Chapter 23

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Sora (POV)
We still had a little time before the final round so that time was spent enjoying some side games. What I didn't expect is the entirety of class 1-A girls perform in a cheer battle. So after having a mini heart attack because they looked so good in those uniforms, we drew lots but Ojiro withdrew. I got my lot and ended up getting a fight against shiozaki from class 1-B
I was first up so I spent the recreational time preparing and focusing. I was in the locker room prepping myself when Ochako came in from cheerleading.
Ochako- Hey Sora.
Sora- Hey Ochako.
Ochako- I say you got the green haired girl from class 1-B.
Sora- Yeah, and I saw you got Bakugo. He's gonna be tough for sure but I believe you can do it. I you want any tips I'd be happy to provide aide.
Ochako- No thank you. I want to beat him with my own power.
Present Mic calls my name and my opponents name to come to the field.
Ochako- Well, go em dead. I'll be watching and cheering you on.
Sora - Thanks Ochako.
She gives me an unexpected hug which I return then I head out to the field. I'm in the tunnel about to go out when I get stopped by All Might.
All Might- Hey.
Sora- Oh hey All Might. What brings you here?
All Might- Well I've been watching the entire thing and I never got a chance to say hello to you or Midoryia.
Sora- I see.
All Might- So are you prepared?
Sora- As prepared as I'll ever be. Kinda nervous and excited at the same time.
All Might- It can be like that sometimes.
Sora- No matter how I feel, I'm going to do my best. Izuku and the others aren't the only ones aiming for the top.
All Might- That's the spirit! I'll be cheering you on! Good luck!
Sora- Thank you.
I walk out to the stage.

Present Mic- Alright folks! First off, this student has made a tremendous impact in today's events already using his smarts and his amazing quirks! It's Sora Nakamura from class 1-A!!!!
The crowd erupts in cheers.
Present Mic- And on the other side we have the assassin Ibara Shiozaki!!!

The crowd cheers.
Shiozaki- I am no assassin I only do the deeds of the divine beings of heaven.
Present Mic- Oh. Sorry.
Shiozaki turns to face me.
Shiozaki- So you're the person everyone here is talking about.
Sora- Yeah, I guess.
Shiozaki- Hmm. Your skill is quite impressive and your willingness to help out your friend during the Calvary battle was quite noble.
Sora- Uh thanks?
Shiozaki- However, I must move on to the next round so therefore out of the good graces of my heart, I will take you down and deliver to heaven.
Sora *mind*- Super religious much?
Present Mic- Ok are you people ready?!!!
The crowd cheers.
Present Mic- 3.....2.....1.....Fight!!
I dash towards her. Her hair extends and turns into vines. Her vines come towards me but I dodge to the right and keep charging towards her.
Shiozaki- You won't get away that easily.
She makes her vines follow me and chase after me. I run and dodge and fall back. She sends even more vines at me
Sora- Lightning Wave!
Lightning erupts from my body and a wave of it goes her way.
Shiozaki- Vine wall!
She turns her vines into a wall and my attack connects with the vines causing a small explosion. I use the smoke to my advantage by running to it and jumping through it.
When I come through I caught her off guard. I punch her in the face with a right, connect with a left gut punch, and bicycle knee her in her jaw which sent her tumbling close to the out of bounds line.
Sora *mind*- One more attack should do it.
I dash to her.
Sora- Lightning Kick!
Shiozaki- Faith's Shield!
Multiple layers of vines shield her and my foot connects with it. The vines wrap around my foot and gets it stuck.
Shiozaki- Crucifixion.
Vines come up from underneath the ground and wrap around me and hoist me up in the air.
Shiozaki- There's no point in struggling. You can't escape my vines. I have won Sora Nakamura. This is how it should be.
Sora-...You haven't won yet.
I liquify myself and I drip down out of her vines. I turn back to normal and land on the ground.
Shiozaki- But how?
I place both hands on the ground.
Sora- Pool.
I flood the entire stage in water.
Sora- Keep your eyes and ears open.
I liquify again and disappear in the water. I secretly swim behind while she looks around for me . I rise up from the water with my upper body normal while my lower half is still water. Sora- Water Prison.
She turns around to see me but it was too late.
She gets trapped inside a ball of water.
Sora- It's over.
I generate lightning in my left hand and stick it inside the water prison. She gets shocked for about two seconds before she's knocked out and I dispel the water prison.
Present Mic- And it's over!!! Sora Nakamura has won and is moving on the the next round!!!
The explodes into cheers.
I look up and see all my friends clapping and waving to me. I smile and wave back.
Sora *mind*- One down, many more to go.
Author: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Make sure to leave a vote and comment. I'll shout you out in the next chapter if you do. I'll see y'all in the next one. Indigo Prince over and out.

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