Chapter 4-Truth or Dare?

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Your POV
"Let's play truth or dare!" Patty yelled, flapping her arms wildly. "B-but.." I stammered. We were all at kid's house for Spring break. "Yeah I agree with Patty," Soul smirked. "But who will start?" Tsubaki asked. "Hmm... I'll start," Death the Kid declared.

"(Y/n)!" "Truth or dare?" He asked me, a small blush on his face. "Truth." I stammered, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"Is it true that you like someone in this room?" He asked pointedly, a smile on his face. I fangirled inside my mind. His smile is gorgeous!

"M-maybe." I murmured, staring at the floor.

"Ok." "Now you ask someone." He said, patting my back.

"Crona, truth or dare?" I asked, feeling shy. "D-dare!" He exclaimed, surprising everyone.

"I dare you to hug me!" I exclaimed. His face turned red, but he smiled. He reached out to hug me but...

Soul's POV
I quickly slid in between (y/n) and Crona, stealing the hug. There was no way I was gonna let Crona steal (y/n). She's mine.

"Soul..!" (Y/n) stuttered, blushing. She looks adorable when she's surprised...

Crona looked devastated, tears falling down his face. "I don't know how to deal with this!" He wailed.

"Fine." "This is totally not cool." I groaned as I backed up, letting them hug.

Crona's POV
As I hugged (y/n) I became really embarrassed. Her hug was gentle, and made me want to melt into her arms..

Black Star's POV
"OK PINKY YOUR TURN!!!" I screamed, making everyone stare at me in annoyance. Crona flinched and asked, "Black Star, t-truth or d-dare?" He then glanced at (y/n) who gave him a cute smile. NO FAIR!! I thought furiously. I DESERVE THAT SMILE!!! "DARE!!!!" I yelled to the top of my lungs, making everyone jump.

"I dare you.. Too..." He began, stuttering. "SPIT IT OUT, WILL YA?!" I hollered. "I dare you to tell everyone who you like!" Crona cried leaning his head on (y/n)'s shoulder.

Jealousy took over me. "I LIKE (y/n) OF COURSE!" "AND YOU CAN'T HAVE HER!" I screamed, pushing Crona over and grabbing onto (y/n)'s hand.

Your POV
My face turned red, and I shyly took my hand out of Black Star's grasp. I helped up Crona, who was laying on the floor, bawling.

"It's ok Crona!" I smiled, giving him a bear hug. He blushed, then said, "Why are you so nice to me?"

"Because you're cute!" I laughed, while all the boys starting arguing.

"Alright Black Star, it's your turn." Kid mumbled, still jealous.

"(Y/N), TRUTH OR DARE?!" He screamed, making me flinch.

"Truth," I murmured, scared of what was coming next.


"N-," I began but Tsubaki whispered, "Just say yes. You'll thank me later."

"Yes, Black Star." I mumbled reluctantly, reddening.

"What?" He asked, looking surprised, along with the others.

"I SAID YES!" I yelled, turning as red as a strawberry.

"YAHOO! LET'S GET MARRIED!" Black Star yelled, reaching for my hand.

"NO!" I yelled in unison with the other boys, my face boiling red. "I never said that."

"Fine." He huffed, smirking. "But one day we will."

"HECK NO!" Soul yelled, along with Kid. Crona meekly shook his head.

"Anyways, it's my turn again," I mumbled, starting to get bored.

"Let's play a different game," Kid declared, looking bored himself.

"How about we just watch a movie instead?" I asked.
"Ok!" Everyone agreed, making me smile. What a perfect day...

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