're welcome, flickies!"

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