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Sonics pov

I had never been so humiliated in my life....Shadow ruined my dress & my perfect glass flats were shattered.....but the worst part is that.....HE KIDNAPPED MY KNUCKIE-SENPAI!!.....GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! THAT DOES IT!!! DDDAAAAMMMM TTTHHHHAAAATTTT SSSSSOOOOONNNN OOOOOFFFFF AAAAAAA BBBBBBIIIITTCCCCHHHHH SSSSSSHHHHHHAAAADDDDDOOOOWWW!!!!! YOU WILL REGRET THE DAY YOU STOLEN MY.....SENPAI!!! GGGGGGGRRRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! DDDDDAAAAAMMMM YYYYYOOOOUUUU!! I WILL GET KNUCKLES BACK IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!!! HE IS MY ONE AND ONLY!!!..... I rushed home with a crazy look in my eyes....I changed into my sisters school uniform and grabbed a knife....dam if she sees me wearing this she'll kill me....but I don't was her middle school....I'M GETTING MY SENPAI BACK IF IT COSTS ME MY LIFE!....if he finds out I'm the one murdering those idiots....he will never speak to me again.....BUT I WILL DIE FOR HIM AND SHADOW WILL NEVER LIVE.....!!!....I WON'T LET HIM GET NEAR MY SENPAI!!! I rushed to where Shadow and my senpai are....& made a very mad entrance.....

Shadows pov

MuaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa......Knuckles is all mine....I taped his mouth shut and tied him up to a chair.....I harassed him by touching his crotch.....saying, your all mine Knuckles.... he muffled a scream knowing he is afraid of me....he should be....but that's when a certain faker made a mad entrance......he had a really mean look in his eyes......he was wearing a school girl rage he charged at me with a knife....I attempted to attack him but he was really crazy....

Sonics pov

He attempted to attack me but I was really crazy.....I stabbed him and said as I laughed, YOU HAVE MADE A BIG MISTAKE.....YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!......NOW I WILL MAKE SURE NOBODY GETS NEAR KNUCKLES AGAIN!!...HE IS NEVER YOURS HE'S MMMMMIIIIIINNNNNEEEE!!!.....*I stunned him with a cut on his leg and began stabbing him*...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!.... Shadow said as he struggled to move, you....your absolutely....crazy.....I said crazily, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!....YOU...YOU THINK....THAT I'M....CCCCRRRRRAAAAAZZZZYYYY!!!...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!..... Shadow died as I stabbed him one more time.....or so I thought....but as soon as I turn to find Knuckles I was shocked to see that he was watching me the whole time.... I started to cry..... oh no.....HE SAW ME!!..... I was more shocked to see Shadow stabbed me in the chest.... Shadow said as he took the knife outta my chest, if.......I can't have him.....neither will stupid.....bitch..... I blacked out as I collapsed....I whispered as the blood poured outta my body, I...did it last thing I heard was someone calling me.....

Knuckles pov

Oh my Goddess..... I think Sonic just thought I thought he was insane.... but that's when Shadow stabbed him in the chest and said as he took the knife outta his chest, if.......I can't have him.....neither will stupid.....bitch..... he collapsed....he whispered as the blood poured outta his body, I...did it I was in tears....I broke outta the ropes and took the tape off my mouth and yelled, SSSSOOONNNNIIICCCC!!!....NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!! I fell on my knees and cried.... Shadow said, you think that....I let him live?....I was gonna kill him but.....he had to go and poke his nose....worthless hedgehog..... I stood up and had angered in my eyes....I picked up the knife as I ran towards Shadow while screaming and stabbed him in the heart..... I said as I stabbed him repeatedly, YOU....KILLED...MY......LOVING.....YANDERE!!!.....YOUR DEAD SHADOW!!! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! DEAD! DDDDDDDDDDEEEEEEEAAAAAAADDDDD!!! He died as soon as I stabbed him one more time..... I heard Sonic groan realizing he's still alive....I picked up my Sonic who was bleeding on the chest..... I said, Sonic.....please hang in there....SONIC!! He groaned and slowly opened his eyes....

Sonics pov

I groaned and slowly opened my eyes....I looked to see Knuckles with a concern look in his eyes... I said weakly, oh....Knuckles....are you okay?.....he didn't hurt you.....did he?.....please tell me..... Knuckles said as he held me close, no he didn't hurt me I'm alright..... I said weakly, oh.....thank Goddess....*I burst into tears*...I'm very sorry.....Knux-Chan....please forgive me....Knuckles whispered as he petted my spikes, Sonic I.....I knew all along....I didn't wanna say anything because.....I was afraid to loose you.... I was shocked realizing Knuckles knew I killed them the whole time....I whispered, but can you still love me....after all of the things I've done.....I.... he interrupted me as he caressed my teary cheek,'s okay matter what you at I still love you..... I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder as I whispered, oh....Knuckles....

Knuckles pov

He closed his eyes as he rested his head on my shoulder..... he whispered, oh....Knuckles.... I picked him up bridal-style and walked outta the house leaving Shadow behind to die....I couldn't get him to his house so....I took him back to my place....not just to treat his wound but for him to rest.....

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