Chapter 15

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Up above the void was a dark blue space where Solaris was residing. The fourth dimensional god was ready to eliminate this world and leave it with nothingness. However, the demon knew that someone was going to attempt to stop him, even if one of his halves successfully killed the biggest threat to him. He was prepared to fight.

To his surprise, though, Super Sonic broke into the space bubble with three of his friends, who were also super. Solaris roared with anger, and he got ready for the fight. The four heroes looked around the area, wondering what this location was.

"Huh, Mephiles really went all out for this," Shadow scoffed.

"Yikes," Silver's face scrunched up.

"That doesn't matter," Blaze frowned. "We have to stop him."

As they were about to begin and plan the fight, a voice suddenly echoed through.

"Hey guys! We can kinda see what's going on up there!" Sonic heard Tails's voice call. "So if we notice anything, we can let you know!"

Sonic smiled when he heard his buddy's voice.

"Alright Tails," the hedgehog grinned, "We appreciate the support from down there!"

"LOOK OUT!" Silver shouted, pushing Sonic out of the way of an attack from Solaris. The white hedgehog grabbed the spiky ball that was thrown at them with his psychokinesis, and he flung it back at Solaris. The god was not fazed too much, but he still growled with irritation.

"That body of light is the sign of a super dimensional life form," Eggman said from the communicator, "Standard attacks won't work on him! He eats dimensions for lunch!"

"So is there no way to stop him?" Sonic asked, dodging another spiky ball that was once again grabbed by Silver to throw back at Solaris.

"Technically no," Eggman continued. "But there's something that's anchoring him in this dimension. That's probably the light shells that can be seen on his body. If all of those are destroyed, he can possibly be defeated!"

"And then that must mean we would be able to get him out of this dimension and back to mine," Blaze concluded. "And then we can beat him there..!"

"Right! It's worth a shot!" Sonic grinned at the feline, and then at the others. "Alright, listen up! Whenever you see an opportunity to attack, do it! I'm gonna boost into his core whenever he stretches out his arms."

"I'll shoot my Chaos Spears at him then," Shadow told Sonic.

"Cool," Sonic smiled. "Silver, if something comes flying at all of us, shoot it back at Solaris. Blaze, light Silver's and Shadow's attacks on fire if you can!"

"Got it!" Silver nodded with a determined look on his face.

"Will do," Blaze flew off, starting to contribute to the fight.

And so the team began to execute their plan. For now, their goal was to break the light shells Eggman noticed and bring Solaris back to the Sol Dimension somehow— it is hard to tell where you are in a time-space rift, after all.

Sonic kept Solaris distracted, zooming around the deity. He needed to not only power up his boost, but wait for the perfect time. The least he could do in the meantime is take Solaris's attention away from his other three companions.

Meanwhile, Blaze looked left and right at when to send flames to her teammates' attacks. Everything was happening quickly, so thankfully the feline didn't feel like she was useless. In fact, she was helping deliver much stronger blows to the monster by combining her power with Silver's and Shadow's. She was so concentrated, she didn't notice an attack coming her way.

"BLAZE, MOVE!" Sonic shouted at her as he zoomed by her.

The feline looked up and yelped as she saw the incoming laser that Solaris charged from his chest. She moved out of the way just in the nick of time. Blaze flew back to her position, checking on everyone else.

"Thank you for the heads up!" She called out to him.

"Don't mention it—!" The super hedgehog managed as he just barely dodged a laser being fired. It was difficult for him to attack the center— which he noticed was Solaris's weakest point— when the deity kept protecting himself and shooting beams out of his chest.

"You guys are getting close, I feel it!" The heroes heard Knuckles's voice shout. "Keep going— bring his defenses down!"

Sonic grinned at the other super hedgehogs and burning cat.

"You heard 'im, guys!" The hedgehog called out. "We can do this!"

With that, the others cheered. The fact that there's at least some sign of the battle being over soon— with a good ending— gave the heroes hope. They never thought that defeating a god would be possible, let alone ever actually fighting one. It's definitely difficult, but they were clearly doing quite well.

Attacks coming from the deity became increasingly more difficult as the team progressed. But of course with four people with powers enhanced by magical gems looking out for each other and helping deliver harsher blows at Solaris, it was slightly easier to deal with the change in pace of the battle.

It wasn't long before Solaris was close to being finished. Blaze noticed that the god was nearly defeated, but at the same time, she couldn't believe it. Something was off. Solaris is a god— it shouldn't be easy to defeat one. The battle wasn't a walk in the park, yes, but the princess knew that this was not as difficult as she would've expected. Nonetheless, the team powered through, and when Sonic saw the opportunity, he boosted into Solaris's weaker spot as fast as possible. The shells on the demonic god glowed and cracked, and he shrieked. Sonic smiled at his friends, who celebrated with him— especially Silver.

Blaze smiled as the pale yellow hedgehog cheered. Silver really went through a lot trying to save his world. She felt happy for him. But even so, the feline couldn't help but feel the fight wasn't over. She sensed a consciousness in the god, which wasn't a good sign. He was clearly still alive. The cat's eyes widened as the deity began to glow brightly.

"Sonic, Shadow, Silver!" She shouted. "Get back!"

The three hedgehogs obeyed her and flew back, staring at the giant beast. From the light, Solaris appeared again, but he looked different. He had giant wings and a smaller body, and he had a glowing core in the middle.

"It's not over?" Silver's shoulders slumped.

"No," Shadow frowned, "Apparently not."

"I guess it's not gonna be that easy," Sonic sighed.

"It never was going to be," Blaze sighed.

As the team readied for battle again, their friends from down below had their own reactions to the situation. They thought they had won, but the god was back in a new form. The remains of the world around them started very slowly falling apart. Time was running out, and they were becoming increasingly more anxious by the second.

"NGH!" Eggman grunted angrily. "Is it impossible to defeat a super-dimensional being after all?"

"No," Blaze said instinctively, answering the doctor's question from above. "Something's different. I can feel a large, powerful consciousness coming from Solaris."

Upon hearing this, Tails's eyes widened. He gasped, jumping up immediately.

"What? A consciousness?" The fox exclaimed. "That's it! That's his core!"

Rouge looked over at the excited fox and smiled. She knew where he was going with this. Maybe there was hope for the universe after all.

"Even if you can stop this form," the bat added, "You can stop his consciousness!"

The four heroes above all looked at each other, ready to do what they can. The new form of Solaris overshadowed them, already starting the fight all over again. The second form of the deity had a few more attacks up his sleeve, which the gang quickly noticed. Fortunately, it wasn't too much to catch onto. What they did have to worry about, however, were the much stronger and faster attacks.

After nearly getting hit by one of the lasers, Sonic called out to the others.

"Okay guys, same plan!" The hedgehog shouted. "If it doesn't work, we've gotta come up with Plan B on the spot!"

"Roger," Shadow replied, already shooting his Chaos Spears at the monster.

Solaris, however, began shielding himself with some force fields, blocking the heroes' attacks. Sonic frowned.

"Welp, he got smarter," he sighed. He turned to the rest and called out, "I'm gonna try to distract him! Aim for the open spaces! Remember, the core is the most important spot to hit!"

"You got it," Silver nodded, already putting his guard up again.

"Understood," Blaze muttered under her breath, zooming off to do her own task.

The four Super Mobians held strong against the world consuming deity for a while more. Their friends from below watched the bright light above them as the heroes fought. The ground around them began to crack, and pieces of them fell into the endless void. Amy nearly jumped and she instinctively grabbed onto Knuckles in fear. The echidna frowned, but he didn't shake her off because, well, everyone was kind of cramped onto a tiny plot of land that was left. Sonic had to hurry.

"Sonic, we don't have much time..!" Tails tried reaching him. "The ground beneath us will collapse any second! We'll be doomed!"

"Hold on, buddy!" Sonic called to his best friend. "We'll beat him, I know we will!"

With that, Sonic zipped around again, avoiding the lasers that nearly blasted into him.

Time was running out, not just for the friends below, but also for the Super Mobians. Their power was wearing out. Soon enough, the amount of energy they could use from the Chaos and Sol Emeralds will diminish, and they will be defeated. Time and space would collapse.

The team knew this, so they acted quicker and smarter. With Sonic distracting the god and managing to deal a great amount of damage when a window for a boost opened up, the other three continued thrusting all they had at the demonic deity. Blaze added extra strength to Shadow's Chaos Spears and Silver's boulders by lighting them on fire, and she even spiraled a ball of flame around Sonic as he sped into Solaris. This extra effort tired her out as it nearly tipped her over her limit, but she knew she had to do what she can to speed up the process. Shadow also used more of his Chaos Energy to attack. He was determined not to wear himself out, but he knew he would collapse if he kept this up for too long.

Luckily for them, they weren't the only ones who were getting tired.

"He's almost knocked out..!" Blaze shouted to the others as she threw another ball of heat at the god. "I sense him getting weaker!"

To that, Sonic smirked.

"Alright, Solaris," Sonic grinned to himself, boosting forward into the god like a shooting star. "You're finished!"

The super hedgehog timed his mini speech well. After what seemed like forever— despite there being no flow of time here—, the group of four knocked out Solaris at last. The god shrieked as it glowed brighter and brighter, disappearing into nothingness. The pocket dimension that the fight occurred in vanished, and the four super Mobians gracefully floated back down to the platform their friends were waiting on. Everyone cheered, either pumping their fists in the air or nodding in approval. Even Eggman was grateful that his plan was stopped.

But before everyone could discuss what was next, the ground beneath them shook. Before it collapsed, however, everything went white.

• • •

Sonic wearily opened his eyes and saw that he was in a black void with only the smallest source of light. Everything was empty. His immediate thought was, did he fail? Was Solaris unstoppable after all?


The blue hedgehog turned around and saw Blaze standing in front of him. She was no longer in her super form, just as Sonic was no longer in his. He smiled and sighed with relief, glad to see a familiar face in this empty plane of existence.

"Blaze!" Sonic exclaimed. His expression immediately changed when he remembered that the two were stuck in the void. He looked around, and then gazed back at his friend. "Do you think Shadow and Silver are here too?"

"I don't think so," Blaze turned her head. "We must be the only two here because we represented the present time in our battle against Solaris... and possibly because we are the bridge between the two dimensions affected."

Sonic looked down, processing this. It would make sense, after all. Silver was from the future, and Shadow has been around since fifty years ago— though he spent most of his time in a capsule, not aging in there one bit. Sonic and Blaze were the only two from this current time, and as the feline mentioned, they were from separate dimensions. The hedgehog looked back at Blaze, who's face was calm.

"Did we defeat him, or...?" Sonic asked, trailing off.

Before Blaze could answer, the empty space suddenly got brighter. The pair turned around to see what the new light source was, only to see a small flame, flickering. Its sparks were yellow, and the fire itself was glowing a yellow-white. A dark smoke with a purple hue was swirling around it.

It was almost time.

"That is the Flame of Iblis," the feline explained, walking towards it with Sonic following behind. "This is what I've been trying to keep from spreading this whole time. According to the prophecy, if I blow it out at the right time..." She paused. She turned towards Sonic, her golden eyes practically glowing from the fire. "That smoke would disappear forever."

Sonic looked closer at the smoke. When he leaned in, he felt a rush of familiar energy— he remembered being stabbed and feeling this kind of aura.

"Is that Mephiles?" The hedgehog asked Blaze.

The princess nodded.

"So by blowing it out," Sonic placed the pieces together, "You would destroy Mephiles and prevent catastrophe?"

"Exactly," Blaze nodded again.

The two stared at the flame and smoke for a long moment.

"Are you planning to blow it out now?" Sonic asked the feline.

Blaze shook her head. "The prophecy is very clear on where the ceremony must be done. I must do it in Soleanna." She turned towards Sonic. "I'm also wondering if all of this that happened was meant to happen, because it seems the flame isn't entirely white yet."

Sonic smirked.

"Maybe this was supposed to happen," the hedgehog said. "Maybe the ceremony was held too soon, and, heh, all this prevented you from blowing Iblis out too early."

Blaze softly smiled at the blue hero. Maybe he was right. The guards could have gotten over excited, and the flame did appear to fit the requirements, but upon closer inspection, it turns out that it was indeed too early. And besides, the prophecy said when the timing was perfectly right. The princess was connected to flames, so she could feel the energy. She could have possibly been feeling anxiousness and thought that was the signal saying it was time.

"Perhaps," she exhaled sharply, her small smile still on her face.

The two stood in silence as they watched the dark smoke swirl around the flame. Glowing particles floated from the two substances, making the empty void feel at least a little more filled.

"So," Sonic broke the silence, "How do we get outta here to fulfill your prophecy? To stop the disaster and all?"

The purple feline thought for a moment until she realized she still had her world's miracle gems with her. She took out one of the Sol Emeralds and smiled at the blue hedgehog. She turned towards Iblis and closed her eyes, holding the gem out in front of her. Sonic's green eyes widened as he watched the flame swirl into the Sol Emerald, just as Blaze sealed it in when she first got to his dimension during this event. The blue Sol Emerald glowed much more brightly, keeping the duo's only light source in the void alive.

The smoke began to spread out more. Sonic stared at the first form of Mephiles. To think that was the being that stabbed him was terrifying. Had he seen that smoke without that prior knowledge, he wouldn't have feared it at all. One thing the hedgehog has definitely learned from this experience is that anyone can be dangerous, even just some evil looking smoke.

"So is there a way to seal him into a Sol Emerald as well?" Sonic looked over at Blaze.

The princess shook her head. "No, but I believe there is another way..."

She smiled at him, looked down at her Sol Emerald and back up at him, and nodded her head. Sonic frowned a little, realizing what she was inferring. He took out a cyan Chaos Emerald, and his eyes widened when he noticed the Emerald glow and that the smoke was attracted to it.

"So that's why Mephiles couldn't be stopped in your dimension," Sonic turned to the feline. "You don't have access to the Chaos Emeralds!"

"So it seems," Blaze smiled gently.

There was a pause.

"Before you seal him," Blaze spoke up again, "I would like to invite you and your friends to the ceremony. You know, as a thank you. And of course because I need Mephiles for the ceremony, haha."

Sonic's trademark grin grew on his face.

"You know it," the hedgehog winked.

Blaze smiled as she exhaled sharply, watching the hedgehog. The blue hero held out the Chaos Emerald. The miracle gem pulled Mephiles's smoke inside, sealing it in. Once properly sealed, the void around the pair turned white.

• • •

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