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Chapter 16:

Neil went to khanna mansion where he saw shweta was standing there and waiting for him neil widen his eyes to see her she raise her eye brows Neil also raise hi eyebrows.

Neil: what?

Shweta: now tell me why you send me the message to change the shopping timing.

Neil look at her.


Nm: avni I have to join Shweta for the shopping so can you go with Neil.

Avni look at her neil look at avni and he understand she don't want to go with him he take out his phone and turns he send the text to Shweta and asked her to change the plan of shopping to evening he writes.

Neil: mom call neela aunty and say you will go for shopping in evening please I will tell you the reason later please.

Fortunately Shweta saw the message because she was going to the car and phone was in her hand so without any questions she dial neela maa's number.

Neil keep his phone in his pocket and look at avni Neela maa's phone rings.

Flashback ends.

Shweta: now tell me why you asked me to do that.

Neil: actually mom I was with them.

Shweta: yaa neela told me that she also said that I told you to bring avni with you to buy the ring for the engagement when I told you.

Neil shocked.

Neil: when you talked to her.

Shweta: 5 minutes ago she called me and asked about the shopping plan.

Neil: did you tell her the truth that you won't send me.

Shweta: no.

Neil took a deep breathe.

Shweta: but what are you up to atleast tell me.

Neil: moom actually I I.

Shweta: I what?

Neil: mom as we decided to not do the engagement so I thought to give her the engagment ring atleast.

Shweta: ok I agreed but why you bought ring for yourself.

Neil shocked.

Neil: mom I planned something.

Shweta: tillu now what you planned?

Neil told her everything.

Shweta: now what is this tillu we are living in 21st century and you are still thinking like 90s even before that.

Neil: please mom talk to aunty about it.

Shweta sighs.

Shweta: ok I will happy now.

Neil smiles.

Neil: very happy thank you so much one more thing.

Shweta: now what?

Neil: don't tell aunty or anyone else that you didn't send me there.

Shweta smiles.

Shweta: ok.

Neil hugs her.

Neil: thank you you are the best mom.

Shweta: stop buttering me enough for today.

Neil smiles and break the hug Shweta caress his face and smiles to see him happy.

On the other side avni bring Jerry and rocky to her room and plays with them she sits on her knees and caress their furs then she think.

Avni: Neil is allergic from dogs then how I will bring them there they won't allow them.

Avni look at them neela maa comes there and saw avni's teary eyes and sits besides her.

Nm: what happened avni?

Avni: mamma after marriage I will go from here then who will take care of them.

Nm: aww my baby don't worry I will take care of them.

Avni: how you even don't let them come inside.

Nm: but from now I will not prohibit them ok.

Avni: really?

Neela smiles.

Nm: yes.

Avni smiles and hugs her neela maa smiles.

At night Neil was sitting in his room and smiles.

Neil: tomorrow is our roka I am so happy I know you agreed for this marriage for your family but I promise avni I will fill your life with full of happiness and I also know you are hiding something from all and I will find out about it but before that I have to win your trust so that you can tell me about that secret your own.

Neil thinks.

In mehta house avni was standing near the window.

Avni's pov:

Avni: tomorrow is my roka and I am less interested in it It might be a big day for other girls if that thing didn't happen to me then may be it will for me also but that day I lost trust on other even I lost trust on myself I don't know what I am doing now what I am doing is right or wrong my decision is right or wrong I am totally blank a emotionless person I even don't know about Neil my heart is saying Neil is nice guy he saved me even after rejected by me he talked to me nicely but my mind is saying it's all is a drama how can someone be so good and kind he is like others wearing the mask of being good I don't know whether my heart is right or my mind but I have to marry him for my family my mamma now let's see what is written in my fate.

Avni's pov ends She look at the sky then she hears neela maa calls her name.

Nm: avni.

Avni turns and smiles.

Avni: mamma you do you want something.

Nm: no I came to talk to you.

Avni: yes say mamma.

Nm: first come and sit here.

Avni nodes yes she went to bed they sit on it.

Nm: avni as you know tomorrow is your roka and soon the date of marriage will fixed also and you will start a new life a new journey where you will called as Mrs avni neil khanna you will become the daughter in law of khanna family avni marriage will not happen between two peoples only it connects two families and also bring alot of responsibilities many new relations will made like wife daughter in law sister in law aunty and many more and it's our responsibility to handle all the relations with calm and patience avni your relation will not be only with Neil but also with his family you have to accept them as your famliy his mother will be your mother his father will be your father his grand mother will be your grand mother so you have to give respect to all the relations and I know my daughter she know the value of relations and also know how to handle them.

Avni smiles.

Nm: and about Neil avni he is your would be husband soon you both will tie in the knot of marriage and husband and wife's relation should be strong and it is on them that what they want to make it the strongest and
understandable or weak one avni trust and love both are important in any relation and understanding too I know Neil he will fill your life with happiness but you have to be with him in every situation you have to become his strength in touch time avni I am saying all this to you because you are going to start the new life and as a mother it's my responsibility to make you ready for your upcoming life and I know my daughter she is strong but she reserved herself avni I know you agreed for this marriage for us but avni Neil must have some expectations from this marriage and he have some dreams about his marriage and also of after marriage life avni don't punish him for loving you try to come out of your comfort zone he is doing so many things for you he always tried to make you comfortable you also have some responsibilities towards this relation try to interact with him as you have to live with him the whole life. he didn't say anything that doesn't mean he don't want to talk to you I know It is difficult for you but you have to break the silence hmm.

Avni nodes yes.

Nm: good now sleep because it's a big day for you tomorrow good night.

Avni: good night.

She went avni thinks.

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