Chapter 55

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Sora (POV)
After dinner, I went to the men's spa bath area like Aizawa said.
Sora *mind*- Not gonna lie, this feels nice. A little piece and quiet while soaking in a nice hot springs is just what the doctor ordered.
I hear screams echo in the night.
Sora- Class 1-B must be doing a good job scarring people. (Sniff) Wait a minute. What's this odd smell?
I look up and notice black smoke and lots of it.
Sora- It smells deadly. Something isn't right here. I think we might be in trouble.
Willow (POV)
I was in the camp classroom with the others who bombed the stupid test when suddenly we get a telepathic talk from Mandalay
Mandalay (telepathic)- Everyone! Two villains attacked us. It's possible there are more coming. Everyone return to camp immediately.
Aizawa- I'll look out for the other students!
Aizawa runs out leaving the rest of us here.
Willow *mind*- Hehehe. It's almost time.
At the same time at the hideout
Shigaraki (POV)
I was at the bar playing cards with Kurogiri.
Kurogiri- You sure they'll be alright on their own?
Shigaraki- I'm a non-playable character this level. As much as I want to be there, they'll make it work without me. Knowing Toga, she probably won't stop till she gets her hands on the kid. And besides, this game has totally changed. I've been thinking of this one as an RPG. We had some pretty good equips but we challenged the boss while still at level one. Really, it's more of a simulation game. I'm the player and I'll use all my little pawns to smash through the heroes ranks. But first, I need to make cracks in the superhuman world. And it all starts with Sora Nakamura. This where the Vanguard Action Squad comes into play. Who cares if these guys win or lose. The heroes will be scared because they showed up.
Kurogiri- They're sacrificial pawns?
Shigaraki- Come on. Do you really think I'm that heartless? I'd never underestimate their strength. They may have different goals than me but they're comrades nonetheless. In a society bound by ridiculous rules, villains aren't the only ones being oppressed. Let's hope we can pull this off. If successful, I wonder how the heroes will react when one of their own becomes they're biggest threat and their eventual downfall. Oh how exciting this shall be.
Dabi (POV)
I spawned a Clone of myself outside the camp building waiting for Eraser head to get out here. He comes out but he doesn't notice me.
Dabi- Looks like your concern has you distracted Eraser.
I fire off a big blue flame blast but Eraserhead avoids it my using his scarf to get to the top of of the building.
Dabi- Nice move. Guess you really are a pro.
Try to fire off a another one but I can't because he erased my quirk. His scarf wraps around me and he yanks me towards him and knees me in the face. He turns me around and pins me to the ground.
Aizawa- What do you want and where are your friends hiding?
Dabi- My What?
Aizawa- Your Right arm is next. (Pops dabi's left arm) Be logical about this. At least save your legs. It would be a real pain to have to carry you off to jail without them.
Dabi- You could take your time Eraserhead.
My hair on the top of my head flickers blue and a blue fire explosion rings off in the distance.
Aizawa- What's that?
A couple of UA brats come and I slip out from his grip.
Dabi- That's the type of performance I'd expect from a UA teacher tell me hero, (Aizawa yanks scarf and it goes right through Dabi) are you worried for your students? I wonder if you can save them in the end.
There's a big explosion and a plume of blue flame rises from the building.
Aizawa- What?!
Dabi *mind*- It's about time.
Dabi- See you soon bitch.
With that the Clone melts into nothing. I saw everything while safely in the forest next to Twice.

Indigo: by the way, I think twice hella funny.
Twice- Argh. Come on Dabi. You got your ass handed to you. By a magic scarf!
Dabi- How weak. That happened fast.
Twice- Huh? Don't say that. We can frame this as the pro being too strong. It's important to mind your self esteem even on a perilous mission.
Dabi- Whatever Twice, just make another one of me. We need to keep those pros occupied.
There's crunching in the leaves as a figure comes up to us.
???- Well let's keep them occupied shall we?
Dabi- Hmph. Good to see you again......Willow.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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