Chapter 71

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Izuku (POV)
It's been a couple days since that night. All Might ended up beating All For One but he used up the last of One For All because of it. His hero days are no more. The battle caused mass destruction and casualties and Sora's parents are among the deceased. He's an orphan now. After the run in with Willow, the police and medical personnel came soon after. All that I know is that he was taken to the local hospital and the rest of the group including myself went home. And that's where my hurt self is now. Outside of my apartment. I knock on the door and mom opens it up.
Inko- Oh honey, I can't believe what a hard time All Might has had lately. Things must've been difficult for you too. And I also heard about Sora. How is he?
Izuku-.........Well I don't know. He was unrecognizable when we got him. He practically had one foot in the grave. He's been unconscious the entire time. I'm pretty sure he's going to get better but.........his parents.........
Inko- I heard about it in the news. And the worst part is that he doesn't know. That's the first news he's going to hear when he wakes up. Maybe we can take him in. I do have a spare bedroom. You should ask him soon.
Izuku- I will. I'll be in my room if you need me.
I walk past my mom and go to my room. I collapse on my bed and begin scrolling through the newsfeed on my phone. Eventually my eyes get heavy and I drift off to sleep.
Timeskip to that night
I'm awakened by my phone vibrating. It was All Might and he wants to meet at our usual spot. Immediately get up and make haste for the beach. I get there and see him staring out to the sea.
Izuku- All Might!!!
All Might- Ah, you finally made it.

We begin to run towards each other.
Izuku- Are you okay?!
All Might- It took you long enough. Texas Smash!
He decks me in the face with his good arm and I fall on my butt.
All Might- You made a promise but as it turns out, you can't keep your word. If you kids would've gotten hurt, it would have all been in vain. You got some bad influences. Young Midoryia listen. I'm officially retired as a pro. It's clear that my body isn't going to allow me to fight another battle.  The last sparks of One For All has left my body and my muscle form won't last any significant amount of time. I can't protect you if you get into any danger now and you're always rushing to try to help no matter what I tell you. Destroying your body over and over. And back there you managed to...rescue your friend and without being injured or throughout blows. You almost did with Young Creed when you tried to rescue young Nakamura's parents. That is a difficult conversation we're all gonna have once he wakes up but all in all, I'm so proud of you. From now on, I will devote myself to training you. You're stuck with me so let's keep working hard together.
Izuku- (begins to cry) Thank you. Nothing would make me happier All Might.
All Might- What did I say about the tears? I thought we agreed you'd stop it with the waterworks.
That's when I truly knew All Might's reign was truly at its end but I couldn't soak it in just yet as All Might's phone vibrates. He answers and his face goes pale as he clicks off his phone.
All Might- He's awake and they had to do total facial reconstruction surgery while he was out. Let's go.
We make our way to the hospital by cab and we run into the lobby.
Front desk staff- Oh hello All Might. What can I do for you?
All Might- Quick I need to know what room Sora Nakamura is in!
FDS- Well let's see here.
He types on her computer for a couple seconds.
FDS- Ah here he is. Room 436 on the fourth floor in the west wing.
Izuku- Thank you sir!
We sprint off to the west wing and hop into the elevator to the fourth floor. We arrive and quickly get to the room.
All Might- I'm going to have to tell him aren't I?
Izuku- We both will.
We take a deep breath and we open the door. We find Sora looking out the window and staring into the night sky.
Izuku- Sora you're ok!
Sora turns to us and we get a good view of his new face.

He looks at us with a blank stare.
Sora- I know everything. My life as I know it is gone.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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