Black Star's Confession!

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If you want to end up with Black Star, read this please! If not, you can read any confession of your choice! (*^^*)

Your POV
"I wonder where the gang is.", I wondered out loud, sitting down. At once, my question was answered as I heard Black Star's yelling.

"(Y/N)! WHERE ARE YOU?" He screamed, as I spotted him racing around.

"THERE YOU ARE!" He yelled triumphantly, running towards the me.

"Where's the rest of the gang?" I asked, stopping mid sentence as Black Star picked me up bridal style, and carried me to a empty room.

"Don't worry about them." He replied, making me blush. Do I love him? I thought, blushing more. He then closed the door, putting me down.

"Listen, (y/n)." He began, turning serious. Who are you, and what have you done with Black Star? I thought, astonished at his sudden change of attitude.

"You probably know this but..", He mumbled, blushing. "Remember that night at the dance? That thing I was, uh, gonna tell you?" He asked, turning red.

"Y-yes." I replied, baffled. Was the Black Star being shy?

"Well, now I'm going to tell you. I like you, (y/n). No, I love you!" He exclaimed, looking deep into my eyes.

As he said those words, I realized something. I loved him..

"The reason I acted so madly when the other guys talked to you and flirted with you, as because I was jealous." He confessed. "I want you to only be mine." "Will you be my goddess, and surpass the gods together with me?" He asked, a sparkle in his eyes, his hand reaching towards mine.

"Yes, Black Star! I love you!" I exclaimed without hesitation, hugging him. Suddenly, he kissed me, making my face boiling red.

He pulled away and smiled. "Now the great Black Star has kissed his goddess!"

I smiled, once more hugging him.

"Why in the world would you date him?" Aito asked, a baffled expression on his face.

"Yeah, he's not cool enough to date you!" Soul mumbled.

"I don't know how to deal with this!" Crona cried, burying his face into a pillow.


"Sorry guys, but Black Star is the one I love." I apologized as Black Star gazed triumphantly around the room.

"YAHOO! DID I NOT TELL YOU THAT I, THE GREAT BLACK STAR WOULD SUCCEED!" He yelled, grinning and kissing my cheek. I blushed, then smiled. This is my happy ending? I asked myself. No, this is just the beginning...

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