Super Mario (and luigi!)

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      I open my foggy eyes to see Lucille's big mop of friz. I'm caged in with her leg sprawled against me, head on my chest and my arms under her head.
      Gently, I move her head off of me causing her to stir lightly. Removing her leg is another story if you touch her arm to rough she's wide awake but you could rip her leg off and there is no effect.
   Still gently I move her leg and swing my legs off the bed. When I turn around now standing I almost scream.
     I guess I didn't see the two Doberman standing and the edge of the bed.
     "oh my gosh, " I sigh, they were always around Lucille. Like, little guardian angels, or devils?
   "Come on guys, " I say pointing to the door,
     They ignore me and hop on Lucille's bed, Mario sticking his muzzle under her head and Luigi lays on her stomach.
    I roll my eyes and make my way out of her room and down the grand staircase. I smell pancakes wafting from the kitchen so I speed up.
     "Good morning, " I offer to the two men in the kitchen.
     "Morning!" they both say in sync.
    Maesta jumps on my shoulders and gives me a few morning kisses.
     "Hi, baby!" I exclaim happily.
     These dogs definitely have favorites. Maesta likes me- we're tall twins, Regina loves Noah, and the Doberman a whole story. Though the Doberman were Imari's own dogs (prior to him and Noah's marriage) they have favorited Lucille, so Imari gets satan.
"How was your sleep?" Noah asks flipping a pancake.
"It was good, what about you?" I reply still hugging Maesta.
"Good except Regina!-" he calls out as if the dog should feel bad, " kept yapping at nothing."
I snort just thinking about the little firecracker.
We fall into a comfortable silence until the Queen herself makes an entrance.
"Hello!" she calls out holding the 'O'.
"Fix your hair darling." Imari laughs.
It didn't seem possible but her hair was even frizzy-er. Her two escorts let out a little humph of protest but didn't scream like others (Regina) would.
The Icon I just thought of ran in screaming about God knows what.
Noah drops his spatula on the counter, muttered a 'watch those' and made his way to Regina.
he crouched down to her height which was basically laying down, then expressed his mind- "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT, REGINA DIAMOND GORGE!"
The dog looked appalled at the use of her full name but turned her fluffy but and pranced off like a two year old, Noah literally at her tail.
"You know Lucille when you were five, you were practically twins." Imari muttered as he put the last batch of packages on a plate.
Lucille scoffed and waved off her security to which they ran outside the open patio door.
Me and Lucy sat at the island and began to eat the pancakes Imari put in front of us.
~ ~ ~
     I sit in the window seat, Eleanor's head in my lap. I make braids with her hair while she scrolls through Instagram showing me a funny post once in a while. For the most part, I loot out the window.
     All is quiet and still until I hear the bark of Mario, a whimper from Luigi came from the open window.
     I push Eleanor's head away and sprint down the tall stairs.
     My whole world seems to fuzz, I heard one of my baby's in pain and I was in slow motion. Maesta follows me down the stairs, Regina peeks her head out a door but all I can think is what happened? Mario and Luigi were strong dogs, trained to fight off anyone who was to try and hurt us. When they were worried you know something is wrong.
     I open the sliding door to the backyard in only a bra and sweatpants, I don't have time for shoes.
     Rounding the corner I see a large hole in the ground that they must have dug up, Luigi was wondering like someone had a knife to his throat and Mario was barking and nudging at something.
     I let out a sob, knowing they weren't hurt. Maesta went in between my legs, thinking it was a breakdown. Mentally or physically, I don't know.
     I stride over to the hole, wiping my eyes. What could be in that hole? I move past the two dogs who stare intently at the hole. On my knees, I pull Mario away from the ground.
     I look down at this hole and see fabric, strange. I move it to reveal what made my heart drop, my stomach twist and my eyes water. I let a scream, I don't know how loud it was but I know everyone could hear.
     I scream and scream, and scream. I don't know what else to do. Just let the tears stream and scream like it's all I can do.
     I start to shake and Maesta, being trained goes too me and tries to calm me but I keep screaming. What else am I supposed to when... W... W- the ground looks comfy, and I'm down.

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