Chapter 20 - a real hack

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When the twins got home they have been talking about some stuff they've been missing. Sonic said as he growled, ugh every time I attempted to commit a crime he's always there watching me!...AND I WAS REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO CHEAT MY WAY TO THST RACE!! Grey-Sky said, by using that pistol you had.. Sonic said as he turn to his best friend, yeah and I almost got caught when my gun was sitting on the drivers seat...I had that special hiding place for it so no one will ever find it...gggrrrr it makes me so angry. Manic said, well now that we're back together we're gonna commit crimes and remain anonymous. Sonic said, your right about that. Grey-Sky said, hey why don't we spread a rumor about one of your fake ex friends and frame it on the other. Sonic said, sounds like a pleasant idea... Manic said, yeah...say Sonic they're we're your fake friends which one do you wanna frame and which one is gonna be the rumor? Grey-Sky suggest, hey how about that whack job. Sonic said, not gonna happen besides the only thing I rather do is get her to an insane asylum where she belongs. Grey-Sky said, what about that big idiot that you almost fell for...I mean I know you both are bisexual.. Sonic said, right...first off I did fell for him but all he is just "I think this..I think that.." HE NEVER THINKS AT ALL!..and it was a mistake to be in love with an idiot like him. Manic said, I think you hit a soar spot Grey-Sky. That's when Grey-Sky said in embarrassment, oh...hehe sorry.. Sonic replies, don't worry about it. Then Grey-Sky said, how about that broad with the hammer who had a thing for you.. Sonic said, are you kidding Grey?..I wouldn't like her if she was some hot and illegal stripper at a cl.. Sonic trails off before he smirked and said, hold up..I think you maybe on to something Grey...I think I know who are two victims will be...that pink bitch and that two-tailed brat.. Grey-Sky said, excellent choice.. Manic said, I'll go ahead and call Boomer.

Sonics pov

Manic gets out his cell phone to call Boomer while I got mine and called our friend Rika who is a talented actress and impersonator. Later we got everything ready for the hack of a life time. We posted the picture of Rika in disguise as Amy doing a pole dance stripping. We got out our dads laptop as Boomer hacked into Tails internet page. With success we posted the picture.. Manic typed in as he said, secret revealed that the rose with no thorns is really a slut on the pole. I typed in and said, hush-tag slut..hush-tag Amy..hush-tag a dirty stripper. We snickered and posted it. We even made sure that this post can't be deleted by making it un-deletable. Heheheh...thats when I got the most stupendous idea of our lives. I snickered and said, I gotta another criminal plan boys...and listen...*whispers very softly* as soon as I told them the plan we snickered as we began to laughed evilly. They don't call me the fast bullet for nothing.

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