Chapter 40

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Sora (POV)
We were outside in this industrial area outside of the school for basic training with All Might.

All Might- I am here. If feels like I haven't seen you in awhile. Welcome back. Now then, listen up for what's in store. We're gonna have a little race. Take everything you've learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue training. Be prepared because you're about to step into field Chema. On the inside is full of factories that form a labyrinth. So good luck getting around. You'll be competing in groups of five. Each person starts from different locations on the outskirts of the model city. I'll send a distress signal and you do what you must to rescue me. Whoever finds me first wins. Try to keep the property damage to minimum please. (Points to Bakugo and me)
BS- Why're pointing at me?
I was placed in a special group with just Liz and I plus a surprise student that I've never seen before.

Sora *mind*- The Hell is she. Can't worry about that now. Gotta focus. I've gotten my speed to go faster. It's about the speed of light. I got this. Also gotta be careful cause I can slip and fall as well.
The buzzer goes off and I Incase myself in my lightning. I started jumping from building to pipe to building. There was a rumbling in the distance and I see Liz riding a giant ice wave.
Sora- Well Damn. Gotta go faster.
I go from rooftop to rooftop again as I get closer to All Might. Suddenly there's a big explosion and a plume of blue fire shoots up into the air.
Sora- The Hell was that?!!
I stop and squint my eyes and see something.

Sora- What the fuck?!!!
That girls aims her arm cannons behind her and blasts away shooting her towards All Might faster than I can keep.
Sora- Shit!
I keep going to get to All Might but the girl beats me there and I tied with Liz for second. The girl's arms go back to normal.
All Might- The young miss may have come in first but compared to the start of the year, I've seen some major improvements. Keep working and preparing for your upcoming final exams. Your group is dismissed.
Liz and walk up to the mystery girl as we were leaving the field.
Liz- Hey wait.
The girl stops and turns around.
Liz- Hello. I'm Liz Suzuki and I've never seen you before. Are you new?
Mystery girl-.......
Liz- .....Ok then how about a handshake for getting first place? (Extends hand)
The girl looks at the hand then looks at me and just stares. She slaps the hand out the way and approaches me.
Liz- Wow rude!
The girl stands in front of me.
Sora- Um......can I help you?
She grabs the front of my hero outfit.
Sora- Woah easy there. I just had this thing cleaned.
Without any warning. She gets up close to my face and licks me for the bottom of my chin, up and over my lips, over my nose, and she finishes off with my forehead.
Liz- (flabbergasted) Huh?!!! What the hell?!!!!
The girl let's go of my shirt and walks away without saying a word.
Sora- I-I have nothing besides who was that?
Liz- I don't know but she's getting her ass kicked next time I see her!!
Timeskip to later that evening
I got home with Liz and I headed to my room, dropped my stuff off and changed into some comfortable clothes. I got onto my computer and pulled up one of my current favorite songs and started jamming to it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Indigo: Shout to RWBY. Lit song as usual. Can't wait for season seven.
As the song finished, my phone vibrates and I pull it out. It was a message from an unknown number.
Unknown- It seems you met a good friend of mine today and it also seems she has taking a liking to you. That's good for you otherwise you'd be dead right now. Anyway darling, I love you and I'll be seeing you sooner rather than later. XOXO
Sora *mind*- What the hell is with these messages?! I have to find out who both these people are or else this is just gonna get worse.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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