Chapter 83

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Sora (POV)
I charge back into battle as I ignore the others evacuating the injured. Todoroki uses his fire to blast at Gang Orca but Inasa uses his wind to negate the flames and send it towards me. I dodge out the way but I'm really annoyed.
Sora- Hey! Aim for him not me!
Inasa- Why'd you use your flames? Heat makes the air rise up.
Todoroki- Because he didn't follow my ice earlier. You ruined my shot on purpose didn't you. Using your wind to blow away my fire.
Inasa- You blocked me so you could get all the glory.
Todoroki- What? Why would I do something like that?
Inasa- Why wouldn't you? Hatred's in your blood. You are Endeavor's son.
Todoroki- What the hell has been up with you this whole time? He has nothing to do-
Both he and Inasa get cut off by getting hit by shots from cement guns.
Orca- This is outrageous. I can't believe you're arguing.
Sora- If you guys are just gonna argue like a bunch of little bitches, get the hell out of my way.
I move swiftly past them while dodging cement bullets.
Sora- Enough of this!
The lightning tiger from earlier comes back around and starts biting and ripping into the opposition. I however begin creating a dome of lightning so that it's just me and Gang Orca. Liz slips in at the last minute.
Liz- I'm not letting you fight alone. You're not gonna push me away like you did the others.
Sora-........Whatever. Let's just make this quick.
Orca- You think this is going to be quick? You're so arrogant. I commend you both for actually stepping up to fight unlike those other two students. However, I will expose your flaws and put you both down.
He uses his supersonic blast and it comes right for us.
Sora- Yata Wall.
A wall of lightning rises from the ground and absorbs the blast. The wall fires it back with an extra kick of lightning. Orca braces himself and takes the hit. Dust picks up and we use this to our advantage. Liz goes right to try and flank our opponent while I charge straight through the dust. He gets caught off guard by this as I sock him right in his mouth with a right hook. I throw a left but he catches it with his hand and begins to crush mine.
Orca- You fool. Charging at me like that was a very unwise decision on your part.
I throw a right and he catches in between his arm and body effectively trapping it. He then hits me with a multiple massive headbutts. This leaves me a bit disoriented but I can't help but smile.
Sora- Pain. Whether it be physical, emotional, or mental. It's all I seem to ever know now. Hit me again. Hit me more and more until I'm nothing but a bloody mess. Maybe then, I'll actually feel something for once!
I knee him in his gut and he lets go of my hands. I follow up by smashing his face into the ground. I turn him over onto his back and begin to wail on him. From punches to stomps to headbutts, I can't help but laugh sadistically as this brings me joy. The sight of blood flying brings a smile to my face. Orca stops my rampage by palming my face and lifting me up like a rag doll.
Liz- Frozen Earth Rising Excavation!
Large pieces of ice rises from the ground and separate Gang Orca and myself. Still with that same smile on my face, I lick my own blood that's flowing from my head.
Sora- The taste of warm copper. A unique yet interesting taste.
Liz slaps me.
Liz- What the hell is wrong with you? Get your shit together.
Sora- ...........Get my shit together you say? Dear Elizabeth, it's far too late for that. My shit had been long gone since that day. I've hit rock bottom. But you know what the funny thing is? Just when you think you hit rock bottom, you realize you're standing on another trapdoor.
The ice shatters as Gang Orca makes his presence known once more.
Sora- Oh goody. Looks like playtime is still at hand. Come on then. Let's continue shall we?
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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