Chapter 11- The Challenge?

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                        Your POV
We had sadly packed up and left after a week of vacation in Hawaii, now back in Death City. Even so, I kind of felt relieved to be home, where the DWMA was, and where everything was normal. I sighed as I looked out of my window, thinking of the love trap I was stuck in. Was it a trap? Were the boys just playing a game? And if it wasn't a game, who would I choose, if perhaps a time came that I had too?

Soul is caring, but a little jealous and hotheaded, I thought, reddening. Black Star thinks he owns me, I spoke in my head, blushing as I thought how he'd tried to kiss me. Death the Kid... Wow.. I daydreamed, thinking about his perfect golden eyes. My weapon... Aito.. Does he even love me? I wondered, recalling his past actions of coldness and formality. Crona is just too adorable, and his shyness makes him all the more cuter, I thought, smiling.

"I think I need some sleep," I spoke out loud, heading over to my bed, trying to clear my head. But as I closed my eyes, my mind still reminded me of my former thoughts. Who will I choose?

Soul's POV
"Hey Maka. What's for breakfast?" I yawned, stretching as I walked to the table.
"You can find something in the fridge. I'm going to school early to meet with some friends, so I don't have time to make breakfast for you," She replied bitterly, though I could see a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? This isn't the Maka I know. Who else is gonna walk to school with me?" I asked, giving her a confused look.
"Well, since (y/n) is one of your closest friends, maybe you could walk with her. I'm just your meister, remember?" She laughed bitterly, packing her bag.

"Listen. I don't know why I said that. Your a friend too, but just because we're close, doesn't mean that I can't be close to someone else." I muttered.

Maka's face reddened, and she exclaimed, "That's not why I'm mad at you, you idiot!" "Maka... Chop!" She screamed as she gave her signature move, back to her normal self

"So, still gonna make me breakfast?" I smirked, rubbing my head and walking over to the table. "Fine. Your still an idiot though." She replied, smiling.

Black Star's POV
"HEY (Y/N) GET UP, IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOOOOL!" I yelled up at her window, eager to see her. Tsubaki patted my head. "You haven't changed a bit, have you?" She asked, smiling.

"What's all this racket about?" (Y/n) murmured, opening her window, just woken up.

"COME ON, SCHOOL'S ABOUT TO START!" I screamed, hoping that she'd be pleased to see me. She probably already knew I wanted to be more than friends, but would she? I'll make her mine! I declared in my mind as I smiled up at her.

"Ok, ok. Hold on a second." She yawned, closing her window. A few moments later, she came outside, wearing a simple skirt and shirt, with converses.

"Looking good!" I complimented her, for once, not yelling. "Nah." She replied, blushing.

"LET'S GO!" I screamed, grabbing her hand, running. Tsubaki turned into her weapon form, so I could hold her and easily transport her to school. (y/n) is gonna be mine. No, she IS mine! I thought, smirking.

Aito's POV
"(y/n)? Wake up, it's time for school!" I yelled as I knocked on her door. Sighing, I wondered if she had already left with Black Star and Tsubaki.

Stupid Black Star, I fumed as I walked to the DWMA, alone. Why can't he see that she has no interest in him? I pondered, my head spinning with questions. But, what if she does? She could equally like Kid, Soul, and Crona as well....

Death the Kid's POV
"Liz, Patty. Please tell me you folded the toilet paper!" I exclaimed desperately, my OCD taking over.

"So what if we didn't?" Patty laughed, skipping.

"Patty shut up!" Liz whispered.

"Yes, Kid, we folded it!" She lied, not making me feel better.

"I have to go back!" I yelled, running in the direction of my mansion. "Oh no you don't!" The Thompson sisters yelled at the same time, chasing after me and grabbing me by my shirt collar.

"It doesn't matter! We're gonna be late!" Liz yelled, along with Patty, desperately trying to drag me back.
"It matters! It matters! It matters!" I sobbed, desperately trying to get free, but Liz and Patty were surprisingly strong.

"Listen, Kid. How about Liz and I go back, and fold it for you?" Patty asked, looking at me with amusement.
"Will you really do it?" I asked, my eyes filling with tears. "Thank you girls!"

"Yeah, yeah. But if we're late, you're dead." Liz muttered, heading back to the mansion.

I trust them. They'll do it, I thought confidently, as I walked by myself.

I then spotted Tsubaki, Black Star, and (y/n).  I sighed in adoration as she smiled, wearing an adorable skirt and shirt, with simple converses.

"Hey everyone.", I greeted them, blushing as (y/n) turned her head and grinned brightly.

"Hey Kid!", She replied, slowing down so I could catch up to them. She glanced at me, her beautiful eyes making my heart melt.

"Hey, Kid. Don't go looking at my goddess like that.", Black Star murmured, though I could tell he wanted to yell. I smirked, thinking, Oh, I can look at (y/n) whenever I want.

"She's not your goddess.", I replied, sharing a glance with (y/n) once more.
Black Star's face turned red with anger, grimacing at my remark. He suddenly spun around.

"Death the Kid! I challenge you to a fight!" He glowered, surprising me.
Right on time, Liz and Patty showed up.

"I accept.", I smirked, signaling for Liz and Patty to change into weapons.
"TSUBAKI! ENCHANTED SWORD MODE!" Black Star screamed, Tsubaki instantly changing into her weapon form.

"Wait! Guys, please don't fight!" (Y/n) pleaded, her eyes filled with desperation.

"I'm sorry, my goddess. But I cannot let this fool mock me any longer!" Black Star yelled to her.

Instead of telling him she wasn't his goddess, she bowed her head in defeat. This made me jealous. His goddess?! She deserves better than that fool! I thought angrily as I prepared to fight.

"What are you two idiots doing?" A voice yelled furiously. It was Aito.

"Stay out of this, pretty boy. I'm trying to defeat Kid, if you didn't know!" Black Star sneered.

"Fools! Have you even considered
(y/n's)  feelings? For heaven's sake, she's about to witness two of her friends fighting!" He yelled back, his face scrunched with anger.

"He's right Black Star. Think about what (y/n) is feeling now.", I muttered.
"Fine. But this isn't over." He added, glaring at me. What have we got ourselves into?

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