Chapter 20

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A/N: poor crona has to deal with mother issues again.

As Crona was walking home, howling could be heard, but Crona still smiling about how well the party earlier with you and the others went.

Crona: that was a nice party.

Ragnarok: well the food was good at least. Maybe you should fine a partner who can cook as well as Tsubaki.

Crona then senses someone near. as Medusa Gorgon, possessing Rachel Boyd's body, leaps down from a box in a nearby alley and approaches.

Medusa: "speaks with Rachel's voice" my I'm surprised you recognize me Crona.

Ragnarok: wow looks like we've both shrunk.

Medusa: I've been so worried about you Crona. But I want you to stay at the DWMA to continue surveilling them.

Crona, surprised Medusa thinks they are spying on the DWMA, does not correct her.

Medusa: Crona, I want you to find Death's Secret Vault under the DWMA and report back to me when your finished.

Crona hesitates.

Crona: b...but if I do that i would lose the friends I've made.

Medusa: now crona. You will do what your mother asks.

Crona tenses and sounds more robotic.

Crona: yes mother.

Medusa's usual voice re-emerges in her laugh before she turns and departs into the shadows.

Medusa: good boy.

Ragnarok: oh things are going to get much more interesting!

Crona starts to smile nervously.


Crona did everything that medusa has told him/her to do. First he/she went into Death's Secret Vault under the DWMA. Then he/she put a snake in Marie's tea so that whenever professor stein even comes near her, the madness in her will grow more and more to drive stein insane. After that crona left. In an alley, Crona approached Eruka, still in frog form, who sat on a pedestal next to a frog-shaped radio. Crona was silent.

Eruka: so then did complete the mission?


Marie: crona visited earlier.

Stein: oh was something wrong?

Marie: crona seemed bothered adjusting to the Academy but he/she is a sweet child and I'm sure he/she will adjust gradually. I really enjoy teaching the students in the DWMA.

Eruka: wow she's certainly an ignorant idiot.

While Crona shakes nervously and excuses themselves to return to the Academy.

Before Crona leaves, Eruka says.

Erika: Medusa will be happy with what you have done today Crona.

Crona silently walks away.

In his/her room, Crona takes his/her pillow off his/her bed and curls up in the corner of his/her room again. While thinking of his/her mother, shadows underneath Crona seem to slither, the Kishin's eyes seemed to drip liquid down from the ceiling, and hands grasped from under his/her bed.

(Sorry for all the his/her stuff. But you know. We all still don't know Crona's gender).

When they thinked of Marie, Crona starts crying into their pillow.


Outside of Death City, a witch with hair that resembles that of a scorpion's tail stood away from the city as she smirked from the things that have transpired.

???: well looks like my sisters are all up to their tricks. Well then......I thinks soon time for me to have some fun again as well.

A/N: poor crona. (And sorry for such a short chapter).

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