Experiencing the lover's life

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Chapter 97:

When our day starts by seeing the face of our loved one, When it spend by thinking about that special person, When it ends by adoring the most lovable person, then living without that person for a second will be next to impossible.

The same condition is of Neil: his day starts with Avni and ends with Avni even it spends his day by thinking about Avni in short his life revolves around Avni but now Avni is far away from him and he is feeling like a major part of his life is missing, an important part of his body is missing, he is feeling void and emptiness in his life, he feels his heart heavy, he is missing her badly and he knows that he is feeling all this because his Avni is not beside him as he is habitual of sleeping by adoring her.

Neil was sitting by resting his back to the bed and looking at Avni's picture on his phone, and caress it with his thumb, he sighs.

Neil: you sleep by wearing my jacket but what I do, hmm. I am missing you Avni, in these last few days we come really close to each other and now I can't live without you. You said we are soulmates but you know what I am thinking right now I am thinking, now you became a part of my soul.

Neil stopped for a few second.

Neil: I don't know how, when it happened. I never thought that I would love someone with this intensity, deeply; but It happened. Now, now my life revolves around you. The whole day I think did Avni eat, is she fine, I should do this, that, I.

Neil stopped and frown then he shocks Neil gets up with a jerk

Neil: oh no.

Neil holds his head.

Neil: how can I forget that?

Neil was worried.

Neil: what if again, Avni again get those nightmares. Usually, I was with her and handle her, but now she is alone. What if she again gets those nightmares then who will handle her; console her; I know, how to handle her because we lives together but there, she is alone there what will she do?

Neil gets angry with himself.

Neil: how can you do this?

Neil was worried and angry with himself then his phone beeps and he picked in phone from his lap and he only noticed Avni's number and the fear engulfed him.

Neil: Avni.

Neil opens the message and reads it then a smile appeared on his face.

Neil reads: don't think too much about me, I woke up because of hiccups.

Neil smiled.

Neil replied: you awake?

On the other side, avni was sitting on the bed and smiles to see Neil's message.

Avni replied: yes, you disturbed my sleep.

Neil smiles.

Neil: how?

Avni: because you are thinking about me.

Neil smiles and calls her, Avni's phone rings and she saw Neil's number and received it. Neil was about to say but he stopped, sometimes the emotions were so strong that we don't find the words to say. Both were silent and Neil rests his back on the bed and Avni hold her wrist and she was emotional. After sometime.

Neil: Avni!

Avni: hmm!

Neil: nothing.

Avni smiles slightly.

Avni: then why you called.

Neil: don't know.

Avni smiles.

Avni: so, should I cut the call.

Neil: no.

Avni smiled.

Avni: you are not talking and not letting me cut the call then what we do?

Neil: ok so tell me honestly, I awoke you?

Avni smiled at his question.

Avni: no, actually.

Avni stopped.

Neil: actually? What actually?

Avni blushed.

Neil: Avni?

Avni: ac, actually, actually I was sleeping and I turned my side and, a, and.

Neil smiled.

Neil: and?

Avni was feeling shy.

Neil: and what?

Avni: and I woke up because I was thirsty.

Avni said that In one go and cuts the call she was blushing hurt. On the other side, Neil saw she cuts the call, he smiled and write liar and send. He smiled.

Avni's phone beeps, she saw Neil's message and smiles and still was blushing she thinks.


Avni was in deep sleep then she turned her face and now she is habitual of Neil and his warmth so she moved close to the centre of the bed and tried to find Neil, she was moving her hand but how she find him when Neil is not there, Avni frown with closed eyes and open them, she saw Neil is not there, first, she was confused then she looked around and realised she is in his room and that's it she start missing Neil.

Avni turned her face and saw the phone on the side table she picked it and saw the time, it was 12:30 am. Avni thinks and gets up, she saw Neil is online but she didn't saw the picture which Neela maa send to Neil because Neela maa delete that so Avni thought to message him as she was badly missing him, first she typed but erased that, again typed and erased, she shook her head and close her eyes and took a deep breath after thinking for some time finally she sends the message and was smiling.

Flashback ends.

Avni was thinking and smiling she send a good night message to Neil and Neil saw that he smiled and understand she is feeling shy so he replied good night and again forget about Avni's fear. Avni saw the message and hit the phone on her head and smiled.

Avni laid down and caressed her arms because she was wearing Neil's jacket and close her eyes. On the other side, Neil also laid and Avni's picture frame was in his hand, he hugged that frame and smiled. Neil closed his eyes and a smile was sticked on his face the same condition was of Avni she was also smiling in sleep. Now any nightmare can never scare her, can never come close to her because her eyes learned to saw dreams.

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