Cute Fight

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Chapter 91:

Neil was looking at avni astonishingly and she show him attitude and to see that Neil get surprised and his was mouth open and looking at her.

Avni: shut your mouth else fly will go in.

Neil Close his mouth and look at her.

Neil: what was that?

Avni: what?

Neil: why you hit me with pillow?

Avni: so you was not telling me where we will go so what would I do?

Neil: so you will hit me?

Avni looks away and shrug her shoulder and said of course.

Neil was just looking at her she is not the avni who he met one year ago she is totally a different girl.

Avni look at him from the corner of her eye.

Neil: did you drink?

Avni shocked and look at him.

Avni: what?

Neil: I said are you drunk?

Avni: no I am not but it seems like you are drunk that's why you are asking me this weird question because you know I don't do drinking.

Neil: I also don't do drinking.

Avni: good for you.

Neil smiles.

Neil in mind: how much you changed in this one year who will say, you are the same Avni who stammers while talking, and avoid eye contact.

Avni look at him.

Avni: what happened what are you thinking?

Neil: nothing just a little bit surprised about your behaviour.

Avni look at him and feels strange she thought she behaved odd and cross her limits.

Avni: am I behaving odd or I did some mistake.

Neil shook his head.

Avni: I am sorry I.

Neil: avniii.

She looked at him.

Neil: who said you did a mistake or behaving odd I said I am little bit surprised because you never did that before, that doesn't mean I didn't like that in fact I am loving your this side you know when I saw you first time I fell for you, your simplicity, your cute antics like avoiding eye contact, feeling shy they took my heart. I never saw a girl like you I know you was afraid of men or crowd but I fell for that simple girl and now I am loving this cute, bubbly and naughty avni who talk to me freely and show her right on me.

Avni was confused on his last sentence.

Neil: what? you hit me with pillow that means you know I will not get angry and you have right on me yes or no.

Avni smiles and look down.

Neil: Avni I love your every shade whether it's shy, confident, bubbly, any thing I love your every shade.

Avni blush Neil smiles.

Neil: I love the most this blushing avni I just love your.

Neil pull her cheeks.

Neil: these blushy red cheeks.

Avni blush more and Neil smiles.

Neil: ok so tell me this special offer of bubbly avni is only for me or anyone else also experienced your this side.

Avni smiles.

Avni: I sometimes behave childish and stubborn with mamma and Riya.

Neil smiles.

Neil: childish?

Avni nods while smiling Neil leans to her and she was looking at him.

Neil: then I want to see that childish avni.

Avni's breathe became uneven because of Neil's closeness Neil look at her lips then into her eyes avni tried to stop her breathe and Neil's gaze on her lips was making it more difficult for her their eyelock avni breaks it and wipes her upper lips and rub her eyes she turned her face Neil smiles to see her he went back avni turns her side as she was feeling embarrassed Neil think and avni set her pillow at her back she was trying to divert her mind then she was awarded by a cushion at her back avni close her eyes and shocked she turned and saw Neil hit her that she was looking at him.

Neil: revenge sweetheart revenge.

Neil wanted to make her normal so he hit her cushion.

Avn: you.

She pick the pillow Neil also do the same and they start fighting with pillows Neil was laughing and avni was angry Neil was saying avni stop avni stop ok sorry now stop but avni didn't stop then Neil leave the pillow and hold avni's arm he twirls her and pin her to bed and came over her but not completely he look at avni she open her eyes and was panting Neil smiles to see her he kiss her forehead.

Neil: calm down lady don.

Avni looks away Neil shook his head and kiss her cheek avni shocked.

Neil: love you.

Neil leave her and get up from the bed avni was looking at him he doesn't want to cross his limits so he went out from the room avni blush she turns her side and hide her face to the bed and smiling and blushing. Neil was looking at her by standing at the door he smiles.

Neil in mind: finally you are moving on from your past hope this trip wipe off those dreadful things from your mind.

Neil smiles.

Two days passed but Neil didn't tell avni where are they going avni asked him a lot but he didn't tell her there were two reason behind it one he want to divert her mind from raghav and second he was liking it when avni tried to know about the destination so he didn't tell her then avni and family came out from the mansion and Neil was keeping the bag in the trunk of the car he close it and look at avni he smiles and came to them.

Neil: so ready.

Avni smiles and nods.

Bebe: enjoy a lot there and don't worry about here we will manage here you both go and enjoy your time and if want then extend the trip.

Avneil smiles.

Shweta: right.

Prakash: Neil drive safely and inform us when you reached.

Neil: sure dad.

They met with the family.

Neil: so let's go.

Avni: ok.

They get in the car and waves to family and start their journey to their destination all smiles and Shweta and bebe sighs and pray that avneil will live happily forever and this trip will get them close and they start their normal married life. They smiles to see each other.

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