Chapter 2 - working none stop

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Everyday Sonic just does whatever he could to work... Knuckles normally yells for him to clean up... Rouge makes fun of him and tells him to do the laundry...Sonic could've done it faster but he needs to stick to the rules no matter what. He even gets teased, picked on, and laughed at by the other servants even when they were working... when he cleans the kitchen up....Sonic cleans up whatever he could... the servants usually torment him no matter what room he was cleaning....tease and make fun of even knocked down the vase thinking he did... the servant yelled, HEY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!...PICK THAT UP!!...*walks off* CAN'T YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT BESIDES SHOWING YOUR FAT BODY THAT IS!!! Sonic tolerated all he could... but in nighttime Sonic didn't stop working...he normally cleans the kitchen, the backyard, or the garden... when he attempts to fall asleep he takes one pill and swallows it...working to the bone without stopping made Sonic so badly even kept touching his rear end whenever he the morning the servants just started they're normal routine as Sonic did his....but everyday in the afternoon when the servants were gonna take a break one of them (Silver) turns to him and said rudely, hey Sonic it's time to take a break... Sonic said while heavily breathing, I'll...pass... One of the maids said as Silver stands there, Sonic you haft to rest it's unhealthy for someone like you to work this hard. Sonic heavily breath and said as he wiped the floor, I...I'll...I'll be fine...d..don' then as the maids walks off Silver walks off as well as another servant (Evan) said, hey why isn't Sonic on his break... Silver said unworried, he said he'll pass... Evan replied, again?...sheesh why is that hedgehog still working besides he had to take at least one break... that's when one of the (Erica) maids said, that's the problem he hasn't stopped... the servants in the room said in shock, WHAT?! Erica said, I witnessed it myself day and night he works and works and works....without stopping...he even had taken some pills to get him to stay awake... Silver said, he hasn't stopped not even once....why Erica?...why hasn't he stopped?... Erica said, I won't tell you... Evans said, WHAT WHY?! Erica said in anger, because you all were too busy being mean and picking on him while he works his rear off without fussing...I tried and tried and tried to tell you but you all just wanna make him suffer more... Erica was the only one showing compassion and kindness towards him like a sister would..Erica was the only servant that wasn't mean to Sonic while working... Silver and the other servants felt so guilty that they didn't realize it... Silver said, look we're sorry we'll listen we really will Erica... Erica said as she let out sad sigh, I don't know if you all heard but...Tails was caught in a lab accident he was badly injured and badly ill...Sonic had to take him to the hospital but unfortunately he didn't have enough money to pay for the surgery he needed...that's why he's working... Silver said, how much is the surgery? Erica said, about $ 900,213.00 the servants shouted, THAT EXPENSIVE!!?? Evans said, well I don't care how stupid he looks but he needs to stop... Erica said, tried that but he said no....another servant said, well why can't we make him and we didn't know... Evan said angrily, well I'm not the one who sexually harassed him Tim... Erica gasped and said, did you really sexually harass him? Tim said, all I did was touch his rear end... Evan said angered, well that's still sexual harassment he didn't enjoy that the reason why he kept tolerating it is because you kept doing that until he cracked... Tim said frustrated, how was I suppose to know that? Evan said angrily, I don't care why you did it when you touched him in the wrong place it made him feel uncomfortable...your an asshole... Erica said, enough you let's get back to work... the servants agreed as they walked off...

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