What if the Sonic was in The Last Airbender

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Hey guys! My first ever "what if" scenario is brought to you by breezy-bree2

Be sure to follow her and check out her Sonic roleplays.

The scenario is...what if the Sonic franchise took place in Avatar The Last Airbender series?

Unfortunately, I never watched it because I've had somewhat limited entertainment.

My family was stuck with an antenna for most of my middle school years, so I could only watch local television.

I did get satellite later, but I still didn't watch it.

Maybe I'll do a part 2 someday when I learn enough, but for now, you'll have to make due with what I give you.

And don't be mad if I put something in that contradicts the series.

For this what if, I'll be picturing what elements the Sonic characters would use if they were in a Mobian version of Last Airbender.

First up is the easiest one, Sonic.

Sonic would obviously be using the air element, since his speed practically screams that.

Even in The Black Knight, Sonic is referred to as "Knight of the Wind".

He can use air to not only move heavy objects or people, but it could help increase his speed even further than before.

Tails would also get air, due to his ability to fly with his tails.

Him controlling air means he could fly in the sky for as long as he wanted, until he gets tired of course.

Knuckles would obviously use the earth element.

Him being earth would help him not only move boulders or tops of mountains with ease, but he would also be able to dig better.

Amy is an extremely difficult one to pick due to her different characteristics.

I'd put her down as both a fire bender and a water bender.

The Fire part is because of her short temper.

A perfect example of this is in Sonic X, when Eggman taunts Amy about Sonic not being there, which results in Amy cartoonishly catching on fire and starts throwing hammers at him.

The water part is because I kind of think she has some kindness in her to make her one.

And she's probably not that much afraid to get in the water.

We never even see her go in water levels often, but we can assume she's a great swimmer.

Next is Shadow, who I put down as both fire and air.

Fire would make sense since he throws projectiles called Chaos spears a lot in the past.

Air would also make sense since his speed is supposed to be extremely close to Sonic's.

For Rouge, she would get earth and air.

Earth would fit because her jewel thief adventures could use them to uncover hidden treasures.

And of course, she would be air since she has wings and could use it to stay airborne longer.

Silver is the most powerful in Last Airbender, believe it or not!

I couldn't find a specific element for him, so there was only one choice left.

Silver is the Avatar!

Now I know what you're thinking: Why would Silver be able to use all elements?!

The answer is simple really, he's balanced in everything I could put him with.

His personality is calm (like I would put with water) but he can sometimes get aggressive (like I would put with fire).

He throws objects with his telekinesis (which fits earth) but he can also just simply use it to throw people (which fits air).

There's really no dominant element I can put him with, so the only choice is to go for the middle ground.

Next up is Cream, who gets water.

Her calm and kind personality is the obvious reason why.

For a quick out of the way, the only ones not in this will be the Chaotix and Eggman.

The Chaotix can't be in because I can't really picture them being benders, even Espio (who's personality is more mysterious every day).

Eggman is also for the same reasons, but also because he's an evil genius and inventor. (Unless it's possible for him to bend metal.)

And the one I find the most interesting, Blaze the Cat.

Everyone knows she would be fire, but I actually know what she would be in Last Airbender.

If the Last Airbender world was all inhabited by Mobians, she would be.....................................................................................................................................................................................................The Queen of the Fire Nation!!!!

I just think this would be cool, because the main villain of the series could've actually taken over his own kingdom if this was the case.

In the world of Avatar, Blaze would be the former ruler of the Fire Nation.

After she almost dies from an attempted execution, she would get Aang and Sonic to help her overthrow the guy who took over.

I just think that would be an awesome plot development in my opinion.

That's all I'm going to share for now.

I could come back to this sometime in the distant future, but you'll have to wait for anything else.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next What if!

Be sure to check the What ifs I put at the beginning and pick one, they were put there because I wanted to see if you were curious too.

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