Chapter 10 - getting ready for the party

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Knuckles woke up to see Sonic asleep next to him he blushed Fiercely and instantly he noticed they were both naked. Knuckles thought, guess we were banging each other real good... that's when Sonic woke up soar and aching he blushed when he realized he was sleeping with Knuckles. Sonic thought, oh man...did...did I...slept with Knuckles?...a..a..after out?...shoot...I...I got..gotta...get to work... he stands up and puts his maid outfit on before walking out. Before he could however Sonic felt a hand grabbing his. He turn to see Knuckles who was still naked and said, Sonic...we need to talk... Sonic said timidly, y..yes?...wh..what?...I...I know this isn't go..gonna work... Knuckles said, no actually...the parties tonight and we haft to make this work... Sonic turns to him completely and said as he had a concern look on his face, I...I'm no...he gets cut off as Knuckles leads him to the bathroom that's when Erica and Evan cane out of the bathroom. Evan whispered, why are we involved? Erica whispered, have you forgotten?


Knuckles called out the two chipmunk siblings and said as they stood in front of their master, Evan and Erica Chips...I need your help getting Sonic ready for the party. Erica said, we will do the best we can.

<flashback ends>

Sonic was not comfortable by the fact that he's going to a party that wasn't meant for someone like him... Erica said, is this supposed to be some kinda truck well guys I seen worse... Evan said, well we're gonna turn this dirty maid into a silk maid. Sonic whined a little as he felt freezing in the bath,'s freezing...c..cold... Erica said, well it helps... Knuckles asked as Evan cleans him up, with what exactly? Erica replied, oh just the skin.... Knuckles rolled his eyes as Sonic got cleaned up. Sonic said timidly, I....I...I don't know if...I.. Evan interrupts, nonsense you'll be completely pulling this off you just need to be a little more...well you know... Sonic
thought, I'm not gonna pull this off...I just know it... moments later Sonic came out of the closet wearing a violet dress and flats with violet glitter but he was embarrassed as Erica led him out. Knuckles blushed and said, you look great Sonic....*caressed his cheek.* amazing actually... Sonic nervously said, b..b..but...I... Evan interrupted, no but's will do good trust us on this...and in time who knows you the same you are before. Sonic said shamefully, I'm s...sorry...but I....I can't go back to the way I used to...I...I can't....I would just be in the way...I know your concern about me but...that carefree and competitive hedgehog you all knew is gone...I...I am nothing more...than a timid and caring and a quiet matter what...I'll always be....*sadly looks down.* something in the way....I'm sorry guys... he attempt to walk away but Knuckles grabbed his hand and said, no wait....don't go Sonic...please...I love you... Sonic hesitated before slowly nodding his head and timidly said, *sighs* okay... Knuckles hugs Sonic as Sonic hugs him back he thought, looks like...I...I don't have a choice...give a try won't hurt one yourself Sonic...just be a good boy but timid and quiet...don't blow it...just try to be calm and quiet. That's when they left for the party as Erica and Evan high fives each other. The ride was silent as Knuckles looks at Sonic with concern and love. Sonic thought as he looked at the window, no matter what they do even if I'm married to him...*sighs* I can't go back...I will just cause nothing but trouble...just be calm, quiet and Timid...that's all...*Knuckles scooted I've to Sonic as he held his hand which made Sonic blushed.* okay...guess I should just behave is all...and as long as nothing stupid happens we will be  fine... Sonic gave him a timid smile as he felt his head pound on the way to the party.

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