S1,E3 Fun Town

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We see Jax, Bobby, Tig, along with Ashton on a roller Coaster. All three look to be having fun and enjoying their time.

Ashton: Woooo!

We then see Jax and Ashton walking behind Gemma and Clay as they then see Elliot and his family walk up to the bickers as Clay sets down Gemma who he had on his arm and shakes his hand.

Then Elliot's daughter says she wants to go on the spin out when Ashton then reaches into his pocket and hands the daughter a twenty dollar bill.

Ashton: They kicked me off for screaming to loud enjoy it ok.

The girl walks away to the spin out after thanking the young outlaw as Jax with Tig and Ash walk away after Elliot leaves. We then see them meet up with Bobby as all four of them talking as they walk by a bunch of Nazis before stepping up to the splash tank with a trash talking clown.

Bobby: Darby's guys?

Jax: Don't recognize them.

Clown: Ooh, look at the big bad bicker huh? Gonna get Clowny all wet, huh?

Jax then gets three balls for the game.

We then see Jax barely miss the target and then the clown takes it a step to far for Jax and Ashton.

Clown: Bet all your leather-wearin' butt buddies say the same.

We then see Jax hit the button dunking the clown as Ashton hops up on the tank and with his boot holds the clown down under the water.

We then cut to Juice running up to the guys after the clown is out of the tank and tells them the Irish are coming.

We then cut to all the guys standing around the bikes as Ashton smokes.

Clay: You think the prospectus deep enough.

Jax: May only have one nut but it's a big one. I trust him.

Clay: What about you Ashton?

Ashton: *Exhales a cloud of smoke* The boy has done good so far so I say I'm with Jax.

Clay: Hey Prospect.

HS: Huh?

Clay:  Come on over. Learn a thing.

Tig: Hurry up. Hurry up! Don't get hit.

We then see a truck pull into the lot as Ashton takes another hit of his cigarette.

Tig: Don't screw this up, Sack.

We then see the Irish gun dealer Micheal step out of the truck and hug Clay. Ashton then sees Chibs and gives him the cig to finish it. We then see Micheal and Clay walk towards us.

Micheal: 62's and Ak's. Fresh from the Kremlin. *starts pulling out parts* Got all the parts, a couple assembled samples.

Juice: Got them Ak's.

Clay: God Bless Gorbachev.

Ashton: You got that right.

We then cut to inside the club house with everyone around Micheal as Juice is putting them together.

Clay: Niners torched the warehouse where we store and assemble our weapons.

Micheal: Holy shite. What does that do to business?

Clay: Ah, we just bought nine acres on the edge of Amador County. We start rebuilding, we'll be up and runnin' in two, three months.

Micheal: Can't you assemble 'em here?

Clay: We learned our lesson the hard way. We don't cross our money streams. This is strictly a legit automotive business.

Micheal: So that means you go three months without buyin' the weapons from us? Sam Crow's a huge piece of our income.

Clay: Gotta make the adjustment, right? I mean, it's part of business.

Micheal: This isn't a business for us, brother. True I.R.A. We're not merchants. We're soldiers. The guns we sell fuel the cause. Without it, we lose ground.

Ashton: We support the cause, McKeevy. Shit like this just happens.

Chibs: We'll have our guns up and runnin' in no time.

Micheal: That's the problem. No time. Three weeks would cripple us. Three months, we can't wait for that.

Ashton: What the hell are you sayin'?

Micheal: I'm sayin' ifyou can't front us the cash in the downtime, we're gonna have to find a new buyer.

Clay: I've been buying guns from you for over a decade, Michael. When you split from Adams, I stayed with you 'cause of our friendship.

Micheal: You stayed with me 'cause the other cowards sold out. We're the only outlaws left. Now don't take this personal, Clay. Your warehouse burnin' down is a casualty of commerce. You lose our guns, that's a casualty of war.

We then cut to the next day in the morning with Chibs, Ashton, Jax and Clay walking towards the shop.

Chibs: McKeevy's gonna want his usual per-month order and a month's insurance.

Clay: I can't get my hands on 200K. I got every spare cent tied up in the rebuild.

Chibs: So what do I tell him?

Ashton: How much time do we have before he is here again?

Chibs: Well, he's going up north tomorrow. Don't know for how long, but when he gets back, he'll want his cash before he goes to Dungloe.

Clay: Tell the shamrock I'll give him his money. But I want you to go with him. Courtesy escort. Let me know who he's meetin' with.

We then cut to Ashton along with Clay and Jax with Elliot in the office as he is telling them what he knows.

Jax: What did the cops say?

Elliot: Took a report. Hale's out lookin'. I want you to find him. You bring him to me first. Pay anything you want.

Clay: What do you think we are?

Elliot: Oswald has been her longer then Sam Crow I know what you are.

Clay: I don't want your money. Nobody walks into my and does this to a innocent girl. We'll find the sick bastard. But when I deliver him to you, I'm gonna need to know that justice will be served. You hear what I'm sayin', old friend?

Eliot: Yeah.

We then cut to the table with Tig going on a rant.

Tig: We got a 200K deficit hangin' over our heads. Do we really, really wanna be out there playin' some pro bono Lone Ranger?

Ashton: Guy raped a 13 fucking 13 year old girl that could be the age of your daughter dip shit.

Tig: I get it. I just don't like puttin' my ass on the line for some outsider. Clay, Oswald doesn't give a shit about Sam Crow.

Clay: You know, people get jammed up in this town, they don't go to the cops. They come to us. And that means somethin' to me. I don't know. Maybe I got somethin' to prove with this guy. You know, that's my shit. So, anybody wants to pass on this—

Ashton: I'm going to stop you right their you know my answer about this shit brother.

Jax: Oh, no way. I'm in!

Juice: We're in.

Chibs: Absolutely. I'm in.

Tig: I'm in too. Guess we're huntin' a tot banger then.

Clay: Good. So what do we know?

Jax: We saw a couple of guys sportin' Aryan ink. Not sure if they were Darby's guys.

Ashton: And Macon Woods is right on the Lodi border. Darby's got a meth shack couple of miles from there.

Clay: Rape as retaliation.

Bobby: Certainly in the Nord wheelhouse.

Clay: Tap into the Sanwa database. Find out which Nords get hard for underage pussy.

Juice: Got it.

Tig: Bobby and I'll go after Darby.

We then cut to hours later with Ashton in the shop with Jax, and Clay along with Tig.

Ashton: I can't believe these assholes are takin' another coffee break.

Clay: Total jerk off. Hale must know we're lookin' for the guy.

Jax: We're gonna be here all day.

Tig: Oh. Two double "tranquiccinos" comin' up.

Ashton and Clay walk into the office when Tig finishes the pot of coffee.

Tig: Lookin' at a 12-hour nap.

Clay: Nice

Ashton: Beautiful my brother.

Jax then walks towards the office as Ashton stands by the door.

Jax: Comin' for refills.

Tig: Fresh pot, boys. It's hot. Jackson.

Jax: No, thank you.

Officer 1: Juice should be here soon, Clay.

Clay: Sometimes he gets lost.

Both of the officers then pass out as Ashton and Jax are outside waiting as Tig and Clay close the door behind them.

Clay and Tig walk out and all the heat is Ashton say "Don't fall on the floor." As all four of the guys start laughing.

We then see Ashton, Chibs, and Jax pull up to Half Sack on his mini bike.

HS: Been talkin' to the Fun Town carnies for over an hour.

Jax: Stay on him.

HS: Think you guys could double up, let me take one of your bikes?

Jax: Not unless he grows tits.

Chibs: Big tits. Huge tits.

Ashton: No, massive tits and a big ass.

Jax: He's goin'.

We then see all three walk up to the carnies to ask questions of their own. Jax pulls out a picture of the girl.

Jax: See this girl last night?

HC (Head Carnie): Who are you?

Ashton: Concerned citizens. And what did you just say to that cop?

HC: Why don't you ask him yourself?

Jax: 'Cause we're askin' you, Uncle Vinky. This girl got raped less than a mile away. Shit like that doesn't happen in our town, which points to an outsider.

Chibs: And there's not much more outsiders than you muppets.

More carnies surround the trio as Ashton lifts his shirt showing a gun.

HC: All right. Tell you what I told the cop. All my guys were here powerin' down rides, chaining up booths. Security guards your town hired'll tell you the same thing.

Jax: That's right.

We see all six of the guys slowly climbing down a hill with no cuts on and black shirts on. They all squat new trees looking at the house.

Jax: Looks like a full house.

Ashton: Men on the porch are armed. Not sure about the ones in the back.

Bobby: You take down the ones at the cages. I'll get the lookouts.

Bobby, Chibs and Tig start to head off as Ashton opens the bag of Ak's and tells Clay the bad news.

Ashton: Hey Clay we got a problem No clips.

Clay: What? Goddamn empty.

We then see Ashton with the AK like a bat and hits one guy in the head with the butt of the gun as Jax chokes out the other guy. We then see the other three make their way to the front as Ashton tosses the AK to Tig.

Tig: There's no clip. Goddamn Juice.

All the fires get kicked in as Ashton sees a church thing going on and he is so fucking confused. Tig walks in and all Ashton hears from him is a fake gun shot noise. The guys then drag Yates out side to talk to him.

Yates: I haven't acted out sexually in over three years. I mean, all ofthese men will vouch for me.
I'm a saved man.

Clay: I guess we got some bad information. Sorry.

Ashton: A little misunderstanding.

Jax: Forget about our little mistake, we'll forget about mom's illegal mutts.

Priest: Not too late for you men. And Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, can save you. He can deliver you from all your transgressions.

Clay: Ah, I appreciate your zeal, Padre, but my transgressions- All I got left.

Tig: Amen

The guys walk away singing Kumbaya as they hear Ashton say " I sing this fucking song put a bullet in my fucking head please." As they all laugh while walking away.

We then see the club in the clubhouse as we see Ashton sitting on his bed with him looking at his cut on his chair. He then stands up and walks over to a poster and moves it and pulls out a wooden box. He sets it on his bed and opens it and sees a picture of him and his older sister a week before she had passed.

Ashton moves the picture and pulls out a little envelope that he hadn't open it and he wanted to soon but he put it back in the box as he hears Clay hit his door.

Clay: Ashton, we got the guy.

Ashton: Ok I'm grabbing the brass knuckles.

We then cut to all of the sons on their bikes starting to pull away from the club house and start to pull into the park. We then see the Carnies playing cards and then start to walk towards the sons as Ashton gives Jax on of his brass knuckles.

Jax: Hear you guys are harboring a fugitive.

HC: What are you gonna do about it?

We then see the sons start to beat down the carnies as Ashton is fighting and beating one down.

Clay: Bobby, Chibs, find him!

Ashton still is beating the guy and Jax is pulling Ashton off the guys.

We then see the Sons in the woods as Oswald pulls up in his car and gets out.

Clay: Here's the scumbag, raped your little girl.

Elliot: Cattle guys call this an "Elsie maker." It's used to cut the balls off of bulls. Strip him.

Clay: He deserves every second of the pain. What do you wanna do here, Elliot? We had a deal.

Elliot: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I— I-I can't— I—

Clay: Hold him still.

Jax: Clay!

Clay: Let him bleed out. Bury him in the woods. Mark the grave. Pick those up and gift wrap 'em. Put this in a bag. Make sure you don't touch it. It's got Oswald's prints all over it.

Ashton and Bobby walk towards their bikes and get on them minding their own business and not caring about what is going on in front of them.

We then see Ashton pull up to the club and he walks into his room only for a phone in the wooden box to go off. Ashton answers it and he hears a voice he had heard only once in his life.

???: Is this the brother of Jen.

Ashton: Yes it is now why are you calling my dead sister.

???: You see my name is Dominik but my family calls me Dom your sister told me that her brother could help my friend watch over his sister.

Ashton: Who is your friend Dom.

Dom: Marcus Alvarez for his half sister Letty Ortiz. He needs some help and I can't do anything on my side besides housing her.

Ashton: Ok, what is your buddy need.

Dom: He made a bad call and in a deal with the Nords his sister is to be the wife of a Nord by the name of Darby. Pretty sure you two are accustomed with each other.

Ashton: Yeah we now each other. So what does he need.

Dom: I know a little but he wanted to use his last favor your sister owed him. I was told he is taking his sister to northern Nevada for a meeting their.

Ashton: He wants me to go into their territory. I won't go alone I'll think of something but if I go I'll meet him on neutral ground in Oregon ok. Quick question can this girl fix a car?

Dom: Best female mechanic I know I'll put that on my life. Anything else kid?

Ashton: She knows how to shoot a gun to right?

Dom: She's a great shot you'll like her if your anything like your sister told me and Alvarez.

Ashton: Tell him I'll be there soon to pick her up I'll go but only me, him, you, and his sister. What does he want in return?

Dom: Nothing but his sisters safety.

Ashton hangs up the phone and puts the phone back in the box but before he puts the box up he sees a slight rip in the wall as Ashton pulls it a little more he sees a paper with people she owed favors to and he looked down and saw a notebook he opened it and a paper fell out and it was a written agreement between Alvarez, his sister, and this Dom guy. But the paper was a agreement that this Letty girl was to marry me due to Alvarez wanting her safety beyond anything.

Ashton: Well still beyond the damn grave you still give me shit to clean up sis. Ashton then open a envelope with a picture of a young man and a little girl three or two years younger then the man.

Ashton: So that is you little Letty.

Ashton then flips the picture and he sees that the picture was 4 years ago with her age is 14 years old so making her the same age as him.

Ashton then puts the picture in his wooden box and goes over to his bed and goes to sleep.

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