Chapter 5

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Timeskip hours later
Sora (POV)
I awaken and I'm in a bed. I look around and see it's my room.
Sora- How did I get here? I was just in the fake city.
My room door opens and my mom enters
Mom- (gasps) Honey come quick! He's awake!
My mom comes over to the side of my bed and gives me a tight hug.
Sora- Mom stop. You're crushing me!
She lets go.
Mom- I know it's just that your father and I received a call from UA saying that you were in the infirmary and that we needed to pick you up. I course I got worried and we drove to UA and got you but you've been passed out for most of the day.
Sora- Wait what? What time is it?
Dad comes in the room.
Dad-It's about 8:00 pm.
Dad- So what happened?
I told them everything of what happened at the exam. By the time I was done, mom had a shocked face and dad was smiling.
Dad- That's my boy! You'll have no problem getting in to UA! I just know it!
Mom- Well I'm glad you're ok. I'm sure that girl you saved is very appreciative. Do you need anything? Are you hungry?
Sora- No. I think I'll just go back to sleep. I'm still tired.
Mom- Ok sweetie. Get some sleep.
They exit my room and I fall asleep.
Timeskip one week later
It was the afternoon and I was playing Stranger by Can't Swim on my guitar while my DJ system played the drum part

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As I finished the song, I heard clapping come from my door. I look and see it was my mom.
Mom- Bravo. That was really good.
Sora- Thanks Mom. It was a little something I was working on.
Mom- I can tell. It sounds really good.
Sora- So what's up?
Mom- I have a letter for you. It's your UA test results.
She puts the letter on my desk.
Mom- I'll be waiting outside your door.
She goes out my room and closes my door. I put my guitar and go sit at my desk.
Sora- (sigh in nervousness) Alright. Here we go.
I rip open the letter and circular device comes out.
Sora- What the...
All of a sudden, a projection of All Might Pops out of it. I jump a little.
Sora- The freak? All Might? But you're not a UA teacher.
All Might- I know it's been awhile but with great power comes with a great amount of paperwork. (Coughs) My apologies young Nakamura. The truth is, I didn't come to this city just to fight villains. You're looking at newest UA faculty member.
Sora- Ok well that makes a lot more sense seeing as you're in a big yellow suit.
All Might- Right moving on. You passed the written test with flying colors. As for the mock battle.....I've never see someone so young have that much power and control over their quirks. Young Nakamura, with more training, your power could exceed mine. During the exam you set the new record of most points with 200 points just from destroying robots. You also helped others escape from the zero pointer and risked your life with Young Midoryia to save a trapped test taker. Doing that earned you an additional 100 points. With that Young Nakamura, you have more than earned your way into UA. Congratulations young man. I am very proud.
Sora- Wow, I did all of that. But what about Izuku? He didn't any points! Give him some of mine!
All Might- Worry not young Nakamura.
He shows me the video of that nice girl trying to do the exact same thing I'm doing.
All Might- Izuku Midoryia! 60 rescue points! And Ochaco Uraraka 45 rescue points! They both passed the exam and are heading to UA with you. Welcome Sora. You are now part of the hero academia.
Sora- Thank you so much All Might. I won't let you down.
He gives his signature smile and the projection shuts off.
Sora- I did it.
I go to my door and open it to find my mom pacing.
Mom- So.....
I crack a smile and that gave mom my answer.
Mom- Ooohhhhh! I'm so proud of you!!!!
She gives me a tight hug
Sora- Mom not again!!
She lets go.
Mom- Tonight we celebrate. When your father gets home we are going out and you can have whatever you want. Sound good?
Sora- Sweet.
Mom leaves and go back to my room and take out my phone. I call Izuku and he picks up.
Izuku- Hello?
Sora- Hey Izuku what's up buddy?
Izuku- Everything is going good. I just got my results back and I'm going to UA! I did it Sora!
What about you?
Sora- I get my results back and I passed too. But get this, I set the new record in points. A total of 300 points.
Izuku- Wow! I knew you had it in you! I can't wait to go.
Sora- Me neither. Ok I'll talk to later Izuku.
Izuku- Bye.
I hang up and go back to listening and playing music.
Timeskip to the next night
After I opened my letter, All Might texted the group chat and asked for Izuku and I to meet him at the beach the next night . So that's what I'm doing right now. Izuku and I make to the beach and see the non hero version of All Might staring out into the ocean.
Izuku- Hi All Might!
He turns around and spits blood.
All Might- Too loud kid!
Some people overheard Izuku and I told them that all Might wasn't here.
All Might- Congrats on getting in.
We give him a high five.
Izuku- We couldn't have done it without your help.
All Might- Oh speaking of which, I didn't tell anyone at UA that I've been you guys or anything.
Izuku- Hmm?
All Might- Really. I wasn't one of the judges and I didn't pull any strings for ya. You guys earned your spots all in your own.
I just smirk.
Izuku- Wow. Thanks for telling us. I'm glad to hear that. Oh yeah, I was really surprised to hear you're gonna be a teacher at UA this year! I was wondering what brought you here all of a sudden. After all, your agency is in Minato, Tokyo and everyone knows
AMS- Gettin creepy.
All Might- The school didn't want me telling anyone about the job until they made an official announcement. It seemed like fortuitous timing. An easy way to find someone new to inherit One For All.
Sora- So that's it.
Izuku- Your power completely wrecked my body. And all I did was jump and throw one punch. I can't control it. What do I do?
All Might- You'll learn to manage it in time. Hoping to master it right away is like asking a baby to run a marathon. You still have to go through the process of learning how to walk.
Izuku- Yeah...wait! You knew I was gonna get hurt that badly?!
All Might- Well...we were in a time crunch. But it turned out alright.
My hand smacks my face and I slowly shake my head no.
All Might- Right now your quirk is either all or nothing. One day, you'll learn how to control your output. Then you'll be able to adjust exactly how much power you're using.
Izuku- I just need control?
Sora- That's what the man said.
All Might- Right now you're overflowing with power. With training, your body will hold it better. (Changes into hero form) Then it's yours to command.
The same people see All Might.
All Might- Now we run!
Sora- Don't gotta tell me twice.
All three of us take off into the night.
Author: Well that's the end of this one. Sora has gotten into UA! Yay! His journey is starting off strong. Hope y'all enjoyed it and I'll see y'all in the next one. Piece.

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