Chapter 34

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Same time
Shigaraki (POV)
Kurogiri warped us three to on top of a building in Hosu City.
Shigaraki- Hosu City looks nicer than I expected. So what're you gonna do?
Stain- I will reform it. It order to do so, blood must spill.
Kurogiri- You have a clear goal. Your dedication is admirable.
Stain- (Sigh) Finally someone who understands.
Shigaraki- I get the feeling you enjoy picking on me.
Stain- Hero is the title of those who have accomplished great deeds. This city is full of false champions. All they care about is money and fame. Until this world realizes it's mistakes, I will continue my work.
He unsheathes his sword leaps off the building to go look for heroes to kill.
Shigaraki- He talks all high and mighty and stuff but he's wasting his time focusing on a small stage. He's so noble I could cry.
Kurogiri- You shouldn't spurn his message. The reality is that in all the cities Stain has appeared in the crime rate have fallen. Perhaps the heroes are cautious or perhaps out of fear. Regardless, he does bring change.
Shigaraki- Oh isn't that just wonderful. Heroes are working harder thanks to all those murders. I guess you could say that our hero killer is also our hero breeder. This is getting boring. It won't work. We just can't agree on a basic level. And he annoys me. Kurogiri, bring out the Nomus. Stain, you think you can get away with stabbing me? When I get tired of you, I'll kill you. Whenever I feel like it, just like that stain.
Three nomus stand before me.

Shigaraki- Let's make it more interesting. How about I crush your honor and your pride first. What do you say big bad hero killer?
Timeskip to nighttime
Sora (POV)
I arrive at the city and I see parts of it are on fire and sirens blaring.
Sora- What the hell?
There's explosions happening left and right and I see an old man and a grey nomu fly out of a passerby train overhead of me.
Sora- What the hell is he doing back?
I also see someone in green lighting jump from the train and land on a nearby building.
Sora- Izuku? Wait up!
I start running to the action. People start running towards me. I have shove through the crowd to get to the action.
Sora *mind*- Now that I think about it,that nomu wasn't the same one as before. It was a lot smaller and it was grey but if it has as much power as the one All Might and fought at the USJ then this could be really really bad. Everyone in the entire city is in trouble.
???- Tenya! Where are you Tenya!!
Just as I hear someone yell Iida's name, A truck lands in front of me and explodes.
Sora- Shit!
I get blasted back but get caught by Izuku.
Izuku- Don't worry I got you.
Sora- Thanks man.
Another hero lands next to us. I'm assuming it's Iida's trainer. I see two nomus in front of us. One looks like the original while the other is flying.
Izuku- What are these things?
The hero next to us gets up and tries to douse out the spreading fire.
Izuku- That's Manuel. Iida is working for his agency.
Manuel- Damn it where are you tenya?
Izuku- He went off on his own even though this is happening? That doesn't sound like something he would do.
Sora- My guess, he's probably going after our friendly neighborhood hero killer Stain. He's probably still in Hosu City somewhere. Why else would Iida bother to come here?
Izuku- Oh my god you're right. Damn.
We take off to go look for Iida. We go through alleyway to alleyway looking for him. We eventually hear his voice which led us to him. From a distance we see Stain about to kill a prone Iida.
Sora- No. You ready Deku?!
Izuku- Let's get em Rai.
He gets covered in lightning as we continue running.
I become water and start spinning into a spiral columned water. It takes the shape of a serpent.
We get closer to Stain and he still doesn't see us yet.
Izuku- Smash!!!!
Sora- Mount of the Serpent!!!!
Our attacks nail him in the face and with the combined power and force of our attacks, he goes flying through a alley garage.
Iida- Who's there? Midoryia? Nakamura? But how?
Izuku- Don't you worry Iida. We're gonna save you.
Stain crawls out of the garage and gets up.
Sora- Iida let's go. We need to get back to civilization.
Iida- I-I can't move my body. It must be his quirk. Since he cut me, I've been paralyzed.
Izuku- That's the type a quirk the news said he might have.
We notice another injured person.
Sora- Izuku, you get Iida. I'll get the other guy. We need to move now.
Iida- Please don't get involved. This has nothing to do with you.
Stain- You two showed up to save your friend's life. You even made a big entrance. But I have a duty to kill him and this so called pro. When your friend chose to to fight me, it guaranteed that the weaker one of us would be left cold. So, what will you do?
Izuku sent his location to someone on his phone behind his back. Smart.
Sora *mind*- I guess we're gonna have to hold him off until we get backup.
Sora- The answer is simple. We're stomp a mud hole in your ass so bring it skinny penis!!
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the chapter. Peace.

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