Chapter 2: Uneasy Reality

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(The chapter starts with various civilians protesting at New Mobotropolis university, showing the boards with "VOTE NOW!" written in them)

Civilians: VOTE NOW! (X 8)

(The agent throws a smoke screen to force the protesters to go away. But some of them are masked and continue protesting)

Civilian 1: We want to vote!

Civilian 2: Vote now! To hell with the police! (X 4)

(One of the policemen hits the civilian with the shield, causing the protesters to throw objects at them until the second civilian notices Knuckles and Julie-Su approaching)

Civilian 2: Wait. Stop.

(The civilians see the duo and start running. Then Knuckles looks at the scene in disappointment)

Guardian Knuckles: Hmph. Plagues...

Valkyrie Julie-Su: Remember when they liked us?

Guardian Knuckles: Since when do you care about that?

Valkyrie Julie-Su: Since I started seeing fear on their faces.

Guardian Knuckles: Do you wanna know what is fear? Every night, I went to bed, afraid someone like Doctor Eggman or Finitevus could put their dirty hands on the master emerald and use its power to nuke the entire planet. Things used to be like this. They eventually got used to it... Believed there was no other way... But we proved there was.

Valkyrie Julie-Su: Have you slept better now?

Guardian Knuckles: (smiles) You know I have.

(The policemen arrested the second civilian despite the people's protests)

Civilian 3: Come on, he did nothing!

Civilian 1: What a nonsense!

(Cut to Acorn Castle, Sonic and Sally are having a dinner as Bunnie watches the couple. Sonic eats the soup)

King Sonic: It's cold...

Princess Sally: This soup must be served cold!

Agent Bunnie: I guess he's talking about you, princess. What's the problem?

Princess Sally: Two years have passed and you didn't realize?

King Sonic: Ah, shit. Here we go again.

Princess Sally: Mobius is under permanent control, press freedom no way, and what's the problem?

King Sonic: We talked about it too many times before. Can't you see it another way, dear Sally?

Princess Sally: I like my way to see things. You are the one who doesn't see where this is going to.

Agent Bunnie: Sonic is not the only one who lost his loved ones, Sally! Doctor Eggman's last atrocity caused Anthony's death. And that's why I agree with Sonic's new methods of bringing peace.

(Suddenly, some beeps are heard on Sonic's communicator)

King Sonic: Hi!

Agent Shadow: Sorry to interrupt you. But I need you and the others. Now!!!

King Sonic: (to Bunnie and Sally) I gotta go.

Agent Bunnie: Another disturbance?

King Sonic: Probably.

Agent Bunnie: (kisses Sonic's cheek) Good luck, sugar hog.

King Sonic: Thanks.

Princess Sally: We didn't end our conversation.

King Sonic: I know! We surely didn't!

Princess Sally: You can't dispose of me like I was a hysterical woman.

(E-102 Gamma blocks her way)

E-102: Sorry, Sally. You know the rules. No visits, no calling on telephone.

Princess Sally: I can't express, I can't think...

E-102 Gamma: It's just for a while, princess. They promised.

Princess Sally: Fools!

(As Sally, closes the door, the screen fades out)

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