Chapter 23 - the brothers next scheme

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The next day everyone including Percy, Knuckles, Sticks, and Tails were at the hospital as Flynn walked out with the doctor (a bright blue and white chipmunk) and said, well the doctor has the autopsy...based on what we found...time of death was between 12:00 midnight and 5:00 in the morning...cause of death was obviously rape due to the stick we found jammed into her inner crotch even though she was slit along with her mouth across her face right after it was sewed back together before her throat was slit just after her death. Tails said, so does that mean Amy? she? Flynn said grimly, I'm afraid so...she was murdered. Percy asked, you think it...was them? Flynn said, no Percy we didn't find any dna from Amy's rape's possible they hired another criminal to do their dirty work. Percy said with a glare, why those cruel fiends!? Flynn said, yeah I can see that. Percy then said, what should we do??? Flynn was about to answer but was interrupted by one of the cops who said, hey Flynn ya gotta check this out. Flynn rush to the scene of the crime and looks to see a note that says;

Hey Flynn:

Love the work our associate did to that pink slut?
Hopefully you idiots did.
She's such a damn pink slutty bitch.
Hopefully it's a real stick-up! LOL
But don't forget we ain't finished it's only a matter of time until this village burns to the ground.
Ya better be prepare for worst.
Sign: the twins!
P.S. I watch your back if I were you cause your girl is next and she's gonna end like her sister and her stupid girlfriend!

The note was finished as Percy asked, what do they mean?! Flynn said looking at the note, shit they know I told you...Percy your going to haft to stay with me in case they try to kidnap you and take you prisoner. Percy said looking into the eyes of her hero, oh Flynn you care so much about me. Flynn said looking into hers, we'll try and be as close as we can baby. Sticks said, IF YOU TWO ARE DONE MAKING OUT OVER THERE I NEED YOU TO FIND AMYS KILLER!!!...I WANNA KNOW WHO DID THIS TO HER! Flynn and the others groaned as Sticks said as she shrugged, what?


Sonic, Manic, and Grey-Sky snickered evilly at a local bar. Sonic said, HAHAHAHA!...oh boy she was so "fucked" up! Manic said as he hiccuped, your telling me baby brother...I wish I brought a camera to take a picture of that snob before the cops and the other dopes show...*gets an idea* hey bro since we made one fucked up rape victim how about we plan another being suicidal. Sonic grinned as Grey-Sky said, so who's your victim boys? Sonic and Manic looked at each other as they smirked before looking at Zoey the fox who was getting ready to go to a party. Both twins snickered as Grey-Sky said, good choice boys.

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