Chapter 1

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A/N: the first Chapter. Enjoy.

(Just thought that an intro is needed).

You were training with goku and Vegeta in your super saiyan 2 form and so far you seem to be getting somewhat of an advantage against them since they were being pushed back by some of your attacks but you didn't let that get to your head. After all they aren't even coming at you in their god forms and things would probably change in their favor. You fired a Kamehameha at goku and he blocked it. As he did, you used your instant transmission and appeared right next to him and fired another one while he was still blocking the first. Goku was sent flying into the side of a hill while you were taking on vegeta. He tried to punch you in the chest but you were faster and manged to get behind him and get him in the back. Vegeta spin kicked you away but you were still standing. He fires a galic gun at you and you fired a Kamehameha at him. The beams struggled against each other but eventually your's overpowered vegeta's knocking him to a hill side as well. He smirked and got up.

Vegeta: well well. Your actually starting to improve on training.

Goku started to get up as well.

Goku: hehe. I'll say he's really gotten good with his moves.

(Y/N): well I learned from the best. And I remembered everything from them.

Vegeta smirks again.

Vegeta: that's very good. You'll need that in case your ever in a tight spot.

(Y/N): but of course. This is technically a school I'm going to where people fight....sort of.

Goku: what do you mean sort of?

(Y/N): I hired the use weapons at this school in a way of fighting. Or I think that's how they said it was.

Vegeta: hm....weapons....what a ridiculous way for fighting.


Vegeta: just try not to do something there to embarrass yourself.

(Y/N): have I ever before?

Goku laughed and vegeta glared at him.

(Y/N): well I got to go now. See ya.

You used instant Transmission to your destination.

(Meanwhile in Death City).

Maka Albarn along with her partner and weapon, Soul Eater Evens had just defeated the witch known as Blair and soul ate her soul. However, they soon saw that Blair was still alive and that she was not a witch but in fact just a cat with a ridiculous amount of magical power. Since they did not get the witch soul like lord death said all of the souls they collected will be confiscated.

Soul: Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Soul and maka got on the bike and soul drove off furious.

Maka: We have to start all over. As the meister I'll take responsibility, okay?

Soul: Oh man, and I was this close to being the coolest guy in the academy!

Maka then notices Blair was following them.

Maka: He just ate your soul, you damn cat. What are you still doing up there?

Blair: You aren't very smart, are you, little girlie. Don't you know that all cats have nine souls? So Soul, when are you gonna leave this dumb girl for me, anyway?

Maka: Blair, go away! Stop following us, will you?

Blair: Come on, Soul. You know you want to.

Soul: This situation isn't cool at all.

You then appear a few feet away from the direction soul was driving.

Soul: what the hell?!

Soul stops his bike and he and maka looked in surprise from you just now randomly appearing. You didn't notice theme yet.

(Y/N): now then let's see here. Hopefully I'm in the right city and not Tokyo again.


You appeared in Tokyo but once you were there you saw godzilla attacking the city.


You teleported out of there.

(Flashback ended).

You see a sign that says death city on it.

(Y/N): oh then this must be the city then.

Blair's Mind: my who's this little cutie.

You then noticed soul and the others.

(Y/N): oh hello. I'd like to stay and talk but I need to find my place here.

You got off the ground and flew to where your house in this city would be.

(You rented a home while you would got to school in death city).

Maka:...................................... we all saw that right? 0_0 

Soul: yep. 0_0

A/N: and there you have it the first chapter and there will be more to come.

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