Chapter 3

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Sora (POV)
All Might- Young Midoryia, I deem you worthy of my power. My quirk is yours to inherit.
SI- Huh?
Izuku- Wait, what do you mean inherit? Inherit what?
All Might- (laughs) You should see y'all's faces right now. Don't worry. I'm not gonna force this thing on you. Listen well young man. This is your choice. Do you want to access my awesome power or not? There are a couple things you should know about my abilities. You listen too other young man.
Sora- Yes sir.
All Might- Journalists always guess my quirk is super strength or some kind of invulnerability. When people ask in interviews, I always make a joke and dodge the question. That's because the world needs to believe that their symbol of peace is just a natural born hero like any of them. But I'm not. There's nothing natural about my ability. I wasn't born with this power. It's a sacred torch that was passed on to me from someone else.
Izuku- Someone gave you this quirk? No way.
All Might- Yes way. And you're next. I can give you my abilities.
Izuku- Wait. Hold on, this a lot to process.
Sora- Yeah what he said.
Izuku- It's true that there's a lot of debate as to what your quirk actually is. Nobody's ever figured it out. It's one of the world's greatest mysteries. People are constantly talking about it online. But, well the idea of passing on a quirk or inheriting it just doesn't make any sense to me. I've never heard anything like that before.
Izuku goes on to do his usual muttering when he starts thinking about stuff too much.
All Might- Does he do this often.
Sora- Yeah pretty much.
All Might- Uh kid it sounds like you're overthinking this whole "inheriting" thing. Stop nerding out!
That snaps Izuku out of it.
All Might- You'll have to adjust your reality and accept this new truth. I can transfer my quirk to someone else. And that's just one facet of my secret abilities. The true name of my power is One For All. One person improves the power then hands it off to another person. It continues to grow as it's passed along. It is this cultivated power that allows me to save those who are in need of a hero. The truth behind my strength.
Izuku- But why would you choose to give me a gift like that? What if I can't live up to it?
All Might- I was on a long hunt for a worthy successor. And then, I watched you jump into action as the rest of us besides your friend here stood idly by. You may just be a quirkless fanboy but you tried to save that kid. You acted like a hero. Both of you did.
Izuku starts to tear up again.
Sora- C'mon Izuku. Again with the water works?
All Might- Seriously kid. You gotta stop cryin so much if you want my quirk.
Izuku wipes his eyes and stands up.
Izuku- Okay. I'll do it. Yes!
All Might- No reluctance. That's exactly how I figured you'd respond. I want both of you me at the Dagoba Municipal Beach Park in two days before the crack of dawn. We got training to do.
He gives us his number and leaves.
Sora- Well that was something.
Izuku- I can't believe that actually happened.
Sora- C'mon. Let's get you home.
Timeskip two days. Early morning.
I was watching as Izuku was trying to pull a fridge while All Might in his hero form was sitting on top of it.
All Might- Hey hey hey. It's pretty comfy up on this fridge. How are you doing down there?
Izuku collapses.
All Might- People move these everyday y'know. And most of them don't even have any super strength.
Izuku- Well yeah but...there's an extra six hundred pounds with you sitting on top of it.
All Might- Nah. I've lost weight so I'm down to five hundred and sixty these days. In this form at least.
Izuku- (sarcastic) Great much better. Why do you have me dragging trash across the beach anyway?
All Might- (laughs) Take a look at yourself. You're not ready for my power.
Izuku- (anime cries) But I thought you said that I was worthy!
All Might- I'm talking about your weak body. My quirk One For All is a lot to handle. The combined physical abilities of everyone who's ever used it creates a hurricane of pure force. An unprepared body can't full inherit it. Your arms and legs would shoot off if you tried to.
Izuku- Seriously?! Okay so this whole beach covered in trash thing is really some kind of hardcore gym workout and you're my trainer?
All Might- You got it. But there's other reasons too. I did a little online research yesterday. Turns out this part of the beach used to be beautiful but it's been a total mess for the last few years.
Sora- That's right. Because of the ocean currents, anything that's dropped in the water usually ends up here. People take advantage of that when they're illegally dumping their trash. Now all the locals avoid this place.
All Might- Heroes these days are all about showing off and capturing flashy villains. Things were different before quirks. Service was what mattered. Back then, heroes were those who helped the community. Even if it was kinda boring. Young Midoryia, you and young Nakamura will restore the coastline for this entire section of beach. That is the first step journey to becoming a hero young men.
Izuku- All of this? But that's impossible!
All Might- Young Midoryia, you want to go to UA right?
Izuku- Of course! You went there.
All Might- What about you young Nakamura?
I nod.
All Might- UA is the hardest hero course to get into. So that means you got ten months to until the UA entrance exam! But don't worry kids! I've got you covered. With the help of my handy "Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan!" Follow this to the letter and the beach be cleaned up just in time. I also detailed every aspect of your lives while I was at it.
He hands us the packets.
Sora- Man, even my sleep is scheduled.
Izuku- You're not kidding.
All Might- If I'm being honest, this is going to be super hard. Think you guys are up to it?
Izuku- Yeah. Sure I am.
Sora- Most definitely. Let's get started.
Author: And that'll do it for this chapter. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and I'll see y'all in the next chapter. Piece.

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