47 - A Bright New Star

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Marra’s POV:-

‘Where did they take him, Marco-Polo?’

I look at Es, my eyes stinging. ‘Somewhere very far away,' I reply.

‘Did they make him the sun?’ she asks.

‘Er, no. No, Es. When people die, they . . . uhm . . .’

‘I thought Lakoswa-boggle-gobble-whatchamacallit didn’t have a sun,' she says, interrupting me.

‘Yeah, no, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t.’

‘Then what’s that? Looks like Rasthrum to me.’

I look up at the sky and get blinded by an awfully bright glare. There is indeed a sun dangling in the sky up above, like a melting bronze medallion. It does look a bit like Rasthrum.

‘What were you saying, Marruko? About when people die?’

I smile with my eyes still stinging. ‘When people die . . . they turn into stars. And Rasthrum . . . he became the brightest, hottest star ever.’

You're a star for reading this too ✨

Not really, but I do love you for sticking around.

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