Chapter 7 Orbot's View

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       Plans For The Hedgehog

We started hatching a plan to capture Sonic. Correction, started to hatch a plan while Cubot was trying to eat chili dogs. "Cubot, we're robots, we Can't eat." I informed Cubot.

"But Orbot, I'm hungry!" Cubot replied.

"Cubot you can just- of course! You're a genius! Come on Cubot! We've got work to do!" I exclaimed, dragging Cubot behind me as I walked, well hovered over the ground.

"Wait, I am?" Cubot asked. "Oh yeah! I am!" Cubot said. I shook my head at him. Sometimes he had no clue what he was doing. "Wait, how are we gonna catch that hedgehog?"

"We'll bribe Sonic with food!" I explained to him.

"With what type of food?"

"Chili dogs! What else?"

"Batteries! Why would that hedgehog like eating chili dogs, anyways?" Cubot asked, and I sighed and shook my head. Sometimes it seemed like he had no brain, even though we weren't built With a brain. Anyways, at least I wasn't as dumb as him, and at least I could come up with good ideas. "I loves 'em!" Cubot shouted to nobody as we made our way through the forest.

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