Avni's past part 01

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Episode 65:

Neil play the song in his cell phone and keep it on the bed. song dil mera puch raha hai tujhse Kya pyaar karo ge mujhse.

Neil forward his hand avni gives her hand to Neil and Neil forward his one step to her he keep her one on his shoulder avni look at her hand then avni was looking at him Neil intervene their hand avni look at their hands then she look at him Neil smiles Neil keep his hand at her waist avni shivers Neil smiles to see her avni was looking down then she look at neil and look away because of shyness Neil moves by standing at one place.

Neil: avni do as I am doing just move.

Avni did as Neil said then Neil moves his hand from her waist to the back avni was feeling shiver in her body and Neil was enjoying the moment avni feels shy and go away from him but Neil hold her hand and pull her back to him avni's breathe was uneven she was looking at Neil he pull her more to him avni looks down and was panting Neil touch his cheek with her cheek avni close her eyes and Neil rub it to her cheek Neil kiss her cheek avni clutch Neil's shirt then Neil look at her he saw her closed eyes and smiles he kiss her forehead and moves to her lips he was about to kiss her but avni push him away Neil came out of his thoughts and look at avni who was feeling shy while dancing with him Neil realised it was his imagination.

Neil in mind: was that my dream?

Neil look at avni and saw her smiling by looking down Neil sighs.

Neil in mind: God what was that what I was thinking Neil control yourself you can't lose your control thank God it was dream otherwise don't know what would have happen.

Then Neil leaves avni and she was looking at Neil he smiles.

Neil: thank you avni thank you for giving me these moments.

Avni smiles.

Next morning avni wakes up she turn her face and saw Neil is sleeping but his face was at the other side avni smiles she was about to get up Neil also turn his side at the same time and hug her waist in sleep avni shocked she look at neil and think.

Neil: now what I do?

Avni keeps the hairs behind her ear and carefully tries to keep his hand away but Neil hold her again and moves to her in sleep and keep his hand at her back avni tried to get up but Neil pull her in sleep and she fall on him Neil wakes up and saw her close to him avni's breathe was uneven their eyelock Neil cup her face with one hand and caress it avni close her eyes and Neil was looking at her he was lost in her natural beauty she open her eyes and look at neil who was looking at her avni breaks the eyelock Neil lose his grip avni get up and Neil squeeze his eyes tightly and was angry on himself then he sat on the bed and saw avni is getting her clothes from the cupboard she shut the cupboard.

Neil: avni.

She turns to him he get up and came to avni he avoids eye contact avni also looks down.

Neil: ab aa avni I i am sorry.

Avni look at him.

Neil: I don't know how i hug i mean in sleep I don't know how i.

Neil hesitates to say.

Neil: I I sware I didn't do that intentionally I was I was sleeping and I.

Avni: Neil.

Neil look at her.

Avni: it's ok I understand and I know you was sleeping.

Neil: you are not angry with me?

Neil was looking at her hopefully that she is not angry with him.

Avni: no why would I It happens I can understand.

Neil smiles.

Neil: thanks for understanding.

Avni: don't you think now a days you are saying thank you so much.

Neil smiles and hold his ears.

Neil: sorry.

Avni smiles and went to freshen up Neil smiles and sighs.

Neil: thank God she is not angry.

Neil smiles like this days passed and avneil bond was becoming strong day by day and they shift back to their room and also Neil start going to office and avni daily call him and ask him about his lunch and health Neil daily wait for her call today also Neil was waiting for her he was studying a file then Neil look at his phone he saw the time it's 01:10pm.

Neil: today still avni didn't call is she fine?

Neil was thinking then his phone rings Neil look at it and smiles he picks the call immediately.

Neil: hello.

Avni: hello Neil.

Neil sigh.

Neil: thank God you are fine.

Avni frown.

Avni: what happened to me I am perfectly fine.

Neil: you daily call at 01 pm but today it 01:10 and you didn't call me so I was little bit worried.

Avni: sorry Neil actually mummy ji call me.

Neil: it's ok I was just little bit worried.

Avni: you had your lunch?

Neil: not yet.

Avni: why?

Neil: I was waiting for your call.

Avni: neiill ok now have your lunch then call me.

Neil: yes boss.

Avni smiles.

Avni: bye.

Neil said bye and was smiling.

At night the khanna family was sitting at the dinning table and all were enjoying their family time avni was standing there and serving them.

Neil: avni why are you standing sit we all will have it.

Bebe: caring husband not bad.

Avni and Neil blush.

Bebe: avni sit otherwise your husband will not eat properly the food will not get through his throat.

Avni blush.

Neil: bebe.

All smiles avni didn't sit Neil sigh her sit but she shook her head Neil give her a look daily they all sit but today avni made their dish so she was serving them all were happy and unaware of the storm a car stopped outside the khanna mansion and avni feels weird a man get down from the car and was wearing a suit he close the button of his coat and look at the mansion he smiles and go inside the mansion he saw them having the dinner his eyes fall on avni and he smirk and check out her from head to toe feet which shows how cheap person he is.

Man: my doll.

He went to them.

Man: enjoying the dinner without me that's not fear.

All look at the man and smiles avni look at the man and shocked she feels like someone pull the rug from under her feet all were happy to see him but avni was shocked to see that man.

Neil: uncle.

All went to them but avni was standing at her place and was sweating to see the person she hold the chair and gulps she hears.

Man: come baby come to your uncle. Come on give a kissey to your uncle. Come baby Uncle loves you so much come to uncle.

Avni gulps and tighten the grip on the chair her eyes were teary Neil took few steps but he stop and turns he saw avni is not there Neil frown he look at the man then back he think.

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