27 - Passcode, Heist Mode

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'Are you sure this is where he keeps it?'

'Positive,' I whispered to Aar as I looked at the safe and tried to think of a possible password. We only had three strikes, after which an alarm would go off, alerting the servants, whom we had barely evaded while getting to Uncle's room. 'I've seen him taking the amulet out and putting it in here many times.'

'Well, what're you waiting for, hurry up. Bee is dying.'

'Hush. Lemme think. I'm not a professional robber, you know.'

'Urgh, listen,' said Aar, utterly disregarding what I'd just told him. 'If this doesn't work, we'll go by ourselves, alright? We can't hang on account of Niffy.'

'I thought you liked Niffy.'

'Of course I do, what're you saying?'

'Then why do you want to leave her behind?'


'Sorry. My bad.'

It was supposed to be a twelve-letter passcode, and I could not think of anything. So I just put in

"C-H-E-E-S-E A-N-D D-I-P"

-counting the letters inside my head and hoping I got the math right, but it didn't work. The electronic screen tinged a little, then calmed down. A single red cross appeared on top of the screen, and stayed.

If Bee were here, she'd crack the safe in a millisecond, probably. She always figures stuff out, I don't know.

But her not being here is the reason we're doing this.

We needed an amulet for Niffy to accompany us to Lakoswanion, and Mr. Om's was locked inside this idiotic metal box.

'Tsk, let me try,' said Aar, impatiently pushing me aside. I saw his fingers move over the passcode screen real fast, like a spider learning disco, and another red cross joined the previous one.

'What did you insert?' I asked.

'O-L-D G-R-U-M-P-Y F-A-R-T,' answered Aar.

'What?! That isn't twelve letters, that's thirteen! How'd you even put it in?'

'I misspelled grumpy,' Aar said slowly.

'You just wasted an attempt!'

'I tried! You're welcome!'

'Of bloody course you know the password isn't going to be "old grumpy fart," you could have consulted!'

'We're just wasting time, he's your godfather, you should know him better than me!'

'Well, I - ' A tube lit up inside my head. I leaned over and typed in the first three letters.




'What are you doing?' Aar hissed at me like Es usually does.

'I - I think I got it.'

'What is it?'

'Shut up.'

'Shut up is not twelve . . . that's like five - no, wait, seven - no, six letters.'

'Aar, please. This is our last chance, let me concentrate.'

'I will if you - '

I smacked him on the head. Bee's habit of doing that is contagious.

'Ow! What was that for?'

'You ruddy well know.'

That seemed to shut Aar up. But I knew the effect was only temporary, so I took a deep breath and put in the next two letters-



-when someone entered the room.



'Es? What're you doing here?'

'Talking with you.'

'Well, don't.'

Her face dropped.

'I meant, for a minute.'

It returned to normal.




Someone else entered the room.

'Who is it?' I shouted, vexed.

No response.

'Who - oh.' Poor gal couldn't speak, was presently traumatized, and had likely just followed Es. I shouldn't be mad at her. 'Niffy, just stay quiet. I mean - never mind.'




I crossed my fingers and pressed enter.

A whiff of air, and the safe was open. 'Aha!' I cried. I knew my Uncle loved that movie, but I hadn't known he loved it that much. No matter, what works . . . works. I don't know. I peeked inside. It looked vacant, except for . . .

Aar was quicker than me. He seized the silver amulet with the tiny shotel running through its center and got up. 'Let's go,' he said, flinging the amulet at Niffy, who, surprisingly, caught it.

'Nice reflexes,' I said to her.

'No time for chit-chat!' Aar clapped his hands together, looking like a PE coach.

I tried to act hurt and add levity to the situation: 'Come on, man. I just turned thirteen. Go a little easy on me.'

'No time for drama either, Mar. Get those things in your mouths. If possible, try and picture Lakoswanion.'

Niffy looked dumbfounded. Es looked like she wasn't even paying attention - which she probably wasn't. I stood there wondering what a great present I had received for my birthday.

Aar sighed. 'Or never mind. Let's go.'

Aaaand this was the payoff to Mr. Om's favorite movie being The Godfather.

Imagine if Marra and Aar starred in a heist movie. That'd be a disaster xD

Stick around, stay well (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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