Chapter 16

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Sora (POV)
All Might starts it off by dashing at Shigaraki at really high speeds
All Might- Carolina....
Shigaraki- Nomu.
All Might- Smash!
Nomu gets in the way and All Might's attack doesn't do anything. Nomu tries to squish All Might's Head but All Might ducks.
All Might- Guess he wasn't wrong when he said it had no effect on you.
All Might punches nomu in the stomach and nomu tries to hit All Might but All Might jumps back.
All Might- Let's try this!
He punches Nomu in the face.
Sora- Lightning Zap Cannon!!
I fire a big ball of lightning at the nomu and it hits it right in it's face. It roars in annoyance.
All Might- It doesn't matter where we hit you does it.
Shigaraki- That's because Nomu here has shock absorption All Might. The only way you're going to hurt him is to slowly gouge out his flesh. Of course, I don't think he'll sit back and let you do that. You've finally met your match.
Sora- You're stupid. You just told us how to beat him you idiot!
All Might goes behind nomu and delivers a German Suplex on him causing and explosion. When the smoke cleared, the Nomu's upper body was through a warp gate and he came out right into All Might's back.

All Might- What trick was that?
Shigaraki- Nice. You were trying to bury him in concrete so he couldn't move around anymore. Sorry, that won't work. Nomu's as strong as you are. That won't stop him. (Chuckles) Nice work Kurogiri. We've got him just we're we want him now.
Sora- Not on my watch. Lightning Senbon!!
I send rays of lightning at Shigaraki
Author: Like this

He dodges some but gets hit some. I electroport right in front of him and throw an electric punch that sends him flying back and it creates an explosion. I run at where he landed at lightning speed. He gets up in time and dodges my electric kick. We trade blow for blow until I bicycle knee him in the face and follow it up with a leaping double foot stomp on his chest.
Shigaraki- (cough up blood) Not...bad kid. You're.....something.....very special. However...
He grabs both my feet and my boots start to rip apart and it exposes my actual foot which the skin starts ripping apart.
Shigaraki- Don't get too cocky!
He let's go and double boots me in the face and I go flying back.
Kurogiri- I've got you.
I go through one of his wrap gates and I land next to the nomu and a trapped All Might.
Kurogiri- I'm going to enjoy killing the both of you.
???- I'm coming!!
It was Izuku and he's running this way.
Sora- What are you doing?! Get out of here!
Izuku leaps for All Might but Kurogiri gets in his way and spawns a warp gate. Just as Izuku was about to go through it, Bakugo comes out of nowhere and hits Kurogiri with an explosion.
Bakugo- Get the hell out of my way Deku!
The Nomu's right part of his body gets frozen in ice.
Sora *mind*- That must mean...
Sure enough Todoroki and Liz were standing side by side with ice particles floating around them.
Todoroki- One of your poorly trained thugs told me you're here because you think you can kill All Might.
Liz- I couldn't stand around and watch Sora get hurt anymore.
All Might escapes Nomu's grip and leaps next to Todoroki. Liz helps me up and takes me to their position.
Sora- Thanks...Liz.
Liz- It was the least I could do. You're putting your life on the line for us.
Kirishima comes out of nowhere and tries to hit Shigaraki but he easily gets out of the way.
Kirishima- Aw man. That was gonna be cool.
Bakugo- Guess I found your body that time ya smoky bastard!
Todoroki- The symbol of peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you.
Sora- Stop this now Shigaraki.
Shigaraki......Kurogiri. How could you let this brat get the best of you? You've gotten us into a real jam here.
Bakugo- Heh. You got careless you dumb villain. It wasn't hard to figure you out. Only certain parts of you turn into that smoking warp gate. You use that mist to hide your actual body as a kind of distraction. Thinking that made you safe! That's why we missed.
Shigaraki- Nomu.
Nomu goes back through the warp gate but he looses his frozen limbs. He somehow begins to grow them back.
All Might- What is this?! I thought you said his power was shock absorption.
Shigaraki- I didn't say that was his only quirk. He also has super regeneration. Nomu has been modified to take you on even at 100 percent of your power. He's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back. First we need to free our method of escape. Get him Nomu.
He dashes right for Bakugo and he doesn't even see Nomu coming.
Sora *mind*- Damn it Bakugo.
I electroport to him and push him out of the way and I take the blunt force of Nomu's punch and I get sent back into a wall.
Everyone except Bakugo- Sora!!
Sora *mind*- How am I still alive. I'm surprised not more of my bones are broken. My ribs are done for though.
Shigaraki- Amazing. You're still alive after that?
I cough up blood and flip Shigaraki off.
All Might- These are kids and you didn't hold back?!
Shigaraki- He was threatening my companion. Besides, these kids are no angels as you just saw one of your students flip me off. The plain looking one, he tried to kill me with a maxed out punch. And the kid that nomu just punched  could've killed me with some of the attacks he's thrown. What kind of "hero" does that? You think you can get away with being as violent as you want if you say it's for the sake of others. Well you know what All Might? That pisses me off.  Why do people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic and others are villainous? Casting judgment as to what's "good" and what's "evil." You think you're the symbol of peace? Ha. You're just another government sponsored instrument of violence. And violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead.
All Might- You're nothing but a lunatic. Criminals like you; you always try and make your actions sound noble. But admit it; you're only doing this because you like it. Isn't that right?
Shigaraki- Nomu. Kurogiri. Kill him. I'll deal with the children. Let's clear this level and go home.
Nomu and All Might dash forward and there fists collide and the impact sends everyone back except me because I'm stuck in this wall.
Shigaraki- Weren't you listening?! One of his power's is shock absorption.
All Might- Yeah? What about it?
Nomu and All Might go rapid fire

All Might starts overpowering that guy.
Sora *mind*- Got to help him. He doesn't have much time left in that form.
With great struggle I work my way out of my wall crater. I generate electricity around and I gather all the electricity in this building. The sound of thunder echoes thorough out the facility.
Sora- Here....goes
My regular lightning turns blue and it starts to swirl in my right hand. Until it looks different
Author: Like this.

I electroport right next to All Might as he was about to deliver his finally blow.
All Might- Go beyond! Plus Ultra!!!!!
Sora- Lightning Release: Chouginga Chidori!!!!
Our attacks hit right in Nomu's midsection. Lightning goes everywhere and It causes the ground to quake violently. Nomu is rocketed out of here through the ceiling after a big explosion

Kirishima- That was like the finishing move in a video game. All Might beat the shock absorption right out of him and Nakamura's awesome attack added an even more powerful effect. I've never seen anything like that.
Bakugo *mind*- Damn you Outcast! How do you have such power?!
All Might- I really am getting weaker. Back in my hey day, it would've only taken five hits. Today it took more than 300 mighty blows. You've been bested villains. Surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly.
Shigaraki *mind*- No. He's not any weaker at all. And that kid. I've never seen anything like him. Just look at what they did to my Nomu. They cheated.
All Might- What's wrong? Not attacking me? Didn't you say you were gonna clear this level earlier? Well come and get me if you dare. What, are you scared?
Shigaraki- (scratches neck violently) If only Nomu was here. He'd rush you right now. Pound you and your student into the ground without giving it a second thought.
Kurogiri- Tomura Shigaraki. Please do not fret. Look at him. He has definitely weakened. Nomu's attacks were successful.
Shigaraki- Yeah. Yeah you're right. We have to kill him now. The end boss is right here.
The other villains begin to gain conciseness and get up.
Sora *mind*- Damn. I only have enough power to look intimidating. If they attack us, All Might and I are screwed. Shit.
I encase myself in lightning. Kurumi and Shigaraki rush us.
Shigaraki- Consider this revenge for what you did to Nomu!!
Izuku leaps out nowhere in front of us.
Izuku- Don't you touch them you stupid villain!!!
Kurogiri creates a warp gate right in front of Izuku's face and Shigaraki sticks his hand through the other end.
Kurogiri- I won't fall for that again!
Shigaraki- (Chuckles sadistically)
Just as a Shigaraki was about to touch Izuku, a bullet goes through his hand.
All Might- There here.
The teachers arrive along with Iida.

Sora- Oh.....goody.
My lightning dies down completely.I spit up blood and crumple to the ground everything goes black.
Author: Wow. What a long one huh? So much shit went down. I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter and I'll see y'all in the next one. Piece.

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