Avni's past last part

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Chapter 68:

Avni start shivering by thinking about that dreadful moment Neil tighten the grip at her hand.

Neil: one day one day what. did he.

Neil stop and nods say Avni was looking at him and Neil was curious to know the truth avni shook her head Neil sighs.

Neil: then?

Avni take her hand back Neil look at their hands then at her avni keep the hair strand behind her ear and wipes her tears Neil was looking at her.

Neil: water?

Avni shook her head Neil sighs.

Avni: he didn't get the chance to do anything because always some one was near me mamma and our care taker never leave me alone someone was always there for me then one day I was sleeping in my room mamma was not at home and my care taker also went on vacation I was alone with servants so I came to my room and lays there then I i feel a hand at my cheek it was a bad touch someone was caressing my cheek I didn't react then I felt something at my lips he was he was touching my lips.

Neil get angry and clenched his fist.

Avni: then I get up with a jerk and got scared by seeing him and he he smirk.

Avni gulps and her eyes were teary.


Raghav was sitting there before avni shout he keep his hand at her mouth.

Raghav: ssshhh.

Avni get scared why not she, she was just a child of 6 years old.

Raghav: don't shout otherwise I will complain to your papa and you know he trust me he scold you because of me right so.

Raghav keep his another hand on his lips.

Raghav: ssshhhh.

Raghav: will you shout?

Avni shook her head.

Raghav: good girl.

Raghav take his hand away.

Avni murmurs: mamma mamma papa papa.

Raghav cup her face.

Raghav: hey baby girl why are you scared see I am your uncle your raghave uncle you are my princess right.

Avni: i want to go to mamma please leave me mamma mamma.

Raghav: sssshhhhh if you want to live with mamma then remember one thing don't tell anyone about my coming here ok otherwise I will say to papa to send you to boarding school.

Avni shocked and get scared because ashish already told her if she will behave like this then they will send her to boarding like her friend's parent did.

Raghav: you know in boarding school teachers punish the students and don't give them toys to play and if a child don't listen to them then they make them sleep outside and dogs bark at them.

Avni get scared.

Raghav: even they don't give them breakfast lunch and dinner.

Avni's eyes filled with tears.

Raghav: do you want to go there?

Avni shook her head.

Raghav: good girl then do as I say ok.

Avni nods.

Raghav: ok so don't tell anyone about my coming here otherwise.

Avni: I will not tell to any one promise.

Raghav: good girl don't get scared baby uncle loves you so much so relax.

Avni sobs.

Raghav: come on baby girl stop crying I can't see the tears in your eyes.

Avni: I want mamma mamma.

Raghav: avniii.

He show her his eyes avni get scared.

Raghav: now come on come to uncle.

Avni clutch the duvet.

Raghav: princess you want to go to boarding school.

Avni shook her head.

Raghav: then come come to uncle uncle loves you so much come.

Avni sobs raghav made her sit on his lap and caress her cheeks and kiss her cheeks and rub his nose at her cheek avni was crying.

Raghav: I love you baby I love you so much you are my baby girl in this age also you are so attractive I wonder when you will grown up then how you look ufff I am sure you will look hot and sexy.

Avni cries raghav touch her inappropriately and avni a kid feels disgust.

Raghav: uncle loves you baby come on give me kissy come on.

Avni shook her head raghav catch her hairs and show her his eyes avni scream and cries but no one comes but all the servants were busy in their work.

Raghav: Avni don't test my patience I will kill you and no one will know about it.

Avni get more scared and raghav touch her lips and was about to kiss her he hears the sound of car horn and get scared he made avni sit on the bed and threaten her.

Raghav: if you tell anything to any one then.

Raghav take out a knife and show her avni get scared raghav keep the hand at his lips and say ssshhhh.

He runs from the window and left behind the shivering avni.

Flashback ends.

Avni was crying Neil's eyes were red because of anger he want to kill him he just want to rip that cheapster into two pieces.

Avni: he he tried to mo molest me.

Avni cries badly Neil hugs her and caress her hairs.

Avni: I I hate myself I hate my body i i feel disgust on myself I hate myself.

Neil feels a pinch in his heart he look at her then he breaks the hug and cup her face.

Neil: why you hate yourself it was not mistake why you are punishing yourself for his deeds hmmm you are a precious gem don't hate yourself my avni only deserve love only love only not hatred and don't you dare to hate my avni I will not tolerate it understood.

Avni was looking at him and feels blessed that he is getting angry on her for her how can someone be so good Neil wipes her tears and kiss her forehead avni close her eyes she feels peace then Neil look at her.

Neil: don't hate yourself It was not your mistake.

Avni looks down and Neil was looking at her he want to know the entire truth but how he said her to say by seeing her condition but he want her to let out everything which she is holding since childhood avni understood he want to know more avni looks straight she can't say anything by looking at him she knew she will shattered.

Avni: for saying those were just mere touch but they were inprinted at my heart and still those Marks are fresh at my heart that incident put a bad impact on me I had fever and doctor lost the hope that i will survive but I got save and since that day my and papa's relation changed I was getting scared by my own father that what if he send me to boarding school so I didn't told him anything.

Neil: and neela maa why you didn't tell her anything she will believe you.

Avni: he threatened me so I was so scared that's why I didn't said anything to them then God had some mercy on me and he he went from this city for don't know what reason but after that day I didn't saw him but his nightmares didn't let me sleep and his touches didn't let me to live and I became silent and since then I get scared by seeing strangers that that incident changed my life changed me.

Avni look at neil.

Avni: I know I don't have any proof to prove him guilty but trust me I am saying truth he he did that to me he

Neil cup her face and touch his head to her and press his nose to her to calm her.

Neil: ssshhh.

Avni cries and hold his wrists then Neil get away and wipes her tears.

Neil: who asked you for proof I trust you avni I trust you more than another person in the world I trust you more thann myself.

Avni look at him and said hopefully.

Avni: you trust me Right.

Neil: yes I trust you.

Avni smiles with teary eyes and cries by looking down and holding his right wrist and Neil keep his second hand on her second hand which was on her thigh and avni was crying Neil can't saw her like this he know she need his support his love he hugs her and tighten the grip at her arms then Neil get angry by thinking about avni's suffering his eyes filled with tears and were red because of anger.

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