Cant commit to anything but a crime

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Alice POV
     Eleanor and I stand at the back of the auditorium while Lucille sits on the carpeted ground with Maesta. The speakers make the principal's voice way to loud as she screams in the microphone already. Lucille began to get panic-ey so she sat down. We were smart enough to not sit in the actual seats so it thankfully didn't cause a disruption.
     Lucille fed Maesta some treats for behaving in the unbearable heat, while still cuddling up to Lucille.
     "Excuse me?" We hear Miss Robinson boom, "boys, the disrespect I'm getting from you is not acceptable behavior from seniors. My office now."
     She fixed her hair and continued to give her speech on welcoming us to a new year, while the vice principal walked the boys out.
     Eleanor taps my shoulder and points to Lucille. She has Maesta up to her chest, I'm pretty sure checking her heartbeat and she's heaving.
     We pull her off the ground, Maesta standing steady for her to hold on to- similar to how Bowie does.
     As vaguely as we could, we ushered Lucille out the creaky door letting all light in the dark room ( note the sarcasm).
     We walk to the Bathroom, Maesta mainly leading us all. Lucille pushes the door open, almost immediately sliding against the wall.
     Eleanor takes a water bottle out of her own backpack and hands it to Lucille. She chugs the whole thing handing it back. It's thrown aside and Maesta goes to work, making sure Lucille will calm down.
     "Did you take your meds?" Eleanor asks lightly.
     Lucille snaps her head up to Eleanor, pissed out of the blue now.
     "Why would you ask that? Papa always puts them on the dresser! Do you think I didn't take them?" She asks accusingly.
      "No, no, no. I'm not saying that. Sometimes people forget, I know Maesta has extras."
     Lucille now looks sad, and maybe scared. "Wait, maybe I didn't, what it I didn't?"
     "Ask Imari," Eleanor offers.
     Lucille pulls out her phone, typing a question. She gets a ding a few minutes later.
     "No," Lucille announces dropping her head.
     "It's okay," I put in, "you have more here."
     She hits her wrists into her skull to which Maesta starts to block with his paws.
     Eleanor begins to open Maesta's picket on the right side and pulls out a orange container of pills. She pops open the white lid and dumps out two pills with, she hands me the plastic bottle Lucille drank from not long ago and points to the sink.
     I get up from my squatting position and walk to the sink, filling it up with cold water half way.
    Handing it back, Eleanor gives Lucille the supplies to which she downs it.
This'll be a interesting day
     "I'm home!" I call out once again.
     I get a lousy 'hi' back but overall, bad results. I decide to depress myself as I head into the basement. I walk into the cold cellar where there is freezers full of wine and other delicacies, but secrets behind a simple corner.
     I turn the very corner and see the large freezer. It's a whole roll-ey thing, made to put dead bodies in before burial— so they stay fresh. The plans showed how he would keep her here for eight years. Opening the freezer I feel chills go through my whole body even though it isn't cold. It smells like her, her vanilla shampoo, Chanel perfume. Even after all the time it's resinated in this drawer.
I remember coming down here to simply get a set of bottled cola for the party, alas fourteen year old me went too far and saw hair. Oh, how I wish I could go back in time tell myself it was my imagination— ignore it. Fourteen year old me opened the freezer two years ago and saw the face that my father promised to me had blown to bits. I cried— sobbed. I had found my mother, I didn't ever get to say goodbye. It was hard to hide my bloodshot eyes but I managed.
     One night, I came down and took a good look at her. Her gorgeous icy blonde hair, her slightly freckled skin, even the loose white dress she wore. The veins stuck out of her as she paled, and her eyelids became thin, now I could see her electric blue  irises poke through.
     I tied a Ribbon around a section of her hair and cut it off to keep one day. As creepy as it sounds I felt it was the only part of her I had. My dad had thrown away all her items in hope I would stop sobbing. I still have the hair today, it hangs in a braided chunk put in a frame on my wall.
She couldn't stay there forever, and the plans my dad drew out weren't to go to waste. When the soil was put down, so was my mother about a week ago. Our neighbors decided to take out five feet in their half of the lawn, so now all we have to do is hope they didn't find the body of  Alexis Elizabeth Robert.
Is that? No, it can't be!
me updating twice in one day!
I'm sorry I suck at uploading...

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