Chapter 87

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Timeskip a week
Sora (POV)
It's the dead of night and Toga and I just arrived at the League Of Villains's base of operations.

Toga- We're here darling.
Sora- It's about time. My patience was running thin.
Toga- Well we did have to keep a low profile and move only in the night so that we can stay off the grid. Everyone has been lying low ever since the incident that sent All Might into retirement and then there was you. You're all the news seems to be talking about for the past week. All this is just a meeting place.
Sora- I don't care what they think of me. They can go and suck my left nut. All that I care about right now is Shigaraki.
Toga- And what do plan on doing with Tomura once you get inside?
Sora- I'm gonna...........(chuckles evilly) make a statement.
Toga- Well what are we waiting for? Let's go inside.
We go inside and I see the entirety of the League Of Villains including Willow. I stay in the shadows while Toga steps into the light coming through the windows.
Shigaraki- Toga. It's about time you showed up. Everyone else is here already except Twice. Did you get the blood sample?
Toga- I did but I brought something even better. Come on out.
The purple glow from my left eye and necklace lights up the dark area to reveal my presence.

The league members smile yet Shigaraki doesn't move at at all and just stares at me.
Sora- Tomura Shigaraki..............we have business to discuss.
Shigaraki- My master All For One foresaw this happening. All you needed was a little persuasion.
Sora- Yeah and I guess beating me down to a bloody pulp, ripping me apart, and killing my parents was the necessary push. Speaking of my parents..........Willow........I know you did the deed. I saw it for myself because I was barely conscious when it happened so-
I get cut off by twice and some other guy.

Twice- Hey guys I'm back. I got that other dude y'all wanted so here we are. He seems like a real creep and-
He notices me.
Twice- Oh hey! It's Sora! (Switches) Not this bitch again.
Sora- Hey, I'd watch that side of you if you want to see the light of day tomorrow.
Twice- No problems from me. (Switch) That guy is actually scary now.
Shigaraki- Well now, looks like we have two big catches huh Twice.
Dude- You think so? Strange coming from you, the League Of Villains.
Sora- Toga go take a seat with the others.
Toga- O-Ok.
She does as she says and the floor is mine and this other guy.
Mange- What gives? I mean I get Nakamura but who's this other guy? He famous or something?
Shigaraki- My master showed me a picture of him. He's what you call Yakuza. The young head of the Shie Hassaikai. So what do we owe the pleasure?
Dude- Well this gentleman was here before me so I'll let him speak first.
Sora- No you go ahead. Something is very unique about yourself so I want to hear this.
Dude- As you wish.
Mange- He's the number two of the whole gang? I've never met anyone like him before. He smells so dangerous. How exciting.
Toga- Whats the deal? We're all criminals here so what makes this guy different? And besides, he's not as good as my Sora.
Compress- Allow me to explain. In the past, there where different scary groups that ran the underworld. When heroes started thriving, they slowly but surely began to disband. When All Might took the stage, their era was over. Yakuza survivors who weren't caught became rent-a-thugs for villain groups. In other words, they were the lowest form of criminal. Barely scraping by to make a living. Frankly, they're obsolete. An endangered species.
Dude- Endangered species huh? I guess that's true unlike the rare breed standing next to me.
Mange- What's a Yakuza thug from the slums doing here? I guess you're excited about All Might's retirement too?
Dude- It's good that he's gone sure. But I'm more interested in All For One's absence and more importantly, you Sora Nakamura. All For One, the dark emperor who ruled over the shadows. The old timers always feared him even after rumors of his death. Honestly though, most people my age thought he was an urban legend. You can imagine the shock when he showed up in the flesh. But I'm the end, the big bad was thrown into Tartarus and the symbol of peace retired. Which means those of us in shadows, those in the light, and those in between are leaderless. So, who will step up to take their places. I'd say the new comer has already made his move with his turn.
I roll my eyes and at that.
Shigaraki- You know my master and I guess you know Nakamura but you still have the nerve to ask that? Sounds like a challenge. I'm the next leader. Even now I'm gathering my troops and I'm about to officially bring in the chosen one in Sora Nakamura. Our numbers continue to increase. With him and the rest of our continued growing power, we'll turn hero society to dust.
Dude- You have an actual plan though?
Shigaraki-........Watch your tongue and your tone. I thought you came here to join up with us.
Dude- A goal without a plan is just a wish. If that's what you're offering, why should I join you? Why should Sora Nakamura join you? What happens after you increase your forces? Do you have any idea on how you'd organize your league? You had the Hero Killer Stain at your side, Muscular, Moonfish. All first class game pieces and you lost them all. Maybe you just didn't know how to play the game. You don't even know how to manage a few crazy people and yet to wanna build an army? What happens when that power spirals out of control? You need direction to achieve your goals. And I have a plan.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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