Part 9 - Together till the end

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When Chase was tracking down Romeo, Sonic and the others were following him

Chase: I think that we are closer!

Catboy: Hey! What is this city?

Sonic: This is where I fought Chaos for the first time

Vampirina: Guys, I'm starting to think that Romeo is trying to get us here so Chaos can attack us

Shadow: I agree with Vampirina, she may be right

Gecko: Haha, you like her!

Shadow: Shut up lizard!!

Skye: Chase, did you find it?

Chase: It stopped

Nazo: He may be here, keep looking

Silver: Hey! I see someone!

Owlette: It's... Romeo! And... a man with a mustache?

Sonic: That must be Eggman, come on you guys!

And they headed where Romeo and Eggman were. When they found them, the were in the ground

Tails: Romeo? Eggman?

Eggman: Ugh! You find them before me!

Romeo: But it was worth it, Chaos betrayed us

Shadow: What?!

Silver: He betrayed you?!

Bridget: Ahhh!

Vampirina: What is it Bridget?

Bridget: There is a monster over there!

Sonic: That's... Chaos!!

Catboy: What?!

And Chaos appeared from nowhere in front of the others. He was going to smash Sonic, Shadow and Silver; but...

Catboy: Sonic!!! (Pushing Sonic)

Vampirina: Look out!!! (Pushing Shadow)

Chase and Skye: Careful!!! (Pushing Silver)

Sonic, Shadow and Silver were saved by their new friends, but they didn't saved themselves; and Catboy and the others get smashed by Chaos

Sonic: Catboy!!! Guys!!!

Shadow: NO!!

Silver: Guys no!!!

Owlette: (crying) N-no!

Poppy: (crying too) Guys? Vee...

Ryder: (crying too) My... pups...

Tails: Sonic... you okay?

Tails looked that Sonic was silent for a moment by what happened to his new friends and...

Sonic: NOOO!!!

Sonic started to cry for them and one of his tears get to Catboy's emerald and then looked and he noticed that... Catboy was alive! And he was glowing the light that he did before. And Sonic was glowing as well

Sonic: WHOA!!

Catboy: Guess you are feeling the samething when I glowed

Sonic: Catboy... you are...

Vampirina: And he's not the only one!

Shadow: Vampirina?

Silver: Chase and Skye too!

Chase: Yes we are!

Skye: And you are glowing like your emeralds!

Silver: WHOA! They're right!!

Shadow: What the...?

Sonic: Catboy! Look at your body!

Catboy's light was glowing stonger...

And he noticed that it was changing into a golden yellow, and the others too. And then... their body too!!

Catboy: Wow!

Vampirina: My dress... has changed it's color!

Chase: And our outfits as well!

Skye: Yeah! They are now gold!

And the others noticed...

Sonic: They have... the Super form!!

An-Yu: The... what?!

Shadow: Their Super form! That means they have the power of their Chaos Emeralds!

Silver: But... why?!

Sonic: I think because they been doing good actions for everyone. Like... when they saved us from being smashed

Gecko: Or Catboy got a lot of brave to defend Sonic!

Bridget: Or Vampirina singing a song to cheer everyone up!

Nazo: Or Skye using her positive energy to change me!

Ryder: Or Chase get the help of Skye to find his emerald!

Sonic: They did these actions for us! For all the world! And now we have to do the same

Shadow: You're right!

Silver: Okay! Let's join them!

And Sonic, Shadow and Silver transformed into their Super form too

Super Catboy: Whoa! Sonic!

Super Sonic: Catboy! We are gonna help you! Just try and use your powers in your Super state!

Super Shadow: But not too much!

Super Silver: Or you will go back to normal and you'll never stop Chaos

Super Catboy: You heard that guys? We need to maitain this form to stop Chaos, okay?!

Super Vampirina: Okay! I will try!

Super Chase: Me too!

Super Skye: Me three!

And they used their powers to get Chaos, that they weaked him up. And they were starting to get tired

Super Catboy: Sonic...(breathing) I... don't think... I can do this... anymore...

Super Sonic: (breathing) Yeah... we used a lot of our... power...

Super Shadow: (breathing) Come on... you guys... we can't... give up now!

Super Skye: We... (breathing) just need to get... one more shot to... stop him

Super Sonic: Okay... let's just resist... a little more...

Super Catboy: Okay... we will try...

And united they hold their hands and said...

Super Sonic: We are together till the very end!!!

All Super friends: Yeah!!!

And they make a ray that shot Chaos in his whole body and when they stopped, their power fade away and they were back to their normal selfs. Will they be okay after that battle?

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