Avni's bold move

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Chapter 113:

Neil took Avni out of the court where media surrounds them. Neil side hugs Avni and stops the media with his hand.

Neil: please let us go, please.

Reporter: Mrs Khanna, you got justice how are you feeling now?

Reporter 2: please share your views what are you feeling right now?

Reporter 3: what message you want to give to other girls?

Avneil looked at the Reporter this was the question that can or should be answered. Neil looked at Avni who was in deep thoughts.

Neil: Avni?

Neil squeezed her shoulder softly to get her out of her thoughts.

Neil: do you want to answer them?

Avni looked at him then to the media she closed her eyes and sighs.

Avni: I don't know what to say. Since the case started I avoid interacting with any media channel but now when it ends then I just to say one thing to all the girls that no one will fight for you, you have to fight for yourself if you will not raise the voice for yourself then no-one will do it for you. Don't worry about the people they will forget everything after some time but you, you will not forget anything because you can't, I know it is not in our hands, the nightmares do not let us sleep, the disgust not let us live, it snatches out peace and we asked one question to ourself why, why me, why me?

Avni's eyes were teary she suppressed her lips and Neil was looking at her.

Avni: I know you must be thinking that she won the case that's why she is saying  this, it is not easy, everyone's destiny is not like her, she had her husband's support but the families of many girls asked them to keep quiet and to forget everything and many other things and I agree with you all if Neil was not with me then I would not get the strength to fight even it would be a secret till now and this truth would have gone with me from this world and no one knows about it.

Neil looked at her and felt an aching in his heart how can she talk about death he understand anyone can think the same in this situation but still he can't listen to all this.

Avni: Neil became my strength but he let me to fight my battle, yes, his support was with me but he asked me to stand in the front line and fight for myself and I fought; the journey was not easy I never thought I will get justice and I am sure many girls think the same and It is the truth of our society, here the truth sells at the rate of a penny. I had Neil's support but If you don't have the support of your family that doesn't mean that you can not fight, the biggest mistake we girls do is to depend on others why can't we take a stand for ourselves? we can fight our own ballet. In the end, I just want to say that nothing can come by sitting in one place, those why created history they didn't do that by keeping a hand on hand they did hard work and achieved what they wanted if they could do then we can also do. Thank you.

Reporter: ma'am one more question, please.

Neil: please let us go, no more questions, please.

Reporters asked the questions, Neil called someone and security came there and took away the media then Neil took Avni from there.

Neil opened the door of car for Avni she got in the car then Neil sat and they drove from there. On the way, Avni was silently looking out from window she was feeling strange there was happiness, emptiness and a sensation in the body which she was not understanding why she is feeling this but it happens when one chapter closes in our life then we feel like this, Avni faced everything with the support of Neil but things are yet to place in their right place. Everything was roaming in her mind how things went and how she got justice. Neil looked at her he can understand her condition. Neil holds her hand, Avni looks at the hands then at him and Neil kisses her hand. Avni smiles.

Avni: don't worry, I am fine, just trying to understand some emotions.

Neil: I understand. It is because the thing which was with you since childhood ends now so you are feeling an strange emptiness It is quite natural so don't think too much, hmm.

Avni nods.

Soon, Avneil reached home where both families were waiting for them. Avneil entered and all stood up. Avneil looked at them.

Bebe: congratulations to both of you. Finally, you won.

Avneil smiled and all congratulate them as it was their victory.

Shweta: now you both go and take some rest, you must be tired.

Neil nods and signs Avni let's go she nods and they go.

After changing, Neil comes and saw Avni is sitting on the bed and thinking she already changed her dress.

Neil: what are you thinking?

Avni looked at him.

Avni: nothing, just waiting for you.

Neil smiles he understands that why she was waiting for him he lays on the bed and signs come. Avni smiles and feels shy but this is what she wanted and needed the most. Avni lays and keeps her head on his chest and Neil kisses her forehead and caresses her hairs. Soon she sleeps and Neil smiles to see her then he thinks about her words which she said to the media.

The next day, Neil was getting ready for the office he brushed his hairs then picked the watch from the table and was wearing it.

Neil: Avni! Avni... Avni!

Avni entered the room.

Avni: what happened why are you shouting?

Neil turned to her and smiled.

Neil: where were you?

Avni: in the kitchen, why?

Neil makes a face.

Neil: I told you many times to stay in the room when I get ready for the office.

Avni: mummy ji called me that's why I went. OK, tell me why you were calling me?

Neil: nothing, just want to see you before going to the office.

Avni smiles.

Neil: I really don't want to go. Today, I thought I will take you to dinner but that meeting spoiled my plan.

Avni replied to him.

Avni: you eat dinner in the morning?

Neil gives her a look, Avni chuckled.

Neil: very funny.

Avni was smiling.

Neil: I planned everything. First, long drive then dinner and after that movie but this meeting...

Avni comes to him and pulls his both cheeks.

Avni: so sweet.

Neil makes a sad face.

Avni: we will go some other day what a big deal and don't worry about me I am fine.

Neil frown.

Avni: what? Only you can read my mind, can't I understand what you are thinking?

Neil smiled.

Avni: I know you don't want to leave me alone as you feel that I will think about the case and past.

Neil suppresses his lips and looks down.

Avni: I told you yesterday that I am fine. Neil, things will take time to come in their place but I promise it will not affect me and my daily routine. In fact, it is not affecting me, I am normal so, stop worrying.

Neil smiles.

Neil: ok, I was just concern about you and your health.

Avni cups his face, Neil looks at the hands then at her. It's not the first time she cupped his face but today she did in a normal situation.

Avni: I know that's why I said all this.

Neil kissed her forehead, Avni smiled.

Neil: ok, take care.

Avni nods they smile, Neil turns to pick the wallet and Avni turns to go but she stops and thinks something. Nervousness was clearly visible on her face she turned to Neil and thought he must be sad as he planned spoiled she thinks and bits her lip and close her eyes. Avni took a deep breath and turns to Neil who was putting the wallet in his pocket.

Avni kissed Neil's cheek and runs from there, Neil was numbed before he understands Avni flies from there, Neil keeps the hand on his cheek and turns but no sign of Avni. Neil was beyond shock.

On the other side, Avni was running to the corridor she did not know where she is going she comes out of the mansion and goes to the lawn and stopped there she keeps the hand on her heart and was panting, her eyes were closed and her cheeks were red, her heart was beating fast she can't understand that it is beating fast because of running or because she kissed Neil. Avni was blushing hard and smiling she opened her eyes and hid her face in her hands.

On the other side, Neil was still standing on his place by placing a hand on his cheek as the time and his heartbeat both stopped he came out of shock and smiles he turns to the mirror and saw his cheek and blushes. Neil runs the hand in his hairs and his happiness has no limits.

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