Episode 1

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Narrator: Welcome to Death Weapon Meister Academy...

... More commonly known as the DWMA. It stands as a defense against the forces of evil, Which would plunge the world into chaos and drag humanity to the very depths of fear and madness. The demons known as Kishin, and their insatiable hunger for destruction... (Shows silhouettes of Maka with Soul as a weapon, F/N with Alpha and Omega as weapons, Black Star with Tsubaki as a weapon, and Kid with Elizabeth and Patricia as weapons) To ensure the Kishin never regain their hold on this world, this academy was founded by the Grim Reaper, Death himself.

Death: So basically... We're an organization that exists to protect and preserves peace. I guess it's not exactly a typical school... Oh well, that isn't important... For now, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!


We see a large Kishin cornering a mother with her child as it slowly walks towards them.

Large Kishin: [Heh heh heh heh] Two tasty souls for me to consume!

Mother: L-l-leave us alone! D-don't come any closer!

Large Kishin: No way! I'm hungry! And when I'm hungry, I must eat!

Meanwhile, we see an (S/C) boy with (H/C) (H/S) hair in an (O/O/C) next to two light brown skin twins with white hair wearing leather clothing on top of the roof as they see what's happening.

1st twin (A): Looks like that's our target.

2nd twin (O): and he's quite large isn't he.

(H/C) Boy: No kidding. (Holds out left hand) Alpha.

Alpha: Right.

Alpha takes The boy's hand as she turns into a shield.

Meanwhile, we see the Kishin closer to the two people.

Child: Mommy, I'm scared!

Large Kenshin: [Heh heh] you should be! Now do yourselves a favor and-

Before he can finish his sentence, a shield hits him in the back of the head and ricochets away.

L/K: [Ow!] (Turns around) Who threw that at me?!

We see the Kishin look up at the roof as the boy catches the shield in his hand with the other twin was right next to him.

(H/C) Boy: Let's go Omega.

Omega: Right, F/N.

The two jump off the roof while Omega grabs F/N's hand and turns into a sword as they land on the ground.

F/N: (points Omega at the Kishin) Your days of preying on the innocent are over, demon.

L/K: (turns away from F/N) Why don't you mind your own damn business, kid. (Noticed the two at gone) [Huh?] Where'd they go?! Damn it! (Turns towards F/N) You let my meal get away! I'll kill you!

The Kishin charged at our heroes as F/N stands ready, the Kishin goes for a punch until F/N used Alpha to block it and knocked it away as F/N goes for a swipe as the Kishin grabs the blade and elbow F/N, but he quickly blocked it with Alpha then kicked the demon away. Then F/N tossed Alpha at the demon's head and charged at it before it recovered and stabbed it in the gut with Omega, then gave it a barrage of swipes as Alpha landed in F/N right hand while he finished it off with a bash to the face with Alpha into the ground.

L/K: I... Was... Just... Hungry!

With that the Kishin was defeated, it disappeared and turned into a Kishin egg.

F/N: With that, we've become victorious once more. (Points Omega towards the soul) All yours, Omega.

Omega turns human again and grabs the soul.

Omega: Don't mind if I do~.

Omega puts the soul in his mouth, chews it, then swallows it.

Omega: [Mm] Thank you for the meal.

Alpha: (turns back to human) Now we both have 32 souls

F/N: Giving us a total of 64 souls. (Walks off) Let's go report to Lord Death our progress.

The twins followed F/N as they go find a window. On their way, they meet with two people.

F/N: Well I'll be damned if it isn't Maka and Soul.

The two turn away from a window to see F/N and the twins.

Maka: Oh, hey F/N. Hey Alpha and Omega.

Soul: Sup, guys.

The three walk towards the two.

F/N: You're about to report to Lord Death too, huh?

Maka: Yep, we just collected a soul, making it our 99th soul.

Soul: We just need a witch's soul. You're lookin' at the next Death Scythe. (Holds up a hand for a high five) As if I wasn't cool enough already.

F/N: (gives Soul a high five) No doubt about that. Since we're here, why don't we call Lord Death together?

Maka: Alright (turns to the window and fogs it up, then writes on the fog) Just write in the Death Room's number... "Forty-two, Forty-two, Five-sixty-four: whenever you want to knock on Death's door."

After Maka puts in those numbers, the window starts to glow.

Maka: Hello, Lord Death, are you there? Meister Maka reporting.

F/N: Meister F/N also reporting.

Death: Ya ya...! Hello Meister's Maka and F/N... How are you two doing? How did it go?

F/N: (Looks at Maka and Soul) Want us to tell him our report first to save the best for last?

Soul: Well when you put it like that, go right ahead.

F/N: (Looks at Lord Death) Well Alpha, Omega, and I just finished our mission. We stopped the Keshin before it could eat anyone else.

Alpha: my brother and I now have 32 souls each

Omega: Leaving us having a total of 64 souls.

Death: Oh, congratulations you three. I knew you could do it.

???: Hey, is my son there?

Death: Why yes he is.

???: (Turns to the person) Why yes he is, D/N (Dad's Name)

D/N: May I speak with him real quick, Lord Death?

Death: (moves away) Why of course.

As Death moves away we see a tall muscular man with menacing E/C eyes, H/C H/S Hair, and S/C skin wearing a muscle shirt and combat pants and boots.

D/N: Hey there, son!

F/N: Father! What a wonderful surprise. Good to see you.

D/N: Good to see you too, son.

F/N: Any word about Mother?

D/N: As a matter of fact, I got a message from her not too long ago. She said she will be back in 2 days.

F/N: That is wonderful news!

D/N: So F/N, did it happen yet?

F/N: (shakes head) No not yet, hopefully, it will happen soon.

Maka: Wait, what are you two talking about? If you don't mind me asking.

F/N: That's right, I never told you guys this. Well, you see, on my father's side of the family, we come from a clan called "Round Table." Every Meister in the clan has this ability they can do during a Soul Resonance called "Soul Armor". Think of it as a boost for Meisters in a way.

Soul: That sounds kinda cool. So how come you can't do it yet?

F/N: Well most of the members of the clan get it at a certain age, but my family and I are hoping it's one of two things, either I'm a late bloomer or that it has to be triggered somehow.

Death: Well we all hope you unlock it soon, F/N.

F/N: Thank you, Lord Death.

Death: (looks at Maka and Soul) Now on to you two, how was your mission.

Maka: I've just collected the 99th Kishin soul, sir. Now we need just one witch soul left to collect and we'll be done.

Death: Well done, Maka. You're proving to be just as an excellent a Meister as your mother was.

Maka giggles as she rubs the back of her head until we hear someone else.

???: Hey! Soul Eater!

???: If you even think about touching my Maka... If you lay a hand on her, as a Death Scythe... No... As her father, I will freakin' kill you. You got me, ya little octopus head? (Looks at F/N) That goes for you too, Lancelot.

Soul: What are you smoking...? See how cool I am...? You think I'm gonna settle for a flat-chested girl like her?

After hearing that, both Maka and Alpha glared at Soul.

Soul: And besides, why are you telling to just me and F/N? Omega's right there.

F/N: Isn't it obvious, Soul? (Soul looks at F/N) Everyone knows Omega's gay.

Omega: (shugs) It's true.

Soul: Alright, fair enough.

Death Scythe: (pops through) Also, What did you just say?! Are you trying to tell me that my Maka's not attractive?! Why haven't you made a move on her? You're a man, aren't you?!

Soul: You know you're a little annoying.

F/N: And for the record. (Everyone looks at F/N) I think Maka's kinda cute.

Maka blushed a little while Alpha and Omega get a little jealous.

Death Scythe: See! At least F/N has good taste! (Looks at Maka) Maka... Your dad loves you.

Maka: (turns away) [humph] Don't waste your breath with me. There's no way I'll ever consider you my father.

D/N: [Sigh] That's what happens when you did the things you did. I'm so glad I didn't end up like him.

F/N: Same here father.

Death: Enough of that. Let's set the family feud aside for a moment... As you know... If a meister and weapon pair collect 99 evil souls, souls that have strayed and become Kishin Eggs, and additionally collect the soul of one witch, then the weapon will obtain the qualifications necessary to become a Death Scythe one of my instruments. But it's that last soul that's a bit tricky. Maka, Soul, you've made it this far... But you should know... There are countless meisters who have lost their lives when they challenged a witch. You'll need to be careful, Maka... But if your luck, maybe the Death Scythe you create will be as powerful as the one your mom created before you.

Maka: Right!

Death: Also, please do be sure not to make any mistakes. This is the last collection, the witch's soul, is very important. If you slip up, all of the 99 Kishin souls the two of you have collected so far will be confiscated.

Maka: We understand, sir.

Soul: Yeah we'll make a clean job of it, no worries.

F/N: Lord Death.

Death: [Hm?]

F/N: Allow us to go help Maka and Soul.

Death: Are you sure, F/N?

F/N: As you said before, many meisters risk their lives trying to get a witch's soul. That gives me more than enough of a reason to go with them.

Death: If that's the case, I'll leave you to it. I'll see you five later.

Lord Death hangs up.

Death: That boy of yours is so kind, D/N.

D/N: [Heh heh] Well we did raise him right.

Death Scythe: Maka!

They turn around to see Death Scythe crying.

Death: You are a bit annoying.

D/N: No kidding...

Death Scythe: Maka!

The two got annoyed by Death Scythe as Death brought out his hand and D/N brought out his first and Chopped/Punched him to shut him up.

Death: If you don't shut up, I'm going to use my Reaper Chop to split your head open.

D/N: And I'll punch you to a bloody pulp.

Death Scythe: It's more effective if you two warn before you two chop and punch.

Death: (looks at D/N) You seemed to have punched harder than I thought.

D/N: Well part of that was because he threatened my son in front of me.



Meanwhile, we see a house made out of pumpkins as we hear a woman singing.

Woman:🎵 "Pum Pum pumpum. I always get what I want. Just give it to me. (Shows the woman in a tub as she lifts her leg as a floating brush scrubs it.) Pump pum pumpum. I'm a beauti- beauti-ful, pret-ty lady."🎵 (Does the come here finger) Come give my back a scrub. (The brush comes towards her and scrubs her back) 🎵But ya know, ya know... I've got a secret, yes I do. Pumpkins! Pum-pum-pumkin, pum-pum-pumkin! 'Cause that's my magic spell! Pum-pum-pumkin, pum-pum-pumkin! Yeah.🎵

Meanwhile, we see our five heroes in front of the house.

Maka: This must be the house where the witch Blair lives.

Soul: A pumpkin house...? That's cool.

F/N: A bit stereotypical, but hey, you take what you can get I suppose.

Soul: It looks tasty but sneaking into a house isn't very manly. Why don't we just charge right in there?

Maka: We can't. She's different from the others we faced so far.

Alpha: She's right, Soul. We need a strategy if we're gonna do this right.

Soul: Already have one. (Runs off) Let's go!

Maka: Hey! Come back here!

Omega: (sighs and shrugs) Guess we're doing this now.

F/N: Apparently.

F/N, Alpha, And Omega head for the front door and walks in, and take a look around.

F/N: You know, for a witch, this place doesn't seem all witchy.

A/O: Agreed.

Then the three heard a window shatter.

F/N: That sounds like it came from upstairs! (Puts his left hand to his right) Alpha, (puts his right hand to his left) Omega, on me!

Alpha grabs F/N's left hand as Omega grabs his right and they both transformed as he pulls his arms back into the right position and ran upstairs. F/N kicks the door down as we see Maka and Soul with the Woman, known as Blair, in the tub.

F/N: Is everything alriiiiight?!

F/N realized the woman is naked then turns around and stand straight.

Blair: What's the matter, cutie?

F/N: Y-you're indecent right now madame, I cannot look at you right now.

Blair: My, My~ aren't you the gentleman~?

Soul: (gets up with his nose plugged with tissue) Okay, that's it, witch lady... Naked or not, I'm still gonna eat your soul now.

Blair: Witch lady?

Soul turns into a scythe as Maka grabs on to him.

Blair: Oh, Wow...! He really became a scythe.

Maka: After I take your soul, he'll be much more. Soul will be a Death Scythe. And I'll have created a weapon stronger than my dad!

Blair: (hops out of the tub as clothes magically appear on her.) I like it. Why don't you be a good little girl and give it to me.

F/N: (holds alpha out facing the others) Is she clothed?

[Alpha]: Yes, you can look now.

F/N: (turns around armed and ready) Excellent! Now let's fight!

Blair: If that's what you want~. Pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin... Halloween Cannon!

Blair fires her Halloween Cannon at Maka as F/N quickly gets in front of her and used Alpha to block the blast, but it was so powerful that it shot all of you out of Blair's home.

Meanwhile, at Death City, we hear Death Scythe laughing as we see him with his arms around a couple of ladies at "Chupa Cabra's"

Woman 1: Wow, Death Scythe you're a real frisky one, aren't you?

Woman 2: Oh, and I heard that you have a little daughter, too. Isn't that right? (Death Scythe stops laughing) What sort of girl is she?

Woman 1: You don't wanna ask that... Trust me on this one.

Woman 2: Kay... but why?

Woman 1: (whispers) Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, Death Scythe is a bit of a player... and that didn't go over very well with his wife.

Woman 2: (whispers) Huh...?

Woman 1: (whispers) They're in process of getting a divorce right now.

Woman 2: (whispers) Ah...!

Woman 1: (whisper) The worst thing is his daughter Maka, is on her mother's side. She hates him!

Woman 2: (whispers) That sounds complicated...

Death Scythe: MAKA! (Runs out of Chupa Cabra's and runs around the building) Please don't hate me, Maka! I love you and Mama...! I promise, Maka...! It's true! It's true...! I love you...! I love you!

After running around Cabra's, he pays the guy at the counter and walks out sadly.

Guy: Thank you very much, sir.

Woman 1 & 2: Bye, Mister Death Scythe! Please come again!

Death Scythe: Yeah. [Pause] (runs off) Bye!

As Death Scythe runs off, we see D/N at a restaurant on the outside taking a lunch break as he saw everything.

D/N: [Sigh] I am so glad M/N (Mother's Name) and I get along.

"The Next Day"

Our five heroes are at it again to get the witch Blair's soul so that Soul can transform into a Death Scythe.

Soul: Damn that witch...! How am I supposed to be cool when she's all hot and naked like that, huh?

F/N: Despite that comment, she did take us by surprise. And she's a powerful witch, so this means we need to be on our guard.

Maka: I agree, and besides, Soul, you lost your chance to become a death scythe because you couldn't resist her.

Soul: You're just jealous of her boobs.

After hearing that, Maka gets angry and was about to hit him until Soul drags her away behind a tree as F/N and his team followed. They see Blair walking towards them.

Soul: It's her. What now?

Then we see Blair looking where they were hiding because Soul's ass was poking out.

Maka: I'm thinking.

Blair: Ah! (Hugs Soul with his face in her breast) My little scythe-ey boy!

Soul gets a nose bleed and passed out.

F/N: (grabs Alpha and Omega's hand as they turned into a sword and a shield) Alright Lady, (points Omega at her) you're going down!

Blair: There's no need to be jealous, my little knight~. (Hugs him the same way) I'll give you some love too.

Then we see F/N crouching down with his face all red as Alpha and Omega trying to comfort him.

F/N: Don't let lust control you. Don't let lust control you. Don't let lust control you.

"The next, next day"

We see the five walking towards Blair's home as Maka was holding a piece of paper as we see F/N mad at himself.

F/N: I can't believe I let that witch get the best of me! I should be ashamed.

Maka: Listen up, you guys...! This time I wrote down a detailed plan on this piece of paper.

Soul: And that's supposed to give us an edge this time? We aren't grocery shopping here. A piece of paper isn't gonna help us beat a witch.

Maka gets angry at that comment.

Maka: Fine, then you tell me what we need to do to beat Blair!

Soul: Who knows? I vote for brute force, though.

Maka starts hitting Soul as he covered his head.

Maka: That's your answer for everything! We have to work together here, or don't you wanna become a Death Scythe? You have to take this seriously, Soul!

Soul: Yeah, I get it, Maka... You can shut up now.

F/N: Guys, this is no time to fight! We need to work together so-

Blair: Pumkin...

The five turn around to see Blair about to do her attack.

Blair: Pum-pumkin...

F/N quickly grabs Alpha's hand as she turned into a shield then gets in front of them as Blair fires her attack.

Blair: Halloween Cannon!

Then we see an explosion that's shaped like a pumpkin.

Meanwhile, at the Train station of Death City, we see a woman with (S/C) skin, (H/C) ponytail, a scar over her left eye with an eye patch over it, wearing. A T-shirt, Cargo pants, and boots, walking out of a train as we D/N waiting for her.

D/N: Ah! M/N, my lovely wife, welcome back! How was your mission?

M/N: Eh, it was a pain in the ass. But I'm glad it's finally over. (Looks around) Wait, where's F/N? I thought he was gonna be here too.

D/N: Oh, he was but he's still on a mission with Soul and Maka.

M/N: Death Scythe's kid? That man is even more of a pain in the ass.

The two walk home together.

M/N: But I'm glad my boy is willing to help her. What kind of mission is it anyway?

D/N: He's helping her take down a witch.

M/N stops where she's at as D/N stops and looks at her.

D/N: Um... Hon-


D/N: N-now honey, calm down!

M/N grabs D/N by the shirt and pulls him close as she was filled with rage, causing him to sweat bullets.

M/N: Don't tell me to calm down! I swear if my son gets killed-

D/N: He won't, ya know why? Because he's our boy, we taught him everything he knows about fighting.

M/N: (Let's go of D/N as he sighed) I guess you're right. He can take care of himself. (Walks off) Let's go home, I'm tired.

D/N: Yes, Dear.

"The next, next, next day"
"3rd Round"

We see flaming pumpkins launched at Maka with Soul as a scythe, and F/N with Alpha and Omega as a sword and shield as they dodged every single one of them. Then we see Blair floating down on a pumpkin while laughing.

Blair: You two should give up, you can't beat me.

[Soul]: What are you doing, you idiot?

Maka: Shut up! Or were you just gonna try beating her by getting a nosebleed again? (Soul gets angry) Men are completely useless sometimes...

F/N/[Omega]: 💢Hey!

Maka: (to F/N and Omega) No offense you guys. (Back to Soul) You only ran into Blair's house in the first place because you knew she was taking a bath!

[Soul]: 💢 Now you're just making false accusations...! And would you tell me how girls always come up with these wild assumptions in the first place?!

[Omega]: 💧This is one of the reasons why I prefer men...

[Alpha]: Just keep quiet, brother. Before you make things worse.

F/N: I'll have to agree with Soul, how can he have known she was taking a bath?

Maka: [Hmph.] Woman's Intuition.

[Soul]: I don't understand you sometimes.

Blair: Hey there, little scythe boy and knight boy is that dumb girl giving you a hard time? Why don't you forget about her and come be mine...? I would never, ever yell at you two like she does no matter what you did to me.

Then we Soul in the scythe as we see F/N look at her with a serious look on their face.

Maka: Maka: Hold on, witch! I'm Soul's partner, not you, okay...? And F/N wouldn't abandon his friends. Our conversations don't concern you.

Blair: Hmmm... Is that so? Well... We'll see about that, girlie.

Maka and F/N get ready to fight as Blair's sleeves get longer. She stretches them towards the two as Maka blocked one with Soul and F/N blocked the other with Alpha. Maka jumps in the air to slice Blair in half, but she only sliced the pumpkin in half.

Maka: What the...?

Blair: Pum-Pumpkin, pumpkin... Smashing Pumpkin!

F/N quickly pushed Maka out of the way as he got hit with the blast.

Maka: F/N!

Blair: Sorry about that, cutie. Why don't you just lay there as I take care of your friend.

Blair used her hat to grab Maka by the leg and tossed her into the air as she caught herself with Soul on the roof. Back with F/N, we see him get back up in the crater made by Blair.

[Alpha]: F/N, are you alright?

F/N: Yeah, just fine. I've been through worse.

Meanwhile, we see Death Scythe walking towards Death along with D/N as Death Scythe was chuckling.

Death Scythe: Hah...! Good times at Chupa Cabra's.

D/N: I would say "I can't believe you" but then again, it's you.

Death: You're out drinking when you're daughter's in trouble...? What kind of father are you?

D/N: A terrible one, obviously.

Death Scythe: What? Maka...? (Runs towards Death) Something happened?

Death: She's not doing so well against this witch, Even F/N is having a hard time against her.

D/N: What! What happened? Is he okay? Cause if something happened to him and his mother found out.... I don't even want to think about what she would do.

Death Scythe:... Your wife is very aggressive.

D/N: That may be, but that's one of the reasons why I love her.

Death Scythe:..... You have a strange taste in women, don't you?

D/N: Hey big talk, buddy, big talk!

Death: Focus you two! But to answer your question, D/N, your son is alright. For now. It looks like they might die.

Death Scythe: What? Maka, hold on!

Death: Stop right there... Think about what you're doing... You, D/N, or I could win against an opponent like that with one blow... (Brings out hand) A single Reaper Chop or a Lancelot Punch is all it would take to crush her skull...

D/N: As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. It's not our fight, it's theirs. It's up to them to put their skills to the test.

Death: You're her father you must understand the situation.

Death Scythe: Maka.

Death: Still... There's something a little weird about that witch.

D/N: Now that you've mentioned, Lord Death, she is a bit strange. Nothing like the witch M/N and I faced.

Back with the others, we see Maka gets blown back by an explosion as she stops herself from falling with Soul. Maka hangs on for dear life to Soul as she was at the edge of the roof.

Maka: Soul what's going on? I don't understand why you haven't been answering me! And F/N is knocked out, so I really need your help.

[Soul]: Maka...

Maka: There you are.

Then Soul reverted into his human form, holding onto Mala's hand.

Soul: Stop talking.

Soul drops Maka as she fell into a dumpster. Soul lands on the ground as Maka came out of the dumpster angry.

Maka: Hey, what did you drop me like that for?!

Soul: I don't think we should be partners anymore Maka... You see... (Shows him drooling with heart eyes while his nose bleeds) I only want to be Witch Blair's weapon now!

Maka: HUH?!

Blair: Oh! Do you really want me?

Back with Death, Death Scythe, and D/N.

Death Scythe: Yeah, that's more like it... Leave my daughter alone ya little scumbag! Now I just need for the other bastard to leave her alone.

Death and D/N both get angry at Death Scythe then hit him as he lays on the ground bleeding.

Death: Is now really the time to be saying that?

D/N: Yeah! And don't call my son a bastard again!

Back with the others.

Maka: Blair! You used your magic to make Soul want to be with you. That's a dirty trick!

Soul: You really are stupid... Any man would choose a girl with a body like Blair's over you and your flat chest. She didn't have to trick me to make me pick instead of you. I bet F/N is over at her house waiting to become her knight.

Hearing this broke Maka's heart.

Back with the other three.

Death Scythe: Now that you mentioned it, that witch does have a really nice body, doesn't she?

Then D/N and Death both hit Death Scythe again as he lays on the ground in his blood.

Death: It would be best if you just shut up for a while.

Maka: You men. All of you. You're horrible... (Shows flashbacks of her father cheating on her mother while she was following him) Cheating on every woman! But you... F/N... (Shows Flashbacks of how Maka met Soul and how Maka met F/N as he give her a warm goofy smile) You two I actually decided to trust. I put my faith in both of you. I can't believe this. (Starts to cry) I wish that all of you would just die! Hey Soul... You said that all women make wild assumptions without reasoning first, right...? That's what you said? Well, what reason do men have for cheating...?! It's not fair...

Soul: [Heh] How am I supposed to know? I can't answer that.

We see Soul put his blade around Blair.

Soul: After all, cool men don't cheat on their partners, do they?

???: And Maka was right about one thing...

Then we see F/N put Omega's blade at Blair's waist.

F/N: I would never abandon a friend. It's against my Knightley Code.

Soul: (holds out hand) Maka!

Maka grabs Soul's hand as he turns into a scythe. Then both Maka and F/N sliced her as her soul appeared.

F/N: Sorry for deceiving you like that, Maka. (Lets go of Alpha and Omega as they reverted back to their human forms) But Soul and I wanted to throw her off.

Maka: Wait... You two planned this? How long have you-

F/N: Since last night.

Soul grabs Blair's soul.

Soul: And it worked like a charm. (Looks at Maka) We've got them all... Good job.

Maka: [thoughts] Yes, Soul... Thank you for that.

F/N: In the end, shape and form don't matter at all... It's only the soul that matters, right...?

Soul: Yep, and nothing else.

Maka: Once you eat that...

Soul: That's right... With this soul, I'll become a Death Scythe.

F/N: This is so exciting!

Omega: Go on eat it!

Alpha: We didn't do all of that hard work for nothing.

Soul eats Blair's Soul as he starts to transform.

Soul: The power...! I can feel incredible power! Or not. [Burps]

Maka: No way.

F/N: Wait... Don't tell me!

Then we see a cat wearing the same hat as Blair walk in as she meows.

Maka: You're not really...

Blair: I never said that I was a witch, did I? You just made that assumption all on your own.

Blair transformed into her human form as we see her with cat ears.

Blair: I'm really just a cat with a ridiculous amount of magical power.

Soul/Maka: Huh?!

F/N: You know, that actually explains a lot.

Omega: Yep.

Alpha: Definitely.

Blair: The shape and form don't matter, isn't that right...? Huh, F/N?

Back with the other three.

Death: Yes... Just as I suspected.

D/N: You know, in hindsight, we should have seen this sooner.

Death Scythe: The cat'll do... Yes, Blair, I'll be your cat toy any day-

Death and D/N both hit Death Scythe again as he's on the ground in his own blood.

Back with our heroes.

Soul: You've gotta be kidding me...! Does this mean I ate 99 human souls and one cat soul?! That just cannot be right!

Then Maka just realized something.

Maka: And that's not all. (Death: The witch's soul, is very important. If you slip up, all of the 99 Kishin souls the two of you have collected so far will be confiscated. All of them will be confiscated. All... Confiscated.) So that means... We failed?!

We see Soul get on his motorcycle and F/N whistle for his steel horse.

Maka hops on the motorcycle while Alpha and Omega turned into their weapon forms as F/N stealths them on his back.

Soul: Damn it... Damn it... Damn it.

The group rides off.

Maka: We have to start all over. As the meister, I'll take responsibility okay?

Soul: Aw, man! And I was this close to becoming the coolest guy in the academy!

F/N: I'm really sorry you guys. Now you have to start from the beginning.

Maka: It's alright, F/N. It wasn't your guys' fault. (Sees Blair following them) Soul just ate your soul, you damn cat. What are you still doing up there?!

F/N: That's the thing about cats, Maka. They have nine souls.

Blair: Wow, both handsome and smart~! So boys, when are any of you two gonna leave this dumb girl for me anyway?

Maka: Blair go away...! Stop following us, will ya?!

Blair: Come on, boys! You know you want to.

Soul: This situation isn't cool at all.

F/N: You're telling me...

Time skip brought you by Blair in a tub with a rubber duck that looks like F/N.

We see F/N and his Weapons Alpha and Omega with Lord Death.

Death: Thank you very much for doing all you can to help meister Maka on this mission.

F/N: No problem, Lord Death. Just wish we were fighting a real witch instead. Those two worked hard for those souls. But I'm afraid rules are rules.

Death: Indeed. But thanking you is not why you are here.

F/N: Hm?

Death: I called you here because I want you to accompany meister Black Star on a mission.

F/N: Are you sure that's alright?

Death: Normally I wouldn't do this, but you know...

Death/F/N/Alpha/Omega: Black Star...

F/N: Say no more, I'll do it.

Death: Excellent! (Gives F/N a piece of paper) Here is their location. Good luck.

F/N: Got it. (Turns around and walks off) Let's go you two.

Alpha/Omega: (follows F/N) Right!

(To Be Continued)


(A/N: Aaaaand done! Finally am I right? So what do you think of this protagonist? What was your favorite part? Let me know in the comments! And be sure to strike that vote button with your weapon so others can see this book and I'll see you guys in the next episode!)

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