Chapter 13: Where's Amelia?

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Shadow the Hedgehog(9 hours earlier):

"WHERE IS SHE?!!" I boomed in Coal's face.

"I DON'T KNOW I SWEAR!!" Coal panicked.

"Liar!!!" I punched him in the throat causing him to squeal.

"Tell me where she is or I'll send you to the pits of Hell!"

"I'm not telling you even if I know! The master promised to save our brother and we'll keep our promise to save him! No way a little bastard like you is going to stop us!" He spat on my face and cackled. "We shall have what is ours and it's your fault if you get it the way of that!"

"I... am done with your bull!" I seized him by the neck and began to strangle him.

"P-please stop! H-haven't you ever heard of mercy?" He laughed nervously.

"Mercy isn't in my vocabulary, ask someone else next time. Oh wait, there is no next time for you," I smirked and crushed harder.

"Arroo!" He yelped. How pathetic was this guy? Couldn't even keep a promise and stare death in the face like a man.

"Stop Shadow!"

"What do you want Rouge? I'm in the middle of something."

"Shadow it's important! I think we found her!"

My jaw dropped "Already?!"

"She's by the Mystic Cave Zone! You might not have much time so you should leave now!"

"How do you know this for sure?"

"Tracking systems were embedded into her weaponry and it looks like the sly child microsized them and stowed them away with her."

"Hmph, interesting." I let go of the wolf's neck.

"Aroof?!" he fell flat on his face.

"So where are we going to find the Mystic Cave?"

"It's located around the Hidden Palace and Hill Top Zone. It's a bit of a trip but I bet with your speed you can make it in time."

"Thanks for the information. That's all I needed to know." I dashed out immediately. If Eclipse thinks he's going to win this battle he's damn wrong.

"Come on Rouge," I revved my bike engine. "We're going for a ride." Rouge hopped on and we were off.

Nine hours later...

I felt a sharp pain penetrate my head. I grunted loudly.

"What's wrong Shad-" we crashed the bike into the side of a building.

"Ahhhhh! My leg!" I earned a smack on the face from Rouge. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You almost got us killed!.. Shadow? Why do you look so-" I gripped her neck into a fist and growled at her... this wasn't me. Something was controlling my body. The animalistic urge to kill her was strong. I regained control of my senses immediately after calming myself.


"I swear it wasn't me. Something made me do it."

"Your ego or your lack of common sense?!"

I grit my teeth. "It wasn't me! I'm telling you the truth!" We argued for about five minutes until I felt a strange tingling sensation come over me.
Next thing I knew I was face down on the ground, and I blacked out.


"Where am I?"

"I see you've awoken my son." That voice, it can't be!

"Black Doom?!"

"In the flesh... The flesh being your body that is."

"What are you talking about?!"

"I've taken control of you and there is nothing you can do about it."

"You mean to say that you're possessing me?!"

"That could've been a way to describe it if you weren't the only case."

"And by that you mean?"

"Why don't you think about it?"

"... Amelia?"

"It seems you've won the prize for being the least incompetent of your friends." "Don't you remember when she went on a rampage over in Station Square? You thought it was her lack of control didn't you. Well you were partially right, except for who was to blame."

"You're the scum of the earth Doom. As soon as I get out of here I'll find a way to destroy you."

"And you'll risk little Amelia's life in the process?" Damn it! " Either join me or she dies a long with those you hold dear and I'll give you time to think about it." Wait a second... that lying bastard. He thought he could fool me. I know for a fact that he needs Amelia alive... reluctantly I knew why.


"Ugck! What's that awful smell?!"

"Incense! It's a blend that's supposed to stimulate your nerves and shock you awake."

"It definitely worked alright," I grunted. I opened my eyes. Rouge was standing next a cheery pink lamb in a doctor's uniform.

"Sorry I forgot to introduce myself! Dr. Mary Meadows of the Mobian Clinic at your service!" She sang. She shook my hand harder than any normal female should. My hand was beating red.

"Shadow, Shadow the Hedgehog."

"What a pleasure to meet you Shadow!" She chimed. Great, another Amy.

"You feeling better yet?" asked Rouge.

"Never better," I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and Meadows lifted the bike off of me. Was this lamb on steroids or something?!

"Now explain what happened," She chimed.

"There's no time, I have to be somewhere immediate-"


"Did you seriously ju-"

"Get down!" She tackled me and Rouge down. A Darkbot whizzed over our heads.

"Thank you," said Rouge. "How did you know that was coming?"

"Woman's intuition, you wouldn't understand" Meadows winked.

Rouge the Bat:

What's that supposed to mean?!

Shadow the Hedgehog:

People started running and screaming in the city as a flood of Darkbots swooped in out of nowhere. Rouge's eyes widened.

"They're attacking the citizens! What are we going to do?" That was a very good question. If only our best G.U.N. soldiers weren't currently stationed around Soleanna. I actually wish for once that -and I reluctantly say this- he was here.

"It looked to me like you needed a hand so we decided to drop by for a bit," How did the hell did he- nevermind. Sonic jumped off the GUN Bullet with a cocky grin, as usual.

I rolled my eyes. "Go away faker I'm trying to save your girlfriend for you."

His face turned beet red, "What the heck?! how did you know about that!? I haven't even said anything!"

"I just know things."

"Things like my love life? Wow someone's a creep."

"Just shut up and get rid of these guys, I have to save her before it's too late."

He rolled his eyes, "Alright alright jeez, someone's grumpier than usual."

I felt Amelia's presence near, or was it her thoughts beginning to penetrate my head?

"Don't let them know you're weak!" unpleasant screams shot through my ears. Suddenly pain like a thousand knives hit my nerves.

"Agghh!" I gripped my body in pain. How can I feel her pain?!

"Woah! You need any help there buddy?" Asked Sonic.

"I said go away faker did you go deaf or something?"

"Rude much?"

"Don't care."

"Hmph, fine then! I'm just trying to help out."

Sonic started spin dashing the robots with quicker speed than usual. Amy jumped out along with Knuckles, Tails and Cream. The G.U.N squad assembled beside them.

"Hyyyyyaaaaaah!" Amy smashed through countless Darkbots with her hammer, holding a fierce glare in her eyes. "That's what you get for taking our friend away!" Better not mess with her when she's pissed. I shivered.

"Let me help!" Tails dashed in and used his tails like chainsaws, splitting metal into scrap.

"Come on Cheese! For our friend!" Shouted Cream.

"Chao chao!" Cream swung Cheese at her enemies like a boomerang ripping the machines apart like a scythe.

"For our friend!" Knuckles pummeled through everything standing leaving it like dust in his wake and let out a victory ha. "Beat that suckers!" He laughed.

"Come on Cara we can do this!" shouted Alexander.

"Alright!" She and Alexander did a team combo and impaled the enemies with their weapons.

Ian jumped in, "Wooh! Like a boss!" Sadly no one played attention to him.

Ian Flynn:

No one cares about me. T_T Sniff sniff.

Shadow the Hedgehog:

"I'm taking my leave now."

"Oh no you don't! I'm just as involved as you are!" said Sonic.

"Will you stop being so arrogant?"

"I think you're being hypocritical. She's my friend too! I want to be there for her when she needs me."


Sonic the Hedgehog:

Wow! Shadow's never been so set on protecting someone! Well... it's been a while since he has.

"I need you to hurry up faker."

"Just going as fast as you are pal." Shadow's been a lot grumpier for the past few days. I wondered if it was something I did.... Nah! I bet it's got nothing to do with me at all.

"You doin alright Shads?" Silent. He must be pretty messed up right now and that's saying something! Oh well, it's not like anyone can help him anyways.

A new horde of darkbots rampaged across the city. It looked like they were harassing a group of kids behind a building. I turned and ran. There was no way I was letting those kids get hurt! I grabbed my emerald and turned on my 1st level chaos form, something I learned from training with Sage the Sloth to become a better hero. I held it to the sky.

"First level of chaos! Endow me with pure strength!" I turned semi-golden semi-silver and started attacking the darkbots.

Shadow the Hedgehog:

Sonic sped off in his own direction to help some kids being harassed by the robots. Leaving me to look for Amelia all by myself. One less person was one less thing to hold me down.

Two hours later...

Standing in front of the Mystic Caves I felt a rush of uneasiness. The ground started shaking rapidly and fires exploded from the caves. It was too late. Debris was flying everywhere.

"Damn it! If only I'd been faster!"

"She's alright, there is no need to worry brother." Eclipse.

"How did this happen?"

"The same reason I let Amelia escape from her cell. I was merely testing her abilities to see how far she's progressed. You didn't actually think I'd take her without the chaos emeralds in my possession did you? Obviously she isn't the only key ingredient in my plan. How dimwitted can you be?"

"Testing her!? She's a damn child! Not one of your worthless experiments you little ****!"

"Tsk tsk to think the ultimate life form could be so vulgar."

"And to think an assassin designed to kill me actually tries to convert me to his clan of parasites."

"How blind can you be Shadow? You were created to be our mediator! The Black Arms needs you! Join us and we can be brothers again!"

"I was never your brother and I never will be! Get that out of your head already!

Eclipse the Darkling:

Why?! Why won't he join us? ....Blinded by these wretched humans! Doesn't he understand that I'm his family? His true family?! The Black Arms needs him as much as he needs us!

"Why don't you stop stalling and tell me where she is."

My thoughts became monotone, "I'm not stalling for anything. I don't even know her whereabouts."

"You can't be serious!" I was sadly.

"I have no reason not to be."

"I want you to remember this well Eclipse... if you continue to threaten this planet. I will find you... and I will kill you." (Author's note: Yes, this is a Taken reference).

How dare he! He will soon learn, no regret his mistake....

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