Herman Kozik (Part 2)

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This is a part 2 to the previous imagine.

It had been two miserable years since Kozik and I broke up. I didn't even try moving on with anyone else. I just kept to myself and continued my business job while I enrolled into college for nursing after everything happened. Once I finished college with the nursing degree for being an emergency room nurse, I quit my previous job and now I'm currently working at the hospital in Charming. I packed up and moved hoping that I could get away from what almost was. It was another long day considering my shift started at 7 this morning and it was now almost 10 p.m. The emergency room kept having people come in and we were all busting our asses to help everyone out. 

"Y/N WE GOT ANOTHER PATIENT BUT THIS ONE IS WAY WORSE!" I heard doctor Tara yell out. I sprinted for the hallway where her voice carried from. Once I was up to the gurney my heart stopped and my thoughts went spiraling. 

"Oh my God, Kozik..." I whispered and started crying. 

The love of my life, that I had to walk away from two long years ago, was laying with two bullet holes in his stomach bleeding excessively. 

"We need to get him into the operating room now and get him started on IVs and..." I didn't hear the rest of what she was saying. My eyes were focused on Kozik's limp form. 

"Y/N?" Tara asked snapping me out of my trance. 

"Yes?" I whispered out. 

"You're done working for today. You did great and worked extremely hard like always. Plus, he's going to need you when he's awake. I can get you the next week off because of the new nurses." Tara told me softly before hugging me. This is why she was my friend, because she cared about me and helped me out through everything when I moved here. All I could do was give her a half smile and watch as she and the others rushed the gurney to the operating room. When I headed for the waiting room I seen the Sons standing there trying to get answers but failing. 

"Hey guys.." I fake smiled to them. 

"Y/N...I guess you seen Koz." Jax softly asked. 

"Yeah. I'm staying here until I need to work again. Tara told me she would get me a week off because he would need me. What happened?"

"A run didn't go well and some of the guys got injured. Not too badly but Kozik got the worst of it. What are they going to do?"

"They're rushing him to the operating room and getting him started on IVs." I started crying harder this time. Jax pulled me into his chest and the rest of the guys gathered around doing a group hug. I already knew all about the Sons here in Charming before I came down here because of Kozik. They took me in and looked out for me and kept me updated on Kozik. 

"Opie can take you home so you can grab some clothing and whatever else you need."

"Thank you. Please call me if anything is said or changes. I'll be back shortly." I hugged Jax before letting Opie lead the way to his motorcycle. 

"I'm so sorry Y/N. It wasn't supposed to happen." Opie said feeling guilty. 

"It's not your fault. I know shit doesn't always go the way it's supposed to on runs like these. I just pray he makes it because no matter what happened two years ago, I still love him and I always will." I hugged Opie before grabbing the helmet off of Jax's bike and walking to Opie's bike and sitting down. Right before we put the helmets on, he started speaking. 

"He hasn't been with or slept with anyone since you two broke up. He knew he screwed up and it was all on him. You told him what you needed from him and he didn't take it into consideration that you would crack under his constant overprotective self. You wanted to be with him, illegal stuff with the club and all. You stood by him when he was facing his darkest days. He never shut up about you whenever he made trips down here and even after you guys ended it, he spilled it all. He got so drunk one night that he started crying and pulled up a picture of you and him smiling and showed it to everyone. He asked 'How did I fuck up with this amazing woman and not give her honesty.' He's still a complete wreck even today." Opie let it all out. I couldn't help but smile at everything he said about my Koz. Without another word, we put the helmets on and Opie sat down starting the bike up and taking off. I wrapped my arms around his waist and enjoyed being on the back of a motorcycle again. It didn't take long before we were pulling into the driveway. We both stood up and made way to the door. Once it was unlocked we walked in and I went to grab my backpack and started filling it with clothing which was nothing more than two pairs of jeans, a pair of sweatpants, two old t shirts that I kept from Kozik, a sweatshirt that also belonged to Kozik, my converse shoes, toothbrush and toothpaste, the little bottles of shampoo and conditioner, and lastly my brush with a hair tie. Once I made sure I had all the necessities, I unplugged my phone charger from the wall along with my wallet and placed them into the backpack as well then zipped it shut. I made my way back down the stairs and to the kitchen. 

"I'm ready." I told Opie when I noticed him looking at the pictures I had of Kozik and I on the refrigerator. 

"You guys will somehow work this out, because if you don't..."

"Opie, you're like my big brother and all, but shut the eff up." I glared at him as I placed my bag onto my back and grabbed my lanyard with my keys on it placing it around my neck. We stepped back outside and I locked the door before heading back to the bike. I sat down once I made sure my helmet was secure and waited for Opie to start it up. Finally, back to the hospital. I hope he's going to make it...I can't go through this without being able to tell him everything else I've had time to think about over the two years we weren't together. 

"We're here." Opie's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I got off and placed the helmet back on Jax's bike before walking back inside of the hospital. Once the guys came into view I ran for it. 

"Have..have they given any updates yet?" 

"No bullet was left inside thankfully, but they did have to do a blood transfusion because of the blood he lost. They should have him back in his room within the next hour. They said once they get him settled in they will only allow three people at a time and we have to keep our voices down. They also suggested that we should keep encouraging positive things to him because he can hear us."

After what felt like an eternity, but it was actually only two hours, me, Jax, and Opie were able to go to his room. My heart completely shattered at the sight. His stomach was all bandaged up and he looked so pale. Jax and Opie took their turns speaking words of encouragement to him. It was now my turn. 

"Koz it's me, Y/N. It's been a while hasn't it? You're still the most handsome man I've ever seen. I still love you even after these past two years." I took a break in my speech before I placed a hand to his cheek. "I love you Herman Kozik. I always have and I always will. When you wake up I want us to make things right, if that's what you want as well, because I've been miserable without you. I'm still loyal to you and to prove that, I haven't dated anyone or slept with anyone else because they weren't you. I love you, it's always been you." I cried out before leaning down and pressing my lips to his. For a second, I thought his hand was on the back of my head...wait..I'm not dreaming... his hand was on the back of my head and pushing my lips against his. We pulled apart to breathe and he spoke. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Jax and Opie had left, thankfully.

"I'm still loyal to you too. I never stopped loving you." Kozik spoke in a raspy voice. 

"My handsome Kozik, what would I ever do without you?" I chuckled with tears still streaming down my face. 

"How about we don't think about that because we have a lot to discuss. Starting with, everything was my fault. I know I should've been honest with you from the start instead of hiding everything and trying to protect you from behind the scenes. I should've been honest that way we could've both been prepared for whatever might have happened. I will not make the same mistake twice with you. If you would be willing to give me another chance I will be honest about everything with you and that's a promise. You know I won't go back on my promises. I want that family life you talked about us having." Kozik started crying, his hand moved to rest on my cheek. 

"I believe you. I want to start fresh and have that family. You, Herman Kozik, are the love of my life and I will NOT leave your side unless you do something to betray my trust in you." I choked out before leaning forward to kiss him again, this time more passionately. 

Three months have past since Kozik's accident and he's still being careful. It's just scars from the bullet holes along with the stitches. The doctor said he shouldn't do anything straining until the second week was up after he had the surgery. Once that second week was up Kozik took immediate advantage of that and showed me the love that we both had been missing. We spent the entire night making love and taking it slow to make sure our love for one another was shown. It was definitely shown alright. Breaking out of my daydream, I made my way to the kitchen finding Koz sitting at the table on his phone. I sat down on his lap and kissed his cheek before handing him the little gift I had wrapped. 

"What's this?" He chuckled.

"Just open it babe."

After the wrapping paper was off of the gift, he opened the box and froze. 

"Y..yo..you're pregnant???" He asked excitedly after he seen the pregnancy test and the pictures of our baby that I had received after an appointment that I made to confirm I was in fact pregnant. 

"I'm 2 months and 2 weeks. You were on bedrest for the first two weeks then after that night..." I smiled brightly at him. His hands carefully came to rest on my stomach. 

"We're finally getting started on our family Kozik."

"Which reminds me." He said before gently pushing me off so we both were standing. I managed to grab the box out of my pocket, not paying any attention to him. Apparently, we both weren't paying attention to what the other one was doing because when we both looked up, we both were on one knee with a box opened, and the words, "Will you marry me?" falling out of our mouths simultaneously. 

"Yes!!!" We both yelled at one another before breaking out into laughter. I heard other laughter coming from around the corner. 

"Please tell me you got that all on video." Kozik was trying to breathe out talking to the laughing figure which was Jax. 

"I sure did." Jax chuckled. 

Kozik and I lost it again and started laughing. Once we composed ourselves he spoke first. 

"Y/N, I've been in love with you since we started getting older. You've always handled me and been there for me when nobody else was. You gave me another chance and I won't mess this up. I love you and can't wait to spend however long I'm here on this Earth with you." Kozik spoke as he placed the ring on my left finger. 

"Herman Kozik, you were my best friend when we were just kids and growing up. As we started getting older I started gaining feelings for you. You were my first everything in a relationship. I don't regret one second of it either. I'm deeply in love with you and couldn't imagine living this life without you." I spoke my part as I placed the ring on his left finger. Grabbing his vest, I yanked him to me and kissed him. This will be a cute video to show our kids when they're older. 

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