Emotions part 01

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Chapter 43:

Neil get up and as soon as he stand up he feels dizzy and stumble.

Avni: Neil.

Avni came to him and hold him neil look at her and his hand was at her back their eyelock their faces were so close to each other Neil look at her then her lips and again at her eyes avni was lost in the moment but she breaks the eyelock and Neil stand straight avni helps him.

Neil: thank you.

Avni smiles

Neil: I am going to freshen up.

Avni: are you sure you can go yourself?

Neil smiles.

Neil: yes wifey don't worry I will manage.

Avni: one minute.

Neil frown avni went to washroom she arrange all the things like stool and other things she came back and went to the cupboard and take out his clothes Neil smiles and again avni went to the washroom and came back.

Avni: now you go.

Neil nods he came to her.

Neil: thank you wifey.

Avni smiles Neil went and avni waits for him he came back avni look at him and he smiles to see her and went to sit on the bed he was drying his hairs and wince because of neck pain avni saw that she think and came to him she wipes his hairs he look at her then he look down and smiles she set his hairs with her hand and he was looking at her he really wanted to take her in his embrace but he can't do this because he don't want to take any risk.

Avni: done you sit here and I am going to bring breakfast.

Neil: ok.

Avni went Neil smiles.

Soon avni came back with a bowl of soup Neil saw that he don't like Soup but how he refuse avni she made it so he smiles and takes bowl from her.

Neil: you had breakfast?

Avni nods no.

Neil: then?

Avni: you have this I will have breakfast later.

Neil: why later have it right now go and bring it otherwise I will go.

Avni: no no you sit here I will have it in kitchen.

Neil: why in kitchen what you made?

Avni was looking at him she think.

Neil: avni.

She look at him but didn't said anything.

Neil: avni I am asking something?

Avni: I I made sa sandwich.

Neil understand she is lying.

Neil: really?

Avni nods.

Neil: ok I also want that please bring one for me.

Avni shocked.

Avni: no that that is not good for you.

Neil: ok then I am going to get that.

He was about to get up.

Avni: st stop.

Neil look at her.

Neil: then bring one sandwich for me.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: what happened when you don't know lying then why you are lying.

Avni look at him.

Neil: I know you don't made sandwich.

Avni looks down.

Avni: actually I made soup for both of us.

Neil: why?

No answer.

Neil: because I will feel bad.

Avni remain silent.

Neil: because I don't like Soup and I want to eat that. That's why you made soup for yourself also.

Avni nods Neil smiles.

Neil: wifey you don't need to do that.

Avni: you don't eat that so how can I eat?

Neil smiles he feels so happy that avni cares about him.

Neil: so sweet of you wifey thank you so much now go and bring soup for yourself we will have it together.

Avni nods and went then they had the breakfast.

Avni: at 10 am we will go to the hospital.

Neil: avni please no not hospital I am fine now.

Avni: but.

Neil: see I am not going to office today and this all happen because of work load and sprain. I will feel better if I take rest please no hospital please please.

Avni: ok but if again you have fever then we will go.

Neil: ok promise.

Avni smiles she picks the vessels and went then she came back.

Neil: avni take some rest you didn't sleep well last night so sleep now.

Avni: you also take rest.

Neil: ok.

They lays avni sleeps Neil slowly turn his side by holding his neck he feels pain but he adjust the pillows and get relief he was looking at avni and admires her.

The whole day Neil spend at home avni didn't talk much but he find the reasons to talk to her after two days family came back and Neil was fine now his pain was much better.

All were sitting in the hall and Bebe was coming downstairs and her leg slipped she rolls from some stairs avni was standing and Neil was sitting by holding the cup in his hand they turns.

Shweta: bebe.

Neil keeps the cup on the table and all runs to stairs and shocked Neil sit and keep bebe's head in his lap.

Neil: bebe bebe bebe open your eyes pa papa call the ambulance.

Prakash nodes and Neil cries his family is everything for him then he picks her in his arms and take her out side all went to the hospital and doctor and other stuff took bebe to the emergency room all were tensed because she is old and a small wound is dangerous for her Neil was crying and avni feels bad to see him prakash console Neil.

After sometime doctor came out.

Neil: doc doctor how's she how is my bebe.

Dr: relax mr khanna she is fine thankfully injury is Minor but we have to keep her under observation for 24 hours don't worry everything will be fine.

Neil and all took a deep breathe.

Neil: thank you doctor.

Doctor nods and went.

Prakash: Neil you go home with Shweta and avni I am here.

Neil: but papa.

Prakash: Neil you are not fully cured still you have neck pain so go home.

Neil: bu.

Prakash: Neil go if I need any help I will call you.

Neil sighs.

Neil: ok but call me if you need any help.

Prakash: yes my son now go.

Neil nods.

It is time of night Neil came in the room where avni was waiting for him he look at avni and went to sit on the bed he was very disturbed the thing that what if something happened to bebe is hunting him avni was looking at him she think and went to him she slowly keep the hand on his shoulder Neil look at her avni shocked to see him his eyes are teary. the Neil she know is very strong but she don't know that his family is his strength and weakness also Neil couldn't hold himself he hugs her wait avni shocked she look at him and think she feels he is crying she keep one hand on his shoulder and other on his head she was caressing his hairs and they were crying.

Neil: avni bebe my bebe.

Avni: relax Neil nothing will happen to her doctor said she is fine so relax she will come back home soon.

Neil look at her she was still hugging her .

Neil: really?

Avni nods he was looking at her then  again keep his head on her stomach.

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