Chapter 81

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Sora (POV)
As I sit in this corner plotting my next move, I can't help but overhear the interaction between Todoroki and the wind guy from Shiketsu.
Todoroki- Hey you with the collar. Did I offend you somehow?
Inasa- ...........(sarcastic) Oh no I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings? Well the thing is son of Endeavor, I just can't help but hate both of you. You've changed a little bit since the first time our paths crossed. But you definitely still have your father's eyes.
Another student from Shiketsu breaks it up and they go their separate ways. I go back to brooding but notice a girl with the same Shiketsu uniform staring intently at me from the other side of the room.

She notices and gives me a wave with a gentle smile. I ignore it and listen on what the announcer is saying over the intercom.
Announcer- Villains have performed a large scale terrorist attack spanning all of [insert city name] Since all of the buildings collapsed, many are injured.
Sora *mind*- Is the backstory really necessary?
Announcer- Due to heavily damaged roads, first responders have been delayed for the time being. Until emergency services have arrived, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue effort. Your task is to save as many lives as you can and save the injured.
The room were in opens up to the arena and get up and stretch.
Sora *mind*- Let's get this over with.
Announcer- And with that......begin!
We all book it to the debris except me. I just calmly watch on as they get further and further away.
Announcer- Uh, I did say begin.
Sora- I know. I'm just giving them a head start so that it'll seem somewhat fair.
Liz (POV)
I'm with the rest of the class as we head to the debris.
Iida- Let's start by heading to the closest urban area. We'll work as a team as much as possible.
Class- Right.
Bakugo goes off on his own with Kaminari and Kirishima.
Liz- Hey Wait a minute. Where's Sora?
A bolt of lightning in the distance gives me my answer.
Liz- Damn it. He's gone off on his own again.
Tsu- It's okay. We'll catch up to him. However, even though this is a test, it feels pretty real.
Izuku stops suddenly.
Iida- What's wrong Midoryia?
Izuku- I hear somebody.
We follow him to the cry for help and find a person down below in a crater.
We slide down and approach the civilian.
Izuku- Oh no. This looks bad.
The civilian looks up at us with an astonished look.

Civilian- This looks bad?! That's points off your score. The first thing you should do check to see how bad my injuries are and if I can walk. I'm breathing kinda weird too aren't I? And didn't you even notice that I'm bleed from the head?! People with hero licenses should be able to judge the victim's condition in an instant! Your gross lack of training is all to apparent right now. You better shape up and pay better attention newbies. You're not just here to provide aide. Until the police and firefighters show up, you need to exercise authority and make sure this goes off smoothly. Think of the victims here. They must be terrified. There are many aspects of being a hero. But take note, there's one thing to keep in mind above all else. Anyone who needs rescuing is having the worse day of their lives. And the first you said was "this looks bad". Seriously?!
The guy goes back into character as Izuku shapes up.
Izuku-Hey it's fine. Don't you worry. We'll definitely save you and your grandpa. (Turns to us) I can carry him to the the first aid station myself. You guys, go on without me.
Izuku's scoops him up and takes off to the first aid station while the rest of us go in the opposite direction to look for survivors.
Sora (POV)
I just finished my tenth rescue and I'm just about to go back for another.
Sora *mind*- This is easy. To easy. Somethings up. They're gonna throw a wrench in this somehow. I have a feeling combat isn't completely over. Whatever happens by the end of this, they'll definitely remember the name Sora Nakamura.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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