Chapter 90

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Izuku (POV)
I'm in the counselors office with All Might and the strongest student here in UA, plus he's my friend in his third year, Mirio Togata.

Mirio- Aw yeah. You are here! Sorry, couldn't help myself. I just got super excited you wanted to talk to me.
Izuku- Um, I don't really understand what's going on right now.
Mirio- Right? I'm completely clueless too.
All Might- You've met young Togata right? He's currently doing his study at Nighteye's agency.
Izuku- Whoa seriously?! That's so cool!
Mirio- Yep. I've been working alongside him for a full year now.
Izuku- Then you're like guaranteed to be his sidekick when you graduate!
Mirio- Well as long as Sir doesn't change his mind, yeah.
Izuku- Thars awesome!
All Might- All right, I'm gonna get straight to the point here. Tell me, Young Togata, do you think that this first year has what it takes to work beside you at the agency?
Mirio- Oh now I hear ya. That's what you called me in here to talk about, huh? You want me to take Midoriya to him for an introduction!
All Might- Yeah.
Mirio- But wait a minute, why do you need to go through me? I always see him watching old video clips of you in his spare time. I'm he'd be really happy if you called him up yourself.
All Might- I can't exactly face him right now. Because he was dead right. I ended up precisely where he warned me I'd be. you think Young Midoriya has what it takes?
Mirio- Oh man, that's a toughie. (Looks at izuku) Why don't you tell me what kind of hero you wanna be?
Izuku- What kind?.................I want to save people with a smile and.........I want to be strong so that I won't worry people. I want to always win and save everybody. I want to be strong so that I don't lose my friends anymore like Sora. I want to be the greatest. Got it?
Mirio- Wow, that was a lot. There's no reason for me to say no, though. So yeah!
Izuku- You mean it? Oh wow, thank you so, so much!
Mirio- Sure. I figured Sir would always take a liking to you anyway.
Izuku- I sure hope he does!
Mirio- Don't get too psyched. I don't know if Sir will take you on.
Izuku- Of course but still, I'm grateful.
Elsewhere in an unknown dimension
Sora (POV)
We finally arrive in some place through a portal that Pandora created.

Sora- Ok first thing, bunch of hanging dead people. Not being too subtle aren't you.
Pandora- The end result of those who defy the Master.
Sora- Where in the hell are we anyway?
Pandora- This world or should I say realm is Iahighar and this ruined city is what's left of Xiodothis, the Master's home. Come, we shouldn't keep him waiting. He despises having to wait.
We continue to walk until we reach tthe center of the ruins to see this

My eyes widen.
Pandora- What you see here is just many of the giant carcasses strewn about across this realm. War has caused all of this. A handful of others, myself, The Master, and his love is all that remain.
Sora- This is unlike anything I've ever seen.
Pandora- I expected as much from a mere mortal like yourself. Do not worry though. It'll all get familiar with time. (Points) See that building over there?

Sora- Yeah. What about it?
Pandora- That is the Ancient Sanctuary. The Master is in there. Come on.
We continue to walk until we enter the building. Immediately the vibe I get is one of unease. Down a long corridor we go until it opens up to massive room.

At the very end are eight people. The one I assume who is sitting on the throne with the lovely lady next in his lap is the master.

Sitting on the throne

Lady in his lap

Pandora- Master, I have brought him.
Master- Good Pandora. Go stand with the oothers. Approach Sora Nakamura.
I approach him and his bunch with no fear.
Sora- So you must be the head honcho here huh? Draven Thanatos.
Lady in the hoodie- That's Master Draven Thanatos to you mortal!
Draven- Calm yourself Amaris. He'll learn in due time. Now Sora Nakamura, we have much to discuss.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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