Chapter 18 - happened again

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<30 minutes later>

Knuckles was feeling a little more scared. Not only for Sonic but for the others as well. Percy bandicoots sister went missing which was one of the many crime sprees. He, Tails, Amy, and Sticks were walking around for still looking for Sonic though they couldn't tell if Sonic just disappeared or was avoiding them. Sticks said, I dunno guys maybe Sonic doesn't wanna be found. Tails slapped her in the face and said, DON'T YOU HAVE A BURAL TO PROTECT?! Sticks walks off without saying a word. Amy said as she glared at him, was that necessary Tails? That's when Tails said, well it is now she wouldn't shut the way which one of you guys was messing with my build-it box? Knuckles said, wasn't me... Amy said, don't look at me. Sticks then said, why would I be? Tails said with a stern glare, Oh really did someone made a few new adjustments on the car Sonic built...cause I don't recall Sonics car to be a dark turquoise color with three passenger seats, making, or having eight adjustments on here he didn't put...not to mention his car was also added with a spooky green glow skulls on it. Shocked Knuckles said, what?! That's when they saw the police with Mike and his foster kids (the two hedgehogs Denise and (Jimmy-James) JJ) that's when JJ said, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT!!!...damn it! happened again! Mike said as he pat his foster sons back, they did the same like they did to the museum Jimmy... Denise said, ugh when is this gonna end?!...we have two buildings torn down, dead guards and owners, what's next?! Mike said, I dunno pumpkin I really don't... Knuckles sees what's left of the jewelry store and said, what happened? JJ said, someone robbed the jewelry store and took all the jewelry and blew it up. Tails said, the same thing happened to the museum.. JJ said, someone is obviously turning this village upside down. Knuckles asked stupidly, how are they turnin it upside down? JJ said pissed off, THATS AN EXPRESSION STUPID!! Mike said calmly, now Jimmy this is not the time for arguments. Denise said, ya know Dads right...but who coulda done this? JJ said, could it be Dave?..that dumbass excuse of a villlain still owes me 15 bucks for getting my dads order wrong. Denise said, bro we all know Dave is not that smart to do that shit... Mike said, yeah and all the villains had perfect alibis. JJ said, cant argue with that. Mike said in concern, but what I don't get how he or she wasn't caught. JJ said, possibly a hacker... Mike said, I'm with you on that son. Then Amy said as she felt concern, what is happening to the village? Tails said, I dunno...but something tells me things are gonna get worst. Committee-Chimp who was at the scene of the crime with Sore and Wolfie said, if that wasn't bad enough I dunno what is... Sore asked, why is that? Wolfie said in concern, about five weeks ago we had a bad timing cause Justin Beaver couldn't talk...we saw a white bandage on his throat. Committee-Chimp finished the sentence as he looks down, yeah...when we opened the bandage there were stitches that were sewn together roughly on his doubt that he was attacked...he couldn't talk cause someone cut out his vocal cords. Everyone gasped as Percy was walking around in concern as she thought, Flynn had his eyes on Sonic all along to make sure he doesn't try to get into trouble but what I know Sonic is smarter than he looks along side his brother...every time he tries to commit a crime Flynn kept an eye on him to and try to everyone to know who Sonic really is but failed......*realizes something* hey...wheres Flynn at?...I hope he's okay.

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