Chapter 8 Sonic's View

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The Singer

I kept cleaning up the forest. I had my own little section. Since Tails never got any visions, we decided that I should have my own section of the forest to clean up, apart from everybody else, just in case the girl decided to give me visions again. We called an ambulance and the police, and now they're on their way. They could find out who the girl is using some of her DNA, and then we could find out who her enemies are, than we could investigate and narrow it down.

"Ahh-ahhh..." I heard a voice sing. "Ahh-ahhh... ahh-ahhh..."

"I can hear you! You don't have to hide!" I shouted as I looked at a puddle. My reflection changed to the girl in my vision with her dress bloody and tore, and her hair was a mess. "AHH!!" I shouted, jumping back a mile in fright.

"Ahhhhhh.... ahhhhhh...." I heard again, but closer this time. I followed the voice. "AHH!!!!" I heard the girl's scream in my head as I remembered the vision. Than I realized something, this was where the girl was killed. I saw something shiny buried in the dirt. I gently wiped the dirt off of it and picked it up. It was a knife, covered in dry blood, I saw something sketched into it, but I couldn't make out what it was. It was some letters by the looks of it. My communicator buzzed. It was Tails.

"Yes Tails?" I asked, answering it with the knife still in my hand.

"They're here. Mind bringing them the body?" Tails asked.

"Not at all. Be there in a Sonic sec!" I exclaimed, wrapping a leaf around the knife and carefully positioning it in my pocket so it wouldn't dig into me. Than I dashed off to claim the body. I hope the knife could lead to the killer. I thought hopefully.

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