Closing the book

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It was the time of the night, the silence was all around the place a car was moving fastly to the destination. Avni was sitting in the back seat she was worried and fidgeting her hands she was praying for Neil's safety; thousands of thoughts were roaming in her mind like what will happen of her if something happens to Neil, how she will handle Neav, how she will live without him, how she will do upbringing of Neav and so many thoughts though she doesn't want to think those things, doesn't want to hear that news but her mind was not working and these things were hunting her.

Avni: shut up, stop it.

The driver looks at her.

Driver: what happened, ma'am?

Avni looks at him.

Avni: ab, n, nothing you please drive fast.

Driver nods.

Avni murmurs: nothing will happen to him he was fine. He is my Neil he can't leave me alone. No, he can't leave me alone. God, please save my Neil, please.

Avni cries by closing her eyes.

Soon, they reached there. Avni saw Neil's car.

Avni: sto, stop the car.

Avni gets down from the car and looks around. Avni was shocked.

After 18 years, a beautiful lake had shown where a lady was sitting on the bench under the tree and grass was under her feet she was sitting by wearing a white dress and an album was in her hand she was looking at the wedding picture of Avneil, a tear falls from her eyes on the picture where Avneil were sitting on the mandap and family was standing behind them. It was Avni she wipes her tear and looks up, her eyes were teary.

Avni's point of view:

Life is so unpredictable when what will happen we don't know. I was in darkness, an afraid, shy, introverted girl who wanted to spend her time mostly in the room. I never dreamt of any princess charming even I didn't want it but it came into my life and made my life beautiful. I wanted to live in the darkness it made me out of that and showed me the beauty of life. I pushed him away, he pulled me into his arms. The arms where I got my peace, where I felt secure. The belief which I expected from my father, he showed that on me. He made me believe in myself. He got justice for me, he fought for and taught me to fight. He completes me, because of him, I understood the meaning of soul relation, I learned the difference between love and lust. I learned the meaning of pure love. I feel proud that I am Mrs Avni Neil Khanna. He gave me everything for which I was craving since my childhood, a family that believes me, loves me, understands me. He gave me the most beautiful relation of this world that is mother and son. He gave me, my Neav, that feeling, that emotion I can't express in words. Those feelings are beyond explanation. I still remember that day when I first time feels Neav inside me and Neil was so happy he had tears in his eyes and smiles on his smiles the smile that always soothes my pain. I feel lucky that I got Neil as a life partner and no matter how many times I thank God for that, that is less. I am also thankful to Papa for that because of him, Neil came into my life. Neil filled the cracks that were between my and Papa's relation. Papa didn't believe me when I need him but all those things are nothing in front of the thing that he gave me, that is Neil. And today I can say that I love my papa. I love you papa because of you I got my soulmate. Thank you, thank you so much for that. Thank you.

Avni looks up.

Avni: I miss you, Papa.

Avni thinks and her eyes were teary she felt a hand on her shoulder and turns her face. She saw her lifeline, Neil who was looking at her with soft eyes and Avni was looking at him emotionally. Neil keeps her head on his chest. Avni cries.

Neil: we all will miss him.

Avni: I am a bad daughter I wasted so many years in my anger.

Neil: that was not your fault you were also in pain you also beard a lot. Forget those days and think about those days which you spend with him happily where you both spend a good time, create a strong bond.

Avni cries. Neil breaks the hug and they look at each other. Neil wipes her tears kisses her forehead.

Neil: wherever papa is, he is looking at her and he must not be liking to see you like this so come on, cheer up.

Avni smiles slightly.

Avni: Aman?

Neil: papa is with him they are attending the guests I came to see you here because I knew I will find you here.

Avni: this is my and papa's favourite place when everything was fine, papa daily took me here in the morning or evening no matter how busy he was.

Neil smiles.

Neil: even, for the last 20 years you both were coming here occasionally.

Avni smiles.

Neil: let's go. All must be asking for you.

Avni: just some more time. I am feeling good here.

Neil: ok.

Neil saw the album.

Neil: this?

Avni: yes, I wanted to cherish some old memories.

Neil smiles.

Neil: I understand.

Avni looks at Neil.


Avni reached the place where Neil had an accident she runs forward but didn't find anything then she looks here and there.

Avni: Neil, Neil.

Avni was crying and looking for Neil.

Avni stopped to hear her name she turns and saw Neil is standing there fit and fine. Avni smiles and runs to him she hugs him and cries. Neil caresses his hair.

Neil: relax, I am fine.

Avni: I was so afraid. I thought I lost you.

Neil hugs her more tightly to assure her that he is fine and he was missing her also. Soon, Avni remembered the phone call and breaks the hug. She wipes her tears.

Avni: but I got a call from your number that you had an accident.

Ne: that was my plan.

Avni shocked.

Neil: that was my friend I asked him to call you and said that.

Avni: what?

Neil nods.

Nei: yes.

Avni gets angry.

Avni: how could you, Neil? How could you do that? How... you know how afraid I was. Thousands of thoughts were roaming in my mind. I died with each passing second, I felt like my heart skipped the beats. I, I thought I lost you and you... Is this a joke for you?

Neil: of course not, I did all that to make you understand my point.

Avni was looking at him with a frown she was angry and confused too.

Neil: in this one hour you felt pain, you thought, you lost me, you were afraid and you want me to live with this pain, this thought, with this fear for nine-month.

Avni shocked.

Neil: at the time of Neav, I passed each and every second with this fear that what if I lose you, what if I lose my child? How will I live without you and you want me to live that time again?

Avni had tears in her eyes she also felt that pain but she was concerned for her child but Neil had feared of losing his wife and child too.

Neil: ok, tell me one thing when you were coming here then many thoughts had come in your mind that how you live alone if something happens to me, how you will handle Neav, how you will do upbringing of Neav and what you will answer to Neav if he asked you about me? Right? And you want me to live that life where I will handle Neav alone, answer his questions that where is his mother.

Neil's voice cracked he squeezes his nose.

Neil: ok I will do whatever you want but tell me what I will tell Neav if he asked me where is his mother when she will come? Tell me how will I live alone without you? Answer me.

Avni looks at Neil she had no reply.

Neil: Avni, you are not only my wife, my love, you became a part of my soul, people said, love faded with time but my love for you only increased, daily I fell for you, first I loved that shy, reserved Avni, then I saw a fighter Avni in you and fell for her, then I met a strong Avni who know how to tackle the situation and I fell for her after that I got the chance to see you as mother and saw a strong and brave mother who didn't lose hope and today her son is with her and daily I saw a new shade of your where you handle Neav calmly and doing his upbringing in a very good way.

Avni looks down.

Neil: I love you, Avni and I can't live without you if something happened to you then I will also die because you are my life, I.

Avni saw Neil is shaking she hugs him and Neil was shivering he hugs her tightly.

Avni: ssshhhh.

Avni caresses his hair.

Neil: please don't do this to me. I am nothing without you, please.

Neil cries.

Avni: calm, down, calm down.

Neil gaps.

Avni: I am sorry, Neil please forgive me. In the determination of giving you happiness, I hurt you please forgive me. I am sorry.

They stayed in that position for some time then they break the hug and Neil cups Avni's face.

Neil: Avni, we have Neav and that is enough for us. We are happy in our small world we are a perfect family and we don't need anything else.

Avni: you always wanted a daughter when I was pregnant you always said that it will be your princess, you love her more than me, you daily take her out you had many dreams related to a daughter.

Neil: I wanted that but not by losing you. I admit I wanted a daughter because I wanted you to live your childhood with her, the childhood which you lost. I wanted to give those moments, those things to her which you missed in your childhood. I wanted to bear her tantrums, wanted to fulfil her wishes, wanted to hear papa from her sweet voice.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: I want that but not by losing you I love you more than anything else. What will I do by getting a daughter when I will lose myself by losing you. You know very well what the doctor said, she said pregnancy is risky for your life and I don't want to take any risk and let's suppose we tried and everything will go smooth but what is the guarantee that it will be a baby girl.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: can you give me a guarantee?

Avni shook her head.

Neil: if you want a daughter then we will adopt a baby girl but after few years, right now our first priority should be Neav he needs our full attention so we can do his upbringing in the right way. If we make him a good human being that will be our biggest victory.

Avni smiles.

Neil: did you understand my point now?

Avni nods and holds her ears.

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil smiles.

Neil: it's ok and I am sorry too I made you scared today.

Avni: you should be. Is this a way to make understand the point? You can't imagine through which I had to go.

Neil: So, you were listening to me? No. I was trying for the last one month but you were adamant so what would I do? I had no other option.

Avni looks at him and they smile.

Neil in mind: Avni, almost I was gone today if I did not turn the car at the right time then the accident was surely true but thanks to God, I got save but I will not tell that to you because I know you will get scared and feel guilty even I want to thank that tempo driver also because of him, I got this idea and now everything sorted between us. Hope now everything will be fine between us.

Neil smiles to see Avni.

Neil: let's go home, I am very hungry I didn't eat anything since morning.

Avni: I am also very hungry my head is spinning.

Neil: then let's go.

Avni smiles and walked to Neil's car by holding hands with each other and drove to the mansion.

Flashback ends.

Avneil were looking at the lake and Avni's head was on Neil's shoulder. It was the third day of Ashish's death and Avni was missing him so she came to her favourite place where Ashish took her.

Aman: di.

They saw Aman who was standing there and his eyes filled with tears.

Person: buddy, did you get them.

A boy of 20 years old comes there and saw his parents sitting there yes it was Neav. Avni wipes her tears.

Neav: ahh here you are love birds.

Neil smiles.

Avni: Neav!

Neav holds his ears and said sorry.

Avni smiles. Neil gets up and goes to Aman he holds his shoulders.

Neil: Aman, I can't replace papa but I assure you that whenever you need him you will find me there. From now, I am your father.

Aman gets emotional and hugs him. Avni smiles with teary eyes and kept the album there and gets up. Neav saw that the environment is getting emotional so he thoughts to lighten the situation and smirks like his father.

Neav: well dad.

Neil breaks the hug and they wipe their tears.

Neav: you said from now you are buddy's father and he is mamma's brother so you are also mamma's father now.

Avni widens her eyes and looked a Neil.

Neil: oye I am her child's father and that is you, got it.

Neav: I know that. I just asked if there is some chance...

Neil: you. Wait.

Neil was about to go but he runs and his behind Avni.

Neav: now catch me.

Neil: I will see you later.

Neav: see mamma, your husband is threatening me now I need security. Please buddy hire someone.

Avni: Neav.

Neav: ok.

Neav holds his ears.

Neav: sorry.

Avni goes to Aman and hugs him then she cups his face.

Avni: now papa is not with us but he will always be with us in our heart hmm.

Aman nods.

Avni: be strong now we have to take care of mamma she must be feeling alone but we have to assure her that we are with her.

Aman nods and wipes his tears.

Aman: yes and I will try my best.

Avni smiles with teary eyes now she is strong she knows how to control her emotions.

Aman: by the way, I came here to call you, Prakash uncle was calling you both. Guests are asking for you.

Neil: you both go we are coming after you.

Aman nods and said OK.

Neav: come fast. You can continue romance later you have much time for that.

Neil warns Neav.

Neil: Neav.

He runs from there and they smile.

Avni: he is like you. He was cracking jokes to lighten the situation.

Neil: then his, this habit is like his grandmother.

They smile.

Neil: let's go.

Avni: five minutes.

Neil: we will come here again don't worry.

Avni looks at him she doesn't want to go from there.

Neil: ok just five minutes.

Avni nods. They sit there for some time and goes but after some time again they come back there as Avni forgot her bracelet there but in reality, she desperately left that there. Avni sits there and Avni keeps her head on Neil's shoulder and intervenes her arms around Neil's arm. Neil looks at her and kisses her forehead. They were looking at the sunset. Sun was going down but Avneil's life is bright till they are together. After that, they saw many ups and downs but they passed all phases with the support of each other.

The end.


Love can heal our pain. Neil's love heals Avni's pain, not only heal her but also made her believe in herself. Avni wanted to live in the darkness but Neil's love took her to the lights where he gave her unconditional love. Avni lost belief in people, on relation she decided to live alone she refused Neil's proposal but Neil's love was true and it got its destination. Neil changed Avni by his immense love and they lived a happy life. Forgetting the past is not easy even we can't forget that but we can try to live with that. Avni's past was dreadful but with the support of Neil, she not only come out of that but also starts living her life. Our nightmares, our fears are only our imagination there is always a way to cope up with that but it is on us how we can find that door that can take us out of that darkness. I always say, everyone's life is not perfect but we can try to make it beautiful and live happily with what we have; though is difficult but at least we can try. Those who play with the life and emotions of others they will get punished for their deeds if not in this world then the other world but their deeds will get punished. In the end, I want to say, try to spread positivity, try to give happiness, words are sharper than the sword the wounds of the sword can be healed but the wounds of words can never be healed it snatched the self-confidence so please try to stay positive it will give you and other happiness.

Thank you.

So, here this story ends hope you like it and thank you to all those who joined me in this journey and stayed with me till the end. Thank you.

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